(no subject)

Apr 03, 2005 17:51

Title: Broken for life
Author: superboyclex
Rating: PG for first chapter NC-17 for second chapter
Pairing: Greg/Nick Greg/Gil Greg/other Billy/Nick
Genre: WIP, Angst, first time, fluff, Rape, abuse
Summary: Greg being in an accident affects Nick and Grissom to the point in which they question their feelings for the lab tech and when they meet Greg’s twin brother they find out the dejected truth to Greg’s past.
Authors note: Fic takes place during season 5 of CSI with bits taken from the movie “True Vinyl” I’ve changed a few things like Billy’s mom’s maiden name and rearranged a few things.
Disclaimer: CSI and all its characters sadly are not mine belonging only to CBS, Jerry and Anthony.

Title: Broken for life
Author: superboyclex
Rating: PG for first chapter NC-17 for second chapter
Pairing: Greg/Nick Greg/Gil Greg/other Billy/Nick
Genre: WIP, Angst, first time, fluff, Rape, abuse
Summary: Greg being in an accident affects Nick and Grissom to the point in which they question their feelings for the lab tech and when they meet Greg’s twin brother they find out the dejected truth to Greg’s past.
Authors note: Fic takes place during season 5 of CSI with bits taken from the movie “True Vinyl” I’ve changed a few things like Billy’s mom’s maiden name and rearranged a few things.
Disclaimer: CSI and all its characters sadly are not mine belonging only to CBS, Jerry and Anthony.


Chapter One

He got the phone call from Catherine. She wanted Nick there to wait for Greg in case of any news on the CSI.

“Sure, I’ll be there in five.” He snapped his phone shut and headed to his SUV. Jogging down the lab’s hall Warrick spoke somewhere behind him his voice getting close.

“You going to the hospital?”

He nodded. He had thought Warrick would have been there already.

“I was there early this morning when Catherine showed up. Is that why she called you?” His friend asked. “Have they allowed people to see him yet?”

“No, not that I know of.”

Warrick patted his shoulder. “Things will be ok Nick.” He just shrugged.

(Flash back)

“What happened? What do you mean he was in an accident? What kind of accident?” Nick was frantic. This couldn’t be happening, and Grissom didn’t sound stable.

“Is he… is he…”

Grissom cut him off. “No he’s been taken to the hospital. Catherine’s already on her way.”

“I’m going”

“I need you here Nick to finish the case with Warrick and I.”

Nick wanted to scream, what the hell was wrong with him? Greg was on his way to the hospital for god knows what reason and now his boss wants him to stay and finish the fucking case!?

“Grissom what happened to him?” His voice rose with anger.

“He was on his way to the crime scene when the Tahoe swerved flipping. It had been smashed upside-down by the railing only a mile or so from where I was.”

Nick felt sick to his stomach. “What, how did it happen?”

“They aren’t sure, but when the medics arrived on scene Greg hadn’t been the only one in the vehicle.” Grissom stated.

“Who? Do they know?”

There was a long pause before he heard his boss speak again. “A Frank Thompson, he was already dead when I arrived.”

“Why had he been with Greg?”

(End flashback)

Nick arrived at the hospital checking in at the front desk. When the nurse showed him the waiting room he saw Catherine.

“Hey Cathy, have you seen Greg yet?” He asked.

She shook her head. “He’s just been placed in ICU with no visitors allowed… oh god Nick he was driving when it happened. The SUV, I mean he knows better then to drink and the officers found no animal.”

Nick reached out for Catherine as she spoke, her words frantic and confused.

“Grissom said there had been someone else in the SUV, a man by the name of Frank Thompson.”

“Any idea who and why that man was with Greg?” Cathy asked.

“I don’t know, Grissom got some blood samples and had them sent to the lab, when I checked in with Mia she still had no results.”

As if hearing there questions Nick’s phone rang. “Nick I got the results on the blood Grissom sent…”


“Greg and the man are related, father and son to be exact, also there were trace amounts of sedatives found in his blood. The hospital hasn’t sent all of Greg’s charts over so I don’t know everything at this point.”

