Fandom: Bleach
Title: Pale Blue Eyes
Genre: Drama/Romance (that isn't particularly romantic)
Characters: Gin, with a side of Matsumoto and Aizen (some dark Gin/Ran)
Spoilers: Turn Back the Pendulum
Rated: R
Summary: Slices of Gin Ichimaru's life, from the rough and tumbling days of Rukongai to the cold halls of Aizen's palace
Life is a collection of meetings and partings )
Comments 2
I like 'VII'. Hadn't clicked before, but I'm sure that having another 'tensai' follow so closely behind him irked Gin to some degree. ^.~
As soon as I saw Turn Back the Pendulum, it occurred to me why Gin mocked Hitsugaya's 'legendary' achievements.
At any rate, thank you for the praise. I appreciate it.
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