If there's one thing about LJ (and Dreamwidth) that bug, is lack of configurable options. Seriously.
Okay, cool, FOAF networking even limited to one site is worth something but you end up with a lot of rubbish. For example (and consider this a test of embedded LJ usernames since I'm posting from DW), I like to read
korenwolf's stuff about being politically
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Which is why the bulk of that has been moved off into a separate filter and the bigger dumps onto a completely separate blog :)
I just think it'd be better for all concerned not to deal with multiple platforms for journal-style entries and to allow readers to filter rather than placing the onus for that on the content-provider (which is, in this example, you).
That's not to say it's not a good idea, but you've got to have both. Just like DW were clever and separated the Follow from the Show lists, you should have allow filters on what you posts (essentially FOAF collections) as well as what you read.
I have the option to make some tags invite-only, or with-permission-only
is really pushing the notion of "tag" too far.
tag = classify content for client
filter = limit client access
You can have a filter "People I tell everything" and put your most intimate thoughts about sex, labour and blood wurst there. That's you limiting who's got access.
You can still tag an unfiltered post "sex", if you think it can be left open to all.
Access and tagging are orthogonal activities.
Also, people get a blanket "read all" option by default and can opt-out of tags rather than in. They can clear all and then opt-in to those they're interested in. If you have no tags and continually post dross, expect to be dropped from many aggregations.
Makes sense to me!
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