(no subject)

May 31, 2005 23:56

Title: It’s the Lab coat
Author: Superboyclex
Rating: R
Pairing: Gil/Greg
Genre: First time
Summary: Gil has a thing for Greg’s lab coat
Authors Note: This was a request fic from Welly. I hope it’s what you wanted O.o
Disclaimer: Same stuff, CSI and everything that goes with it does not belong to me.

There was only so much Gil Grissom could take and right now and the blaring whatever it was that Greg called music seemed to flow through the lab at an unbearable noise level. He stood from his desk peeking outside into the hall and the noise seemed to up a few more notches.

Jesus Christ what the hell was he listening to, how was he supposed to hear himself think with all that?

Shutting his office door behind him Gil set off towards the DNA lab passing by a few other workers giving him the ‘help us out here man’ look.

“Sanders! No Punk rock!” He shouted into the lab.

Greg looked up for a moment seeming to stop from his manic prancing about the room. He spotted his boss and he really didn’t look too happy at the moment.

“What about Black Flag?” Greg asked with a smile.

“Are you nuts?” Gil was headed to the source of the loud music and “Click”.

“There, now I can at least think clearly.” Gil started. “I mean Greg why do you do that?”

He had a hurt look on his face. “Do what?”

“Do this…” Gil pointed at the small stereo and then at Greg’s bright Hawaiian shirt underneath his lab coat. “Can’t you just listen to normal music and wear something a bit less noticeable?”

Greg looked down to his own chest. “What’s wrong with my choice in shirts?”

Gil pursed his lips but before he could speak Greg was behind the microscope his attention back to what he’d been analyzing before.

“Just keep the music at an intermediate level ok and stop putting that lab coat to shame.” Walking away form the DNA lab Gil was glad for the silence.

~One Week later~

“Ok, Gil what did you do to him?” Catherine and Nick asked in unison. Gil looked up from is paperwork to see the two CSI’s towering over him.

“Let me guess, you’re referring to Greg Sanders?”

The two of them nodded with blatant smiles. “He’s walking around like someone kicked his puppy and when we asked what was up he just shrugged and said nothing.” Catherine informed.

“And,” Nick began. “Have you noticed how quiet it’s been around here?”

“It’s nice.” Gil stated.

“Um, and what the heck’s with him wearing those shirts?”

Gil wasn’t really sure cause he hadn’t noticed much.

“They look like something from Hodges closet or maybe he raided a funeral home.”

“Whatever you did, it was rude man.” Nick shook his head then left.

“You have to fix this Gil, cause I can’t take much more of this Greg Sanders.” Catherine also made her way out into the hall leaving Gil to think about his lab tech.

He sat for a moment remembering how he had treated the man. Ranting about his music was one thing but telling Greg his shirts were terrible was a bit too far. Yeah now he felt like an ass. It wasn’t that hearing Greg’s music really bothered him and the shirts certainly never looked bad on Greg it’s just… well… ok he had no good reason for the way he had acted towards Greg. The only real problem here was the fact that he was a little bit obsessed about Greg in his shirts his lab coat to be exact. That was weird right?

Stepping back into the DNA lab Gil watched Greg for a moment as he busied himself with his work.

“Greg.” The other man looked up his hands fumbling with a test-tube.

“Oh, hey boss what can I do for you?”

What could Greg do for him? He could start by taking off those unpleasant clothes that he was responsible for.

“I need a word with you in my office.”

Greg followed just behind Grissom swallowing hard as he heard the door close behind him.


“Why are you dressing like this Greg?”

“What, but Grissom I thought this was how you wanted me to dress?” Greg managed to ask. He was pulling at his lab coat pressing it in towards his chest.

“Yes well, I’ve learned the error of my ways and I wanted to apologize Greg.”

Greg was speechless, fidgeting where he stood as his boss approached him.

“I’m sorry for how I snapped at you last week and I just want you to know that your music doesn’t bother me.” He stepped closer to Greg and the lab tech stepped back.

“You, you don’t mind it?”

“And your shirts Greg, there was nothing wrong with them. You never shamed this lab coat.”

Gil reached out taking hold of the white lapel. “Your shirts looked very good on you but…”

“But?” Greg felt his back hit Grissom’s office door.

“I personally think you’d look much more appealing without any of this, so Hodges’ shirt has to go.”


“His shirt, take it off.”

Greg was startled for a moment then pulled off his lab coat and removed the ugly shirt beneath.

“Ok, there.” Greg pulled his lab coat back over his bared shoulders and chest. He couldn’t believe Grissom was making him do this in his office.

“You’re lucky I have a spare shirt in my locker.” Greg informed him but Gil stopped him from opening the door to leave.

“Greg, I never told you to put the coat back on and to tell you the truth I think you wearing just this lab coat is one of the hottest things I have ever seen.”

Greg really was startled now, no not startled… aroused. He was standing in Gil Grissom’s office in jeans and his DNA lab coat while his boss stalked towards him like he was gonna’ eat him up.

Ohmygodohmygod this was not happening… fuck yes it was and Greg wasn’t so sure that he wanted it to stop.

His very attractive boss was coming on to him in his office and his boss’s hands were now sliding along his white lab jacket as they roamed beneath to touch his bare chest.

Oh fuck fuck fuck!

“Grissom” A finger brushed his nipple. “I shouldn’t be here, I should go.”
Greg turned now reaching for the door but hesitated and was sure Grissom had noticed.

“Tell me now Greg to stop and I’ll let you leave.” Gil came up behind Greg pressing into him his arms coming around the front one sliding up Greg’s arm resting on his right shoulder. “All you have to do is tell me no.”

But that wasn’t fair how could he say no when those fingers were sliding his lab coat over and away from his body baring his shoulder.

A soft kiss, and fuck he didn’t want to say no. “I can’t.”

Gil kissed his neck nibbling softly. “You can’t what Greg?” Fingers now sliding down his arm kisses following the white cloth.

“Can’t think can’t move don’t want to move, just oh god don’t you dare stop.”

And the slide and pull as Gil removed more of the white lab material from Greg’s left shoulder.


“Please what?”

“Touch me god just touch me.”

Gil spun his body around pushing Greg back against the door latching his mouth onto the younger man’s. Now this was what Greg called an apology. He wasn’t sure if this should weird him out with all the bugs in the room and his boss falling to his knees fingers pressed to his fly.
There was another pull and fuck his knees wanted to give out. His head fell back while his fingers sifted through soft gray curls. His head thumped against the door again and he didn’t want to know who was staring at Gil’s office right now. He really didn’t care at this point because his brains and all other thought patterns were being sucked out through his crotch.

Biting is lip Greg muffled his cry as he came body going lax. Gil slowly stood hand wiping at his mouth. Greg leaned in kissing him again arms wrapping around is waist.

“Here, you might want to pull this back on.” Gil reached down pulling Greg’s lab coat up from his lower back and elbows.

Greg let out a small laugh the grin on his face ear to ear. “Thanks.” Pulling away he buttoned the coat and grabbed the ugly shirt from the floor.

“I should probably get this back to David.”

Gil let a small smile play on his lips as he adjusted his somewhat uncomfortable situation between his legs. “Greg…” He saw the spiky haired blonde turn just as he opened the door. “I really am sorry for how I acted.”

Greg just smiled “And I’m sorry about leaving you like this.” And he left.

Gil went back to his desk reading his case files. He didn’t know if he could ever look at Greg in a lab coat again without remembering tonight. One thing he knew for sure was that he didn’t want Greg taking fashion tips from David Hodges ever again.

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