Miniatures Are Coming

Jan 01, 2013 21:00

Welcome to 2013. everyone. Hope you're all not too hungover this morning ( Read more... )

miniatures, dark sword

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Comments 16

Margaery is smokin'.. jetsfan1971 January 4 2013, 10:30:06 UTC
I'm agog - 0.0 - surprised and pleased to the they captured the hotness of the babe Tyrell. May have to bust open the piggy bank for this one.


amazing ext_1582113 January 7 2013, 02:04:20 UTC
Hi martin, i am your italian fan :D but this is soo expensive
...the books, posters and now the miniatures eheh... it is ok i will find an other job ;)


Miniatures gracht January 7 2013, 10:14:43 UTC
The minute artistry is exquisite: skintone, eyes, folds, textures. BTW if I was your next Con rep, I'd present you with: replica of your 'mini-me' costume to wear, 'tail' of guards, (handy to form an arrowhead to the bar - maybe two 'NY Giants', as some must be job-hunting - or the BWB would suffice), banners, sigilled shields & full length velvet/vair trim, cloaked gown for the Lady Martin, all in matching colours & sigils! You'd make quite an entrance! Well, I am sure you always DO make quite an entrance. Oh.. thought.. Cons must arrange this kind of fun for you as a matter of course? Just googled 'vair' to discover it is 'heraldic patches of squirrel fur' (who knew?).... so that would be a 'faux vair fur' then. Try saying that quickly after a few bheers!


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