Title: With Flower In Hand
Category: Fluff
Rating:: G
Summary: Parvati is suspicious when her boyfriend shows up to her flat with not a scowl, but a flower.
Parvati smiled as she opened the door of her flat. A tall, handsome man stood in the doorway, a smirk on his face. He looked unusually happy about something.
Parvati narrowed her eyes slightly. “Where is that scowl of yours that I know and love?” she asked, taking his face in her hands as if she was searching for said scowl.
“It’s on holiday.”
“Why would that be?”
“Are you going to let me in?”
Parvati dropped her hands from his face. “What’s the password?” she teased.
Zacharius held up a white flower. “Wouldn’t you rather have this?”
Parvati took the flower, astonished. “What,” she said, fingering the petals, “has gotten into you?”
“I’m simply building up momentum,” he said, stepping past her.
“For what?” she said, her tone suspicious as she looked up at him.
His blue eyes shined and he took Parvati’s hand in his, taking a deep breath.
“For when I ask you to marry me.”