Title: Track 27 - Christmas With Claire Fandom: LOST Rating: G Summary: Charlie and Claire spend Christmas on the island. Prompt; Charlie bringing Christmas to the island. Written for super_jj. xmas drabble #9
Charlie enthusiastically loving Claire's non rhyming acrostic. lol, You could totally imagine that happening on the show. They're a pair of dorks I swear/ Adorable and perfect together.
I also love the way you slipped in some Juliet/Jack/Kate/Sawyer drama. Very nice. ;)
ZOMG that was so cute & so perfect, I loved it. I think I would probably die if Charlie gave me his hoddie & Claire's poem was just TOO sweet. Really good - even if I read it like way after Christmas. It was awesome I loved the little part about Kate glaring at Juliet. The chruch was really a nice touch too. I just loved it!
Comments 17
Charlie enthusiastically loving Claire's non rhyming acrostic. lol, You could totally imagine that happening on the show. They're a pair of dorks I swear/ Adorable and perfect together.
I also love the way you slipped in some Juliet/Jack/Kate/Sawyer drama. Very nice. ;)
And of course I had to add in that drama. I can't get away from writing it, LOL.
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