Hazing: a little Gil/Greg nonsense

Jun 09, 2005 18:03

Title: Hazing
Author: Jessica Spurlock (tyragreenstaff)
Pairing Grissom/Greg
Rating NC-17 for m/m sex, and coarse language
Challenge: None
Disclaimer: CSI is not owned by me, neither are the characters. I promise to replace any broken parts when I’m done playing with them.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Free time leads to idle minds.

Chapter One

It was quiet on the graveyard shift, had been all week. Maybe Crime took a holiday.

Grissom was on his way to the break room to raid Greg’s supply of coffee, when he heard laughter and loud music coming from the lab. The music was accompanied by loud off-key singing. “What now?”

Grissom entered the doorway to the lab, did a double take, then yelled. “What the hell is going on in here?”

Greg stopped his dance. He looked down over his shoulder at Grissom. Greg had been standing on the lab table, wearing only a red sequined thong and matching pasties, doing a bump and grind to “I Feel Pretty”. Nick and Warrick were leaning back against the counter, both laughing so hard there were tears in their eyes. Nick shut off the CD player.

Greg, seeing the fire of anger in Grissom’s eyes, quickly hopped down from the table, grabbed a nearby lab coat and covered himself with it. He darted over to where Nick and Warrick were standing and tried to collect himself.

“I can’t believe you guys! When is this going to stop?” Grissom fired at Nick and Warrick.

Greg flinched, and then tried to blend into the cabinets. ‘Oh shit, he’s really pissed’ he thought.

Warrick and Nick managed to stop giggling for a pause, but could not keep silly grins off their faces.

“First, it was the Lab drawers filled with bananas. Then the poetry recitation in a Toga, followed by the Marilyn Monroe get up…” Grissom reprimanded the three.

“Actually, the Marilyn Monroe thing was my idea.” Greg offered sheepishly, one hand raised as if Grissom was waiting to call on him. This got a fresh round of belly laughs from ‘Rick and Nick.

Grissom glared at them. “This hazing has got to stop. I know everyone is happy for Greg, him achieving his CSI 1 status, but come on.” Grissom changed his focus to Greg. “Get Dressed.” He looked back at Nick and ‘Rick. “In my office, NOW!”

Nick and ‘Rick parted, punched Greg playfully on the shoulder, and exchanged grins. Greg watched their retreating forms, looked to Grissom, who was watching him with curiosity. Without a word, Grissom turned on his heel and followed the other men to his office.

When Grissom reached his office he found Nick and ‘Rick seated on his couch. Grissom crossed to his desk, dropped the file folder on it, and sank heavily into his chair. He took a deep steadying breath, then started to laugh. Nick and Warrick soon joined in.

“You guys are being so mean to the little guy. Nick, oh my God, Pasties? Whose idea was the song?” Grissom asked between bouts of laughter.

Nick couldn’t have looked more pleased with himself. “I had a hard time keeping the ‘angry act’ going. He looked so absurd. What’s planned for tomorrow? Streaking? Body paint?” Grissom grinned at the two. He looked out the window and saw Greg, fully dressed and looking grim, heading towards the office. Grissom switched back to angry mode.

“I don’t want you two to ever harass another co-worker like that ever again, or it will go in your personnel files. Get back to work.” Grissom stopped yelling, crossed to the door and opened it, winking at Nick and ‘Rick.

“Come on in, Greg.” Grissom let Greg into the room before closing the door again. He returned to his chair before addressing Greg. Greg moved to a chair to sit across from Grissom.

“I don’t know how this whole thing got started, but it won’t continue. You have my apologies.” Grissom’s expression softened, then a small smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Greg couldn’t figure Grissom out. The man was so complex. He was the picture of professionalism. Greg just wanted to make this extraordinary man accept him, and all he could seem to do is act like a doofus. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, to erase the previous fifteen minutes from his mentor’s mind.

Grissom removed his glasses. “Was the Marilyn Monroe thing really your idea?” He smiled his angelic smile, trying to suppress laughter.

Greg was stunned. Grissom was laughing, smiling, all at something He had done. “I ..I …thought you were…m…m…mad…. at me” Greg stammered.

Grissom rose from his chair, came around the desk, and Greg stood up. Grissom took Greg into a light embrace, hugging him to his chest, placed a soft kiss on his head. “you looked so cute in that thong.” He ruffled Greg’s already mussed hair.

Greg was shocked into silence. ‘Cute, he thinks I’m cute!’ Greg thought with wonder. ‘God, this feels good.’ Greg put his arms around Grissom’s waist to hug him back. He looked up and saw that Grissom still had that half-assed smile on his face. Greg couldn’t control the urge he felt, so he leaned up a little more and softly kissed Grissom on the lips.

Greg felt more than heard Grissom’s quick, shocked gasp. Greg eased back and checked Grissom’s expression. Grissom gaped at him, jaw working, but no sound was coming out.

‘Oh SHIT, bad timing. Wrong, wrong, wrong! I’ve fucked up good this time.’ Greg thought with growing panic.

Greg withdrew from Grissom’s slack arms, the stammered “Well, gotta go, see ya!” Greg bolted for the door, and fumbled with the knob. ‘Oh, real cool, can’t even get the fucking door open.’ Greg’s panic was full blown.

“Greg?” Grissom’s voice was close, too close. He was right behind Greg. Greg braced himself for an attack. He felt Grissom’s hand on his shoulder. Greg turned to face him, eyes closed, waiting for the first of the blows that were sure to come.

After a moment had passed, Greg opened his eyes. Grissom hadn’t punched him. He stood waiting, watching Greg. He was close enough that Greg could smell the faint scent of his soap. Greg took a deep breath, leaning his back against the office door.

“Greg.” Grissom started again. Greg interrupted him.

“I’m sorry, Grissom. It won’t happen again. I’ll leave, find a new job, just don’t tell anyone. Don’t fire me, I’ll leave quietly….” Grissom cut him off with a finger pressed to Greg’s lips.

“Shhhh.” Grissom whispered, with that confused expression still on his face, now mixed with what Greg thought was wonder. “I don’t want you to quit, I’m not going to fire you.” Grissom took a half step forward and gathered Greg into his arms again. He cradled Greg’s head into his shoulder, stroking his wild hair, feeling Greg’s breath against the side of his neck. He held Greg like that for a while, until Greg calmed down. Greg lifted his head to look at Grissom again, and this time Grissom kissed him.

Greg felt like he’d put his finger in a light socket. ‘WOW, Grissom is one hell of a kisser, when he’s not caught off guard.’ The older man was beyond skilled. When Greg parted his lips, Grissom took advantage of the change, and darted his tongue into the space to taste Greg’s willing mouth. Greg pulled Grissom close to him and put his hands on Grissom’s hips. Greg held Grissom against him while he ground his pelvis into Grissom’s crotch. Greg noted that Grissom was aroused and quite generously endowed.

“Whoa,” Grissom stepped back a little “this is not the time or place for this.” He gave Greg a reassuring smile, and then crossed over to his desk. He opened one of the drawers and pulled something out. He walked back to Greg and held the object up.

It was a key.

“Take this.” Grissom pressed the key into Greg’s palm, and then closed Greg’s fingers around it.

Greg looked at Grissom with wonder. “Wha?”

“Meet me at my place, after shift.” Grissom paused to think for a moment. “I have to run a few errands. When I return, we can decide what happens next.”

Greg didn’t know what was more powerful, the urge to grab Grissom, to run down the hall and pack his shit, or to dance and sing about how much this meant to him.

He settled for a quick peck on Grissom’s bearded cheek, and dashed out of the office. He returned to the lab, and glanced at the clock. ‘What to do?’ Greg worried his lower lip with his teeth. ‘do I stay here and pretend to be busy, or do I check out early, pack some shit at home and meet Griss; naked and ready; with a feather duster and a jar of Clover honey?’ He thought for a moment, bringing up the mental picture, followed by the look that Grissom would give him. ‘Maybe…..not’

Greg ended up leaving at the normal time, then he decided to run by the store to pick up some essentials. His nerves jangled. The key was burning a hole in his pocket. ‘No time like the present.’ He pointed his car in the direction of Grissom’s townhouse.

Chapter Two

Grissom’s car was in the drive, and Greg felt almost giddy with nervousness. He rang the bell, holding the bag of groceries and supplies. Grissom answered the door, smiled at Greg, then looked quizzically at the sack. “Moving in?” He asked wryly.

“I had to grab a few things at the store. Mind if I throw them in your fridge for a bit?” Greg hoped they’d be there all day….night….forever, but he wasn’t going to get his hopes up.

“Sure, no problem. I’ll make some room.” Greg followed Grissom into the efficiency kitchen, watching the bow-legged gait of his superior, his friend, and hopefully soon-to be-lover. He wondered for the millionth time, how Grissom had gotten that way. He felt like a puppy, following his master wherever he may lead.

Grissom bent over and rummaged around in the fridge, giving Greg an ample opportunity to appraise Grissom’s nicely rounded ass. Grissom straightened up and Greg pretended to be studying the nearby stack of Forensics Journals that were on the counter. He waited until Grissom had moved away from the fridge before he attempted to unload his burden. He waited for Grissom to leave the room, but he seemed content to lean up against the cabinet and observe while Greg put away his groceries.

Greg realized that he had no place to stash the condoms and lube, he didn’t want to push Grissom into doing what he didn’t think the older man was ready for. In a moment of panic, when Grissom approached him, he quickly tossed the remaining items in the Meat drawer; under the salami, behind the meat loaf, and next to the pepperoni; a thought that would have struck him as funny in another time and place, but at the moment escaped him. He idly wondered if Grissom ate like this a lot. Processed meats, sandwiches… quick food. Maybe that is what he needed to start eating, to gain a few pounds, Greg had always thought he was too skinny. Grissom’s body type was more like he’d like to be, ‘more cushion for the pushin’. Greg shoved the idea aside, stashing his supplies. He’d have to recover the items later if things didn’t progress as planned. He wouldn’t want Grissom to be making a snack or something later and find the objects by mistake.

Grissom stood on the other side of the open refrigerator door, watching Greg’s busy movements, admiring the bunch and play of muscles beneath Greg’s clothes. He wondered if Greg ever worked out, or if it was just his natural tendency to be a little hyper that kept his muscles so toned. His hands itched to touch Greg like he had earlier that day, and to get the chance to fully explore the fiery ball of energy that was his favorite lab boy. ‘CSI level 1’ he mentally corrected himself. Greg had fought long and hard to get out of the lab, and would get indignant when someone slipped and referred to him as Lab Boy. But in either case, his little Greggy had a world class body, and he wanted to taste every inch of it.

Greg stepped back, his treasure safely hidden beneath some roast beef, closing the fridge door, to discover Grissom observing him, deep in his own thoughts. Grissom seemed to snap out of his revelry, then gestured towards the living room with a nod of his head, hands thrust deeply into the pockets of his trousers.

‘Oh boy, he’s not in a talkative mood. What am I going to do? Maybe, he’s regretting our earlier encounter. This is not going to go well.’ Greg worried to himself.

Greg didn’t have to do anything. Grissom approached him, cupped his cheek with his right hand, and pulled Greg to him with the other. Greg looked deeply into the devastatingly blue eyes of his mentor, friend, boss, and idol. ‘Kiss me already, Damn it!’ Grissom seemed to hear his thoughts, pulling Greg in for a soft, teasing, exploratory kiss. Their lips and tongues met, curious at first, then hungry.

Greg wanted nothing more than this, this man, this time. He took a chance and buried his hands in Grissom’s hair, reveling in the soft, graying curls, kissing him for all that he was worth. He heard Grissom groan, or was it him?

“Greggy” Grissom uttered, liking the feel of the endearment on his tongue, seizing Greg’s buttocks with both hands and hauling him hard against him, effectually dry humping him, thrusting and grinding against Greg’s swollen cock. He was beyond thinking at this point, all he wanted was to have Greg naked and writhing for him.

“Which way?” Greg had never seen Grissom’s bedroom, maybe he would get his chance now. Grissom walked backward, still holding Greg, kissing, caressing, in the direction of the bedroom. When Grissom accidentally bumped into the doorjamb, they giggled nervously. He spun around and backed Greg up to the edge of the bed.

Greg landed on the mattress eliciting a protesting squeak from the springs. Grissom stood over him, looking at him with a half amused/ half hungry gleam in his eyes. He seemed to pause for a second before speaking. “Greg,” he began tentatively, a look of distress passed over his face, then he spoke again. “I don’t know what to do.” Grissom finished quietly.

Greg took his hand. “We’ll only go as far as you’re comfortable with. We have all the time in the world.”

Grissom looked almost relieved. Greg cherished this expression, Grissom was so adorable. He felt himself fall even harder for this gentle, intelligent, soft spoken man. He was looking forward to teaching him some new things, things that would make his toes curl and make him purr.

Greg kissed his knuckles, pulling him closer. Gazing into Grissom’s eyes, Greg reached for the soft fabric of the older man’s shirt and began tugging, to free it from the waistband of his pants. He asked softly, teasingly “Do you mind if I talk during…. I get real vocal.” Greg winked at him.

“God, no, make all the noise you want! I’m the talkative sort also.” Greg could hardly believe this, coming from the man who could and would carry on conversations with just his facial expressions and body language. Grissom talking during sex would be mind-blowing. Greg was looking forward to what he might say. Greg busied his hands with removing Grissom’s shirt, and tossing it across the room, before shimmying out of his own. He was thrilled to find that Grissom’s chest was hairless, taking the time to caress and tease the expanse with his hands before mapping the area with his lips and tongue.

Grissom shuddered as Greg’s thumbs thrummed across his nipples. He wanted to bury himself in Greg’s willing body, but he also didn’t want to miss any of the sensations that were involved with first time exploration. He wanted to test, to study. He looked forward to seeing what made Greg moan, scream, beg, cry out, what made him crazy, what drove him over the edge. Greg seemed to be on the same quest, as his teeth grazed the sensitive flesh of his nipple, causing Grissom to hiss in a breath. “Fuck!”

Greg leaned forward and kissed Grissom’s bare belly, while his hands worked to unfasten the belt, and lower zipper, pushing the pants down. Grissom stepped out of his slacks, and stood there in his socks and boxers. He reached for Greg. “Not fair, Greggo, you have way too many clothes on.” Greg quickly shed his shoes, pants and socks, only to hear Grissom’s strained breathing, and a soft chuckle. Greg was wearing the red sequined thong he’d been dancing in earlier. Grissom moaned. “Bad boy. I should have never told you that I liked you in that thing. I got an erection every time I thought of you wearing it. Made concentrating on work really difficult.”

“So that’s why you stayed in your office the rest of the night.” Greg winked at him again, pulling him down on top, loving the feel of Grissom pressing him into the mattress. They lay together, kissing, stroking each other, teasing, tormenting. Greg rolled Griss over onto his back, reaching for the waistband of his boxers.

Greg kissed each exposed inch of flesh, licking and stroking. Grissom whimpered as Greg loved him with his mouth, paying delicious attention to everything but what desperately needed that hot, wet mouth. Grissom couldn’t remember the last time he was this hard, this needy. He thrust his hips frantically, hoping Greg would take the hint, and suck his throbbing penis into that glorious mouth. Instead the little devil changed course and started placing soft, baby kisses to his upper thighs. “Tease!” Grissom exclaimed. He couldn’t repress his cry of passion when Greg took pity on him, taking him deep within his talented mouth. “Greg! God, Greg, that feels …..so…fucking….mmmmmmm”

Greg was thrilled at the sounds Griss was making, as he licked and sucked on his shaft, while massaging his balls. He hadn’t ever had his mouth on something quite this large, Grissom was very blessed. Greg feeling him tense up, backed off, giving him a gentle squeeze. Greg didn’t want it to end this quickly. He rose up over Grissom to devour his mouth with hot kisses. He liked the feel of Griss’s bearded cheek against his smooth one. ‘God, the man is sexy.’ Greg mused. He took a few more moments to love Grissom with his hands and mouth, down his neck, across his chest, abdomen, before returning to his engorged sex.

Greg lovingly laved Grissom with his tongue. “You know what? You taste absolutely amazing” Greg remarked, then took Grissom’s throbbing member back into his mouth.

Grissom couldn’t hold back any longer. He grabbed Greg’s head and thrust deeply into his mouth. “Oh Greg!” he screamed as he came apart. He rocked gently in Greg’s skillful mouth, “Oh Greg, I’m so close….I don’t want to come in your…..”

Greg doubled his efforts with hands and tongue. He felt Grissom’s body stiffen as he called out Greg’s name, and exploded. Greg swallowed all was given, feeling Grissom’s pulsing climax end; he used his tongue to clean up his softening shaft. Grissom hauled him up for a searing kiss.

Grissom was at a loss for words. He had never lost control like that before, but then again, he never had a naked Greggy sucking his cock before either. When he regained the ability to form words he softly sighed, “Oh my!”

Greg kissed him softly on the lips. “You are so amazing”. Grissom chuckled. He stroked Greg’s wild hair, now thoroughly sticking up, and whispered “No, you’re the amazing one.” He noticed Greg was still hard, unconsciously rubbing himself against his hip. “Oh, Greg. What about you?”

“I never thought you’d ask. Just take your time, I’ll show you what I like.” Greg kissed him hungrily, then flopped over onto his back, wiggling around against the sheet, feeling the fabric caressing his naked flesh. Just looking at him, Grissom felt a stirring in his crotch that shouldn’t have come back this soon. ‘Oh man, he’s going to fuck me to death. What a way to go!’ Griss rolled over to face the younger man. “And what is that, exactly?” He asked with right eyebrow raised.

Greg looked at Grissom’s still soft member longingly. “Nothing you’re ready for at this time, but there are plenty other things we can do. We’ll go slow.”

“What should I do?” Grissom asked softly.

“Whatever feels good to you. I’m open for suggestions.”

Grissom ran his fingertips along the curve of Greg’s lips and leaned down to caress them with his own. His fingers and hands explored, and his lips and beard teasing and ticking Greg’s smooth skin. He discovered, much to his delight, that Greggy was ticklish. He made Greg jump and squeal when his beard came in contact with Greg’s sensitive stomach. The squeals turned to moans when Greg felt Grissom’s breath on his aching cock. Greg watched, through half lidded eyes, as Grissom tentatively stuck the tip of his tongue out to taste Greg’s heated flesh.

First contact of that soft tongue, made Greg grab the Duvet cover. “Griss!” It was all he could do not to grab Grissom’s head and plunge himself in to the hilt. Tentative strokes turned into licks, turned into Grissom taking him fully into his mouth and sucking. His tongue kept stroking Greg’s sensitive flesh, while he applied steady suction, and soon Greg was moaning and screaming out. “Griss! AHHH! Fuck, that’s so good….”

Greg pulled Grissom off him. He didn’t expect the look of hurt he saw on Grissom’s face.

“Wasn’t Good? Do I give bad head?” Grissom looked worried. Greg couldn’t help smiling, he’d never seen Grissom look so uncertain, so unsure, so in need of approval.

“Oh no, you were great. I just didn’t think you were ready for me to come in your mouth yet. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Greg kissed him sweetly.

“But…I wanted to. I want to experience all there is to do.” Grissom insisted, before taking Greg back into his mouth. He tasted the salty taste of pre-ejaculate that had accumulated in the tip, decided he liked it, and went back for more.

It didn’t take long before Greg was unloading in his eager mouth, calling his name over and over again. “Griss, oh my god GRISS!” Greg cried out as he dug his hands into Grissom’s hair, as the older man greedily swallowed his essence.

When Greg was spent. Grissom looked back at his “handy work” He noticed the red marks his beard had left. “Sorry, Greggy. I guess I got a little carried away.” He said smugly.

Greg smiled up at him, sleepily. “You can get carried away any time you want”
Greg pulled Grissom down, curling into his side, to snuggle with him. Holding him close as they drifted of into a sated sleep.

Chapter Three.

Grissom awoke alone, sitting up in bed, He listened for any sign that Greg had not left him. Nothing out of the ordinary. ‘Did he leave?’ Grissom put his boxers back on and strode out to the kitchen. He found Greg there.

Greg was sitting on the counter eating a chocolate pudding cup. He had the lid off and was licking the chocolate from the cup. Grissom stood there in awe, watching as Greg used his tongue to delve into the cup and bring the creamy treat to his mouth.

Grissom’s mouth went dry and his sex stirred. ‘Damn! Watching him do that is making me hard again.’ Grissom remembered how that skillful tongue and the sensations it created on his cock a few hours ago, groaning as he became fully erect.

Greg heard the deep rumble and looked up at Grissom. He grinned as he took in the sight of the tent that Grissom was pitching.

“There are spoons, Greggo.” Grissom purred.

“I wasn’t going to disturb your sleep to ask where they were, and, besides, I do it this way a lot. It’s faster.” Greg dipped his tongue back into the pudding cup, making Grissom moan again. Grissom swallowed and tried to compose himself. But Greg was just not ready to stop.

“I can usually clean it out about halfway, and that’s not even going in hard, that’s easy. Then I squeeze it a little, and get my tongue all the way in there, to get at the rest.

Grissom shivered at the mental image that caused. He could imagine Greg doing the same to him. The thought was almost enough to make him take Greg right there on the counter top where he sat.

Greg finished the pudding cup and looked for the trash can. Grissom intercepted him on his way and kissed him, tongue darting in to taste the chocolate. Their tongues met and danced. Greg tasted like sin. Sweet. Hot.

Both men were fully aroused, and totally shaken by the heat of that chocolate flavored kiss. Greg broke the embrace long enough to whisper “You up for something else?” He grinded his cock against Grissom’s.

Grissom nodded mutely. Greg went back to the fridge. He dug out the condoms and lube from their hiding place. Grissom saw them and laughed. “That’s funny, I don’t remember ordering those from PeaPod. Strange sandwich toppings.” Grissom smirked.

Greg took Grissom’s hand with his free hand and led him back to the bedroom and Grissom’s infinitely comfortable California King sized bed. He sat on the edge and scooted back, pulling Grissom with him. He laid down on his back and pulled Grissom down on top of him. Greg was in the mood to play, and he showed Grissom that with hands and lips. Greg pulled back and looked deep within blue eyes filled with desire. “I want you inside me.”

The words Greg uttered caused Grissom to still. ‘Oh yes, sounds like heaven!’ Grissom thought, but those words did not pass his lips. “I’ve never done that” was what did come out. Grissom blushed a little, but was okay when he saw Greg’s slow smile.

“Don’t worry. I’ll walk you through it…. Well, not walk, but you know what I mean. It’s more like dancing, but not really that either…”

“Why do you keep doing that?” Grissom asked again.

“Because you make me nervous.” Greg replied, filling in their own personal joke. It was almost becoming a catch phrase. Greg was glad that Grissom could relax enough to have a little fun in bed. He liked that, liked it a lot.

Greg rolled Grissom onto his back. He took Grissom’s stiff member into his mouth. The size of him was a pleasant surprise. He was much larger than anyone that Greg had been with so far. Greg couldn’t wait to feel Grissom riding him into the mattress. Greg applied one of the condoms to Grissom’s erect cock, then he worked the length in his hand to make sure the condom was secure. He reached for the lube, spreading a generous amount on Grissom’s shaft.

Grissom hissed in a sharp breath. “Shit, that’s fucking cold!”

Greg looked down at Grissom amused, “I’m sorry, I left it in the fridge a bit too long. Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you.” He stroked Grissom’s shaft, warming up the lube with the heat from his hands.

Grissom was astonished at how quickly Greg had him wanting more. It was all he could do not to squirm his way off the bed. He summoned up the ability to talk, but it came out more like a tortured squeak. “How… How do you… want to do….this?” Grissom managed to stammer.

Greg thought a moment, never ceasing the slow stroking of Grissom’s cock. “I like it best when I’m on my back. I would like to look at you while we….you know. To see your face, to watch as you penetrate me……that is just fantastic.”

Grissom damn near came as the picture Greg painted flashed in his mind. ‘Shit! He’s going to get me off with only talking to me.’ “Ok” ‘please, please, please…hurry up’

Greg hopped off the bed, and disappeared for a minute. Grissom’s growl of frustration was heard throughout the townhouse. Greg reappeared with a towel. “In case we get messy, and we probably will.” Greg happily bounded across the room and flopped on the bed next to Grissom. Grissom made a mental note to buy a sturdier bed frame, cause Greggy was going to kill this one.

Greg spread out the towel and lay down on his back on top of it. Grissom gazed at the sight of him. Greg, all laid out for him, waiting for his pleasure. He softly brushed his lips across Greg’s, reveling in the tug of electricity that shot down his cock. “You look so hot, just waiting for me to fuck you.” Grissom growled, voice filled with need.

