BurCon 2012 :: Jensen Favorites (WIP)

Jun 13, 2012 22:50

My creative-foo has returned somewhat (thank goodness).

I'm determined to FINALLY use some of my own photos for folks to sign at Vancon.   All these years and I've never done that.   I've never had the Js sign anything that is Jared or Jensen.  I've always used only Sam or Dean.   Part of it is that I can never find a photo I'd want them to sign ( Read more... )

spn, spn autographs, spn cons, spn con favorite photos, spn vancon 2012, spn my cons, spn burcon 2012, spn la con 2012

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Comments 15

mrsr58 June 14 2012, 14:33:14 UTC
very nice!
i like the warmer tones but then, that's me. lol


growyourwings June 14 2012, 18:46:21 UTC

I keep changing my mind. Last night I didn't much care for the warmer one even though I recognized they were likely more color appropriate. This morning my first reaction to them was very positive. Will likely change my mind xxx times again. ;-P


mrsr58 June 14 2012, 19:35:56 UTC
:D:D:D i could tell you lean more towards the cool tones (most of your con photos are that way).
don't look at them too much or you'll never decide! xp


growyourwings June 15 2012, 01:09:55 UTC
It's weird how I always go more cool. Of course generally I like cool over warm - so perhaps that's it. Even though the warmer tones are more people-appropriate. I always make sure the photos I do for others have appropriate warm tones.

This is just the first photo I landed on that caught my eye. It may take me forever to make up my mind (if I ever do.)


trailer_queen June 14 2012, 15:12:53 UTC


growyourwings June 15 2012, 01:10:06 UTC


sdw13 June 15 2012, 01:26:26 UTC
Wonderful photos! I like the blue tint one too.


growyourwings June 15 2012, 02:43:13 UTC


runedgirl June 15 2012, 02:28:32 UTC
Difficult to choose between them when they're both so GORGEOUS!!! :) I think I slightly prefer the warm colors, if only for his hair. This is a great idea - you should show off your amazing photography!


growyourwings June 15 2012, 02:42:51 UTC
Thanks ( ... )


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