Fic: Sweet Child of Mine Gil/Warrick

May 26, 2005 21:27

Title: Sweet Child of Mine
Author: Paradise4writin
Pairing: Warrick/Gil
Archive: list archives are fine anyone else just ask me.
Summery: Warrick decides to take in a child after his parents victims of a murder Warrick is handling.
Disclaimer: Me no own. Me make no money. Please no sue
Warning: Some mild swearing
Notes: This was a challenge sent out by M2 and the damn bunny wouldn’t leave me alone.

Gil Grissom didn’t know what he was about to get himself into when he walked into the home he shared with his lover Warrick Brown. He knew that Warrick had been working on a case with a murdered family. He knew it hit Warrick hard, knowing how much family meant to him.

He was prepared to see his lover upset, he was prepared to see his lover depressed. He wasn’t prepared to see his lover sitting on the couch playing with a 7 year old boy.


“Oh hey Gil. This is Azure. Azure, this is Gil.”

The boy next to Warrick shyly waved at Gil. Gil took in the boy’s appearance. They boy had a dark complexion and dark hair, but what really caught Gil was the boys eyes. He lived up to his name Azure.

“Hello Azure,” Gil said softly, kneeling in front of the child to show that he wasn’t going to harm him.

“Warrick told me about you.”

Gil looked up at Warrick who was smiling. Gil smiled back.

“Oh really? What did he say?”

“He told me you like bugs.”

Gil laughed.

“I do, do you?”

Azure nodded enthusiastically.

“Well, I have a lot of books on them. I also have some in jars. Would you like to see them?”

Another enthusiastic nod.

“Come on.”

Gil held his hand out for Azure to take. Azure took his hand and lead him to his study. Warrick smiled. He was so glad that Gil and Azure were getting along. Now that Gil and Azure were occupied with bugs, Warrick could think of how to tell Gil that Azure may be a part of their lives forever.

2 hours later….

Warrick stuck his head in and saw Azure sitting in Gil’s lap, asleep. Gil was reading out loud from one of his many books on insects.

Warrick coughed slightly to get Gil’s attention.

“Ah, so I am not the only one that falls asleep when you read your books out loud.”

Gil looked down at Azure and laughed slightly at the sight of him sleeping.

“Let’s get him into the guest bedroom.”

Warrick carefully lifted Azure out of Gil’s lap. Azure shifted a little and almost seemed to snuggle into Warrick’s chest. Warrick smiled and took the boy to the guest room. Gil helped get Azure into bed and tucking him in before closing the door.

Gil stared at Warrick for a few moments while he formed his thoughts. He knew that Warrick had to have a good reason to bring Azure home, but Gil wasn’t sure if he wanted to hear it.


“His parents were the victims of the murder case I am working on. He was supposed to go with his grandmother, but she passed away just the other day. I found him at the house when I was going over the scene again. I just couldn’t let him be part of the system. So….I kind of told cops that I was a distant relative.”

“You lied?”

“I just….I know what it’s like to not have your parents growing up. I’m lucky I had my grandmother. I..I wanted to give him the chance I did. Please Gil…don’t make me send him away?”

Gil could see how much this meant to Warrick. He saw the un-shed tears in w He never could say no to Warrick, and today didn’t seem like the time. He wrapped Warrick in his arms.

“If this means so much to you, of course he can stay here. I was just shocked to see him here with you.”


“Yeah baby.”

Warrick’s smile melted Gil’s heart. Gil couldn’t help but smile with him. Warrick pulled Gil to him and kissed him.

“Come on, Let’s go to bed.”

Two week later:

Gil and talked Conrad into giving him and Warrick a few weeks off so they could get Azure settled. He soon was calling them Daddy Rick and Poppa Gil. The only problem was…they didn’t have a clue on how to raise a child. The only person they knew that had children was Catherine.

Gil decided that he should kill two birds with one stone. He wanted the rest of the team to meet Azure and he wanted to talk to Catherine. So he invited everyone over, including Brass.

