Re-Read Time!

Mar 03, 2017 15:05

The Wild Cards Re-Read has kicked off over at

First up: book one, WILD CARDS. That makes sense.

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tor, wild cards, reading

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Comments 7

I'll re-read but... ext_3785402 March 3 2017, 22:34:59 UTC
I don't think I am ready to see the Jolson Story.


1991 - 2006 ebooks? timegentleman March 4 2017, 08:48:48 UTC
I'm just working through the novels for the first time myself, and loving them!
It seems that none of the books released from '91 to '06 are available anywhere, though. Is there any chance or news of these getting e-books or even reprints?


RE: 1991 - 2006 ebooks? grrm March 4 2017, 16:56:51 UTC
Eventually we hope to reissue all of them, but it is a slow process, a book or two a year.


Re: 1991 - 2006 ebooks? timegentleman March 5 2017, 12:07:19 UTC
Good to hear, thanks!


Looking forward to joining the fun ext_3309641 March 4 2017, 20:11:36 UTC
I was a fan of Wild Cards from the first release of the first book but got sidetracked after book 6 or 7 due to my college workload. I've been faithfully buying them as they come out, but the more I had to read, the more intimidating it was to start getting caught up. I'm using this reread as an excuse to finally read that backlog of books, and I really enjoyed rereading the first one. I posted my thoughts on their page.


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grrm March 6 2017, 01:38:57 UTC
I hope you enjoy them.

I am not actually on either facebook or twitter. Those pages are maintained by my minions. LiveJournal is the only place I ever visit personally.


Think I'll Return To Wild Cards sidctinsley March 6 2017, 19:40:49 UTC
I bought the first three volumes with some of my birthday money last year. I got through half of the first volume, and then got distracted by some of my other books. I found it somewhat difficult to get used to the changes in writing style from chapter to chapter, so reading through really is like treating each story as a brand new thing. Mr. Martin, does the editing process for anthology works like this include trying to consolidate the differing styles of all the writers? I always wondered how that worked.


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