He's adorable! I love it when they stick their entire heads under water to look around. Have you ever set up a tub full of water and put some ping-pong balls in it? The mess is well worth the entertainment value.
You know, I should send you my ping-pong ball gun. My ferrets loved it and it's just collecting dust now.
Frances Sofia is just being a baby. I've never known a cat, even a ferret loving cat, who will stick around if things were too out of hand.
I used to do it a lot when I had all of the rescue ferrets living with me (almost 20 total between fosters and my permenant crew). There seemed to be something irrisistible about the floating balls and toys in the water. I guess dunking your head is different than getting you body wet to a weasel. ;)
As in everything else, you should heed Hoover. Although with a baby around I'm not so sure. They can be a bit nippy (which sounds far less painful than it is) until properly trained.
Comments 11
You know, I should send you my ping-pong ball gun. My ferrets loved it and it's just collecting dust now.
Frances Sofia is just being a baby. I've never known a cat, even a ferret loving cat, who will stick around if things were too out of hand.
I think she is too. We like how it's giving her some exercise though. (Tery thinks she's getting fat. I think she's just fluffy)
I've never had a ferret. Hoover raves about their merits every time we see one in a pet store, though. Maybe someday!
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