Once everyone showed up and was introduced to Azure, the party started. While Greg and Nick were telling Azure stories about some of the cases and funny stories about his dad’s, Gil quietly asked Catherine if he could talk to him privately. She agreed and let Gil lead her outside to the deck.

“Wow….you and Warrick have a kid. That’s great.”

“It doesn’t bother you that Warrick lied to get him?”

“I’d be more surprised if he didn’t. Warrick has a soft spot for families, epically children.”
“What about me?”

Catherine smiled at her friend.

“You would do anything for Warrick. He’s your weak spot….him and bugs.”

“Azure likes bugs too ya know.”

Catherine laughed.

“Warrick could not have picked a better child to bring home for you.”

“As fun as this is, I did want to talk to you about something.”

“Yeah Gris?”

“Any advice. You know, one parent to another scared crapless parent.”

“Gil, you and Warrick will be great parents. Everyone can tell that the two of you love him. That all a child really needs. But, don’t let them grow up without you. I let that happen with Lindsey, and I regret it so much.”

Gil hugged Catherine.

“Thank you.”

“You welcome.”

They went back inside to where everything was. Nick was Catherine and motioned her to come over.

“Cath, come here. You need to get in on this pool.”

“Pool,” Catherine asked while she reached for her wallet.

“Yeah. Greg started a pool to see how long it takes til one of these guys say ‘Because I told you so!’, are you in?”

Catherine gave Gil a smile before plunking down 20 bucks.

“20 on Grissom!”

Everyone busted out laughing. Warrick, laughing, pulled a blushing Gil into him and hugged him.

“Ok everyone out, out. That is enough making fun of Gil for today. We will see you all at work when we come back from vacation.”

Everyone hugged Warrick, Gil and Azure good-bye and promised to come back soon. Gil sighed and started to clean up the living room. Warrick cleaned the kitchen and Azure was sleeping on the couch. They learned during the first few days that Azure was here that he could sleep through just about everything, so Warrick decided that he would decide to run the vacuum. But the vacuum had different plans.

The vacuum was clogging and not even turning on at some points, which caused Warrick to use some ’colorful’ language.

“Oh come on you fucking thing, work. You stupid piece of shit…,” Warrick muttered under his breath. What Warrick wasn’t aware of was the Azure was awake and was listening to him. Since Daddy Warrick was saying those words, Azure thought it would be ok to say those words.

When Warrick’s back was turned, Azure slipped off the couch. He walked into the kitchen and got himself a glass so he could get a drink of water. He smiled at Poppa Gil as he went to turn on the water. The glass slipped out of his hand and shattered to pieces on the floor. Azure stared at it before speaking.

“Piece of shit.”

Gil froze. He quickly walked to his son and held him at arms length.

“Azure where did you learn that word?”

“What, shit?”

“Yes. Where did you learn about it?”

“Daddy Warrick said it, so I thought it was ok.”

Gil sighed. Time to have a talk with Warrick.

“Ok. Go to your room. Be careful of the glass.”

Azure nodded and did as his father told. Gil walked into the living room where Warrick was still fighting with the vacuum cleaner.

“Warrick, we need to talk.”

Warrick jumped at the sound. He turned and saw that Azure wasn’t on the couch.

“Where is Azure?”

“That’s what we need to talk about. Azure said something interesting in the kitchen when he dropped a glass.”
“What did he say?”

“He called the glass a piece of shit.”

“Where did he learn that.”

“He said from you.”

Warrick looked down. He knew at that moment that Azure had heard him when he was cussing at the vacuum cleaner. He knew he had to talk to his son.

“Where is he?”

Gil pointed towards the hallway.

“He is in his room.”

Warrick quickly abandoned the vacuum cleaner and walked towards his son’s room. Gil dropped to the couch and reached for the phone. He dialed a number and waited for the person to answer.

“Catherine, what do you do when your child starts swearing?”

*THE End*
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