Vancon 2009 :: Photos of Sheraton Wall Center Hotel & Downtown

Jan 14, 2012 17:33


Still going through old Vancon photos.

These are from the first Vancon in August 2009.   I was too exhausted when we returned and after I'd posted all the panel photos, so I abandoned these for the most part.

They turned out to be perfect items to try some HDR tricks on.  And I LOVE how they turned out.

(click any to enlarge)

above :: the courtyard area in front of the convention hotel.

above :: the hotel - Sheraton Wall Center, I think is it's name (too lazy to go confirm right now.)

above :: very tall sucker, huh?  Ou room was overlooking this courtyard.  Wonderful view.

above :: the Houses of the Holy church across the street from the hotel.

above :: I can't remember!  I *think* this may be one side of the art museum - but I'm not sure.

above :: this is taken from the plaza area in front of the art museum.

above :: one of the fountains in the art museum plaza.

above :: hands down my favorite photo.  Click on it.  Love this.  How's that for high dynamic range?


spn, spn vanc con 2009, spn cons, photography journal 2009, spn my cons, photography journal 2012, photography journal, vancouver bc

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