BurCon 2012 :: Louden Swain (with Rob Benedict)

Mar 11, 2012 15:41

Photos of Louden Swain concert on Friday night.

It was very dark in the convention theater for both this and for the karoake that followed.  Since I was determined to not use flash at all during this convention, I had to turn up the ISO to at least 1600 to get most of these shots.  Considering the high ISO I am very happy with the results.  I even snapped a couple shots of Chris, the convention photographer, who was also taking photos of Louden Swain.

Note:  Photos can be used for fandom purposes.  Watermark is to prevent commercial use.

above and directly below :: When I spotted Chris, the convention photographer taking some shots I had to snap him as well.   He's using a Canon 1D with, I believe, the 24-70L 2.8 lens.   During one of the photo ops Chris was seated by his Mac and had his camera on the table next to him when I was in front of that table.   I asked him what lens he was using for the photo ops and he turned the camera around so I could see.   :)


spn my cons, spn, spn cons, spn burcon 2012, spn la con 2012

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