Comics!fic: Intervention

Dec 13, 2012 23:38

Title: Intervention
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Illyria and Eldre Koh stage an intervention.  2,400 words.
A/N: This is my seasonal_spuffy ficlet, posted and written just under the wire, so I apologize if it’s a bit sloppy.  This is a comics!fic, but as I’ve only read one issue (the first Billy issue) since #10 (when Spike left), its adherence to comics!canon is liberal ( Read more... )

btvs, spuffy, comics, fanfic, s9

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Comments 30

rahirah December 14 2012, 04:53:40 UTC
They really need someone like Illyria to bash their heads together. *g*


gryfndor_godess December 14 2012, 04:55:58 UTC
She won't stand for mucking about in that river in Egypt. *g*


zanthinegirl December 14 2012, 05:22:42 UTC
Aww. I love them both, but they do really kind of need an intervention, don't they?

Great characterization of Buffy!


gryfndor_godess December 14 2012, 11:44:34 UTC
Thank you! I'm really you glad you liked her characterization; I wasn't sure I was getting it right because I was writing in such a hurry.


rebcake December 14 2012, 06:47:44 UTC
Oh, that Illyria and her pesky facts!

"Do you impugn my memory?”

“I’ll impugn all of you,” Buffy muttered.

Hee. I do enjoy Buffy facing the music. It's lovely that she backpedaled immediately every time she tried to deny the truth and saw that it hurt Spike's feelings. I think she could have pretty good luck with that honesty thing!


gryfndor_godess December 14 2012, 11:49:25 UTC
Yeah, I think honesty might work in her favor. Not that I think she's necessarily been dishonest with him in the actual comics- more like dishonest with herself. That river she's in seems pretty deep...

Thanks for reading! :)


Thursday December 13th 2012 livejournal December 14 2012, 07:07:55 UTC
User lynnylou referenced to your post from Thursday December 13th 2012 saying: [...] [Short Fiction] Intervention [...]


kerry_220 December 14 2012, 07:25:44 UTC
Ha. Elder Koh and Illyria sound like a great combination. Is that happening now? The comics have become a little forgettable of late.

Great intervention tho :)


gryfndor_godess December 14 2012, 11:47:04 UTC
I know they're on an upcoming cover together with Buffy, but 'm not sure what the extent of their interaction is. I believe Illyria will play a main role in the next issue, though don't quote me on that. Heh, 'forgettable' is right. While Spike's been gone, I've personally been trying not to pay attention to them...

Thanks! :)


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