Vancon 2010 :: Downtown Vancouver

Jan 14, 2012 11:32


Photos I took from our hotel window of downtown Vancouver.  I rediscovered these photos last night while I was looking for one particular shot.  At the time I took these photos I was very disappointed in them.   I had just purchased a lens before this con and was trying it out for the first time during the convention.  I was very disappointed in it's performance.

At the time I knew little to nothing about lenses and didn't realize I'd just purchased what was known as a "kit lens".  The relatively inexpensive lenses included with many camera bodies.  This was the Canon EF-S 18-55 f3.5-5.6 IS lens.   I also knew nothing about how to use my camera to achieve correct exposures.   So I never did anything with these photos.

Now I not only understand how to use aperture, focal length and shutter speed to get correct exposures, I know how to adjust for white balance and how to manipulate all those to achieve effects I'm after in specific lighting circumstances.   I'm really looking forward to the panels this year - not having to use my flash will be wonderful.

Plus I know how to use post processing to correct bad exposures.   These have been heavily post-processed to correct for all those mistakes back then.  I remember trying to correct them back in the day, but the white balance error totally kicked my butt.

However, I notice I didn't have to crop most of these.  I've always been pretty happy with my initial composition decisions.  Not that I'd really call them decisions back then - it was more instinct.

Having relooked at these, I'm considering taking out that lens and using it for a bit before LA.  The one lens my gear is now missing is a good quality wide angle.   I couldn't use this kit lens inside during any of the panels as it is not fast enough.  But outside it has definitely possibilities.   Still have either this or this or this on my next in line wish list however.

Okay, photo-geeking out rambling done.  On to the photos.  I can see doing housework today is receding.  I'm revisiting my location photos to see if I like those better now as well.

(click any to enlarge)

above :: the church used in Houses of the Holy

above :: love this shot.  EXCEPT - you can see the reflection of my t-shirt in the window.  :(    This was taken at dusk and I think I'd just woken up from a nap and our room was dark and the window was acting like a mirror.  I kept trying to move so I would not be reflected in the shots.   I believe this was Sunday night as it's my habit to crash after the last panel on Sunday while fickleone goes off with our friends to hang.  (btw, fickleone, I'm thinking of breaking that habit in LA - we'll see.  no promises.)

above :: the next morning I think.  Our check out day.  :(

above :: this image is white-balance corrected from the image above.  I can't decide which I prefer.

above :: my vertigo does not like this perspective.  which is why I didn't taken another shot to try to get better focus.   but my photographer eye loves it.

photography journal 2010, spn my cons, spn, spn vancon 2010, spn cons, photography journal 2012, photography journal

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