“Ok, thanks.” He shut his phone. “Cathy, um the man… he was Greg’s father.” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “And it gets worse regarding Greg… he was drugged!”

Catherine looked stunned. Nick didn’t even know who Greg’s father was or that he had been in Las Vegas for that matter, his friend never mentioned anything about it, besides why would Greg be bringing his dad to a crime scene? Also what was this thing Mia was saying about Greg being drugged? None of this made any sense.
When he looked up he saw a doctor walking towards him and Catherine.

“You two are here regarding Mr. Sanders I presume. He’s finally stable but not conscious at the moment. He hasn’t woken up sense arriving here and we still have to keep a watchful eye on his stability.

Catherine ended up asking the question he’d been thinking. “How bad are the injuries? “
“Well, he has three cracked ribs, his right lung has collapsed from excessive blunt force and he has a severe concussion. Along with some bruising and internal bleeding we think we’ve isolated all injuries. He’s scheduled to go into surgery in five minutes.”

Nick looked to Catherine and saw her trying to hold back swells of tears, her arms shook and she was breathing in short intervals. “Thank you doctor.”

“I’ll keep you both posted.” With a small nod he turned towards the nurse’s counter.

Nick felt Catherine grab his arm. “Nick there’s no way he got all those injuries from the road accident. It just seems like too much.”

“He could have Cathy, I mean the SUV flipped, his father died. That could have been Greg instead of him.” Nick wanted to throw up at the thought.

“Nick, he had traces of a sedative in his blood, you told me yourself.”

“But until we check out his fathers body in the morgue we can’t be sure, cause he too may have been drugged.” Nick added.

(7 hours later at the hospital)

Nick slowly opened his eyes from having fallen asleep in the waiting area. His arm was heavy and tingling from sleep and his bottom hurt from sitting for so long. Once his vision cleared it wasn’t Cathy he saw sitting across from him.


“Hey, you were sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you. I came to relieve Catherine about two hours ago so she could go home to be with Lindsey.” She said coming over to sit in the chair next to Nick. “You should probably go home and get some rest too.”

He shook his head. “I’ve slept enough here. I just want to stay and get any news on Greg.”

”Nick you’ve been here for about 8 hours, you should go home, maybe get something to eat.”

Sara new her attempt was useless, if Nick wanted to stay then he would stay.

“Did I miss any news?” He asked her.

“The nurse came by to say he was out of surgery but still not awake. No visitors yet, they just want him to rest.”

Nick ran his hand over his returning hair. Damn, he just wanted his friend to wake up, at least officially out of harms way. A low voice brought his attention to the open area by the nurse station. Grissom… he was heading towards them now, Sara already informing him of Greg’s condition. His boss looked so tired and when his gaze met Grissom’s he was relieved to have the man here.

“Hey, you staying for a while?” Nick asked.

“Yeah, how are you doing?”

“I’m dealing, just want him to wake up you know.”

Grissom nodded.
“Excuse me, are you all here for the patient in room 206 Gregory Sanders?” The Nurse asked.

They all looked to the woman.

“The doctor has permitted that you may see him now, but only two at a time.”

Nick looked to Grissom. ‘What about Catherine?”

“You and Sara go and see Greg for now while I call her.”

The room was dim with the soft light from outside seeping through the closed blinds. Low beeping noises and an oxygen machine could be heard as Nick and Sara approached Greg’s bed.

“Oh my god!” Sara gasped standing a foot away hand covering her mouth. The once bouncy and animated body was covered in tubes and wires some for breathing and others for his heart.

“Sara, hey, it’s ok.” Nick began. “Talk to him he’d want to know you’re here.”

When he heard her whispering to Greg slipping her hand into his, he wanted to cry. Why did he have to stare at his broken best friend? Sara was crying now her hot tears sliding down onto Greg’s limp hand. Watching the shallow breaths and knowing they were because of the machine sitting near by only made it harder for Nick to keep his control. He was a man; he needed to stay strong for everyone around Greg. They didn’t need any more things to worry themselves about but as he moved his eyes of his best friend he only wished to hug the man lying there so quiet.

Sara stood and Nick approached where she had been sitting. “Hey Greggo, I know you can hