"when you're gone, i look for you and at least make an effort."

May 19, 2008 23:56

in researching both the film and the book for an academic paper (my english professor is AWESOME--instead of studying texts one would traditionally link with a first year university english lit class, he had us read hard core logo and then watch the movie in class. i'm sure you all know how this goes), i came across a huge selection of screen caps, many which i saved, figuring i'd put them to use later on. that being said, i don't own the caps that i've used.
i'm thinking over the course of the summer, i might make a few more--maybe some icons, i don't know. either way, tonight i looked at my desktop on my computer and decided it was time for a change.

idk.  i have it in three different sizes, because when i use the 1024 x  768, it was TOO large (at least on my screen--it cut off the bottom part) and with 800x600, it was too small and stretched weird.  i don't know, i do have a weird monitor.  anyway, the first one is the one i ended up using, it's like...900 x 675.  stretched, it fits nicely.  but really, that's neither here nor there.


THE WALLPAPER (1024 x 768)

 800 x 600                                                                        900 x 675


so...yeah :)  enjoy!

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