Well, the contest is over, and as expected, I now feel slightly ill, like when you decide to have a burrito and a chocolate shake for lunch, and then go for a five-mile run. I'm sure you know what I mean.
However, I think my intestinal difficulties were worth it, for the FTBG Picture Contest was a huge success, with record numbers submitting
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Comments 31
lonfiction wrote:
Oct. 7th, 2009 03:43 am (UTC)
All good news!
Thanks for working so hard to share this story with us.
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I know, I know, he did mention that those dates were hopes and nothing definitive... but I used to believe that if he could realistically hope to be finished by a particular date, then even if he missed that date, he would probably finish within a few months (or even half a year), right?
As it turned out, I was well and truly wrong.
- Krafus
Ok Liotta .... I'm waiting for your analysis of Gorgester's newest post on the mess that has become ADWD...
He mentions that he done with 1100 MS pages & that he's has got a lot more in "partials, fragments, and roughs". What he doesn't say is that he's very averse to publishing any of it.
And also he's trying to finish it before he hits ASOS page count, another hope en-route to previous "High hopes". WTF is this Meereenese knot that is vexing him, I mean c'mon isn't he a writer, can't he just think it through???
Pesci ... I'm looking forward to another jab post. Btw he's also put in another post detailing all the hassle he has to undergo on route to the shootings in Ireland & Morocco , well here's a thought Doritto dude ... DONT GO & FINISH THAT DAMNED BOOK.
In the end theres also a plug to buy his boooks before he leaves as the pawn shop is gonna be closed untill thnaksgiving, what a cheap ass!
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