Greg parted his legs, raising one knee. Greg applied a generous amount of lube to his sensitive pucker, using a fingertip to rub some into the welcoming opening. Bliss registered on Greg’s face, as he took Grissom’s hand and used it to massage the lube in. Grissom probed the tight hole gently, not wanting to hurt Greg. Greg squirmed and tried to pull Grissom’s finger deeper.

“I can’t wait any longer…. I want you in me…Please, Do it now.” Greg was humping his hips up trying to get deeper contact with that probing digit.

Grissom pulled out his stilled finger, and knelt between Greg’s parted knees. He draped one of Greg’s legs over his shoulder, grabbed his aching cock with the other, brushing the head across Greg’s eager hole. “Yessssss!” Griss sighed as he pressed inward, hearing Greg’s answering hiss of pleasure. He felt Greg relax, and push back at him, then give him a little squeeze. Grissom thought he would have a massive coronary, and poor Greggy would be left to explain. He pushed the thought away with a chuckle, and gave into the impulse to thrust in to the hilt.

“Griss! Oh yeah….come on…..I’m ready. Fuck me… I need it so bad.”

Grissom withdrew and thrust again, amazed at the sound Greg made. So he did it again. Same sound. Kind of like a singing yelp. “Greggy, are you ok?”

“Yes….don’t stop. That was perfect”

“I thought I hurt you.” Grissom sounded unsure.

“You were stroking my prostate, it felt fucking fantastic”

Grissom repeated the movement, to hear Greg cry out again.

“Oh, keep doing that…aaah Fuck! I’m so close” Greg moaned

Grissom couldn’t hold back, Greg felt so good, he started to thrust with more speed and deeper. Greg’s mouth started uttering, cursing, sighing, and singing. Grissom only half heard Greg over the pounding of blood in his veins. So good, so good, so good.
He felt Greg’s hand slide between them and start a frantic stroking of his cock, while Grissom pounded into him.

Grissom opened his eyes to watch Greg stroke himself, and it pushed him over the edge. With a few well placed thrusts, he brought Greg over the edge with him. Grissom lost control of his ability to speak, and wailed out a string of nonsense words, and who knows what else. He came crashing back down to Earth hearing Greg’s shout of release echoing through his head: “Gil!!” ‘He called me Gil’ Grissom’s heart thudded in his chest.

“I love it when you call me ‘Gil’.” Grissom whispered in Greg’s ear, placing a soft kiss on the earlobe.

Greg happily kissed him and stroked his hair. “I can’t believe this. You’re phenomenal! Are you sure you haven’t done this before?” Greg teased him with a kiss to the tip of his nose.

Grissom chuckled, a satisfied, smug smile settled on his face. “We need to get cleaned up, before I’m permanently stuck to you.”

”You say that like it is a bad thing. I can’t imagine wanting to be stuck with anyone else.” Greg playfully punched him in the shoulder, then sighed. “If I thought I could stand, I’d suggest a shower, together, but that won’t happen for a while.

Grissom kissed him, smiling sweetly. “Just give me a minute and I’ll bring you back something.” Grissom slowly withdrew, Greg whimpered at the loss of the connection. As Grissom padded off, Greg took the chance to admire the man’s backside. He wondered idly if he’d ever gain entrance to Gil’s luscious bottom, but he’d be perfectly happy even if he didn’t.

Greg heard the toilet flush, followed by the sound of water being turned on. A few moments later, Gil reemerged with a washcloth and a fresh towel. He lovingly cleaned Greg, while Greg looked on adoringly. He liked the idea of a sponge bath, but his softened dick, would not stay that way for long if he kept this up. “Gil, you have a brilliant touch. But I want you to come back to bed, now.”

Grissom stilled at the comment, then smiled at the compliment. He placed his burden aside, sliding back in bed with his new-found lover. Greg snuggled up to him and whispered in his ear. “We should definitely do this more often.”

Grissom gathered him closer, delighted at having someone to hold, someone who cared. He drifted away, blissfully happy, warm body snuggling up to his side. In his dreams he heard the soft words from Greggy: “I love you, Gil. I always have.”

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