Second quick post -- on current journalism

Sep 17, 2004 22:19

Bill Moyers is retiring from journalism at the end of the year, but he's going out with a swan song -- or a phoenix fire. I think he's hoping for more fire-proof journalists. The article can be found here. ltlj, stakebait, calligrafiti, I think y'all might want to see this.

politics, media

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Comments 9

eponin10 September 17 2004, 20:31:29 UTC
I don't think there are words for that.


gryphonrhi September 17 2004, 20:32:27 UTC
No. Neither do I. It's even more appalling than I thought. hence the icon used.


technoshaman September 18 2004, 00:02:33 UTC
Not sure exactly what you're getting at here....


gryphonrhi September 18 2004, 02:01:14 UTC
That I've been unhappy enough about the decline of radio stations over the last ten years, and I'm equally unhappy to see that some of the professionals agree with me that there is an environment of suppression of information and investigation.


ltlj September 18 2004, 06:02:56 UTC

It doesn't surprise me, but it does scare the hell out of me.


gryphonrhi September 18 2004, 07:10:22 UTC
I was hoping I had geezer syndrome, honestly. You know: "Everything was better when I was younger"? Apparently not. Damn.


technoshaman September 18 2004, 08:13:50 UTC
Not everything was better. There is more acceptance of us weirdoes than there has been since 300CE, and we have faster ways to talk to more people with different ideas than ever before. Our world (cyberspace) knows no boundaries. And that same community has learned to share, and has cultivated an ethic of sharing on a scale previously unknown.

IT WAS the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way
-- Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, speaking of 1775 (of all years)

De ja vu all over again, eh?


calligrafiti September 18 2004, 10:08:41 UTC
Thank you for the link. I'll miss Moyers', and I hope he's right about the rise of blogs helping to contain the corporate control of paid journalism.


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