Old books exert a strange fascination...

Sep 19, 2014 17:38

While looking for some old photo yesterday, I came across another photo I had snapped while on the 2013 Vancon location tour.   I'd forgotten about it.  It literally was taken from the window of the bus as we drove by.  Lucky shot mostly.  (Click on the image below to see full version.)

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rl, photography journal 2014, photography journal

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Comments 4

fufaraw September 20 2014, 02:05:27 UTC
You're right. New books have a distinctive, wonderful smell. But old books--mmmm. There's a scientific reason for the scent--a breakdown of old glue and ageing cloth covers and paper fibers and the scents they release. But I prefer to think of it as the scents of the places the stories between the covers are set, from fabled fairy tales and historic chronicles to biographies of explorers, tales of marine biologists and photographers, mountain climbers, cavers. That scent helps to lure us into tales and places the world over--and even into space.

And it does seem sad that used bookstores--and actual library hard copies--are declining in favor of digital copies. You can't smell a Kindle--well, you can, but it's just not the same!


growyourwings September 21 2014, 17:33:13 UTC
A good friend told me that the ADD that I experience now where I can't sit still long enough to read a book on my Kindle is due to just that, the Kindle. She said she had read that the fact you are holding and touching a book (feeling it, even smelling it) engages more of your senses and tends to keep you reading longer.

I love books. I switched to electronic books years ago. I'm tempted to switch back.


el1ie September 21 2014, 12:26:31 UTC
Such a lovely photo, evocative of times past and treasures yet to uncover.


growyourwings September 21 2014, 17:31:16 UTC
What a great turn of phrase.

Thank you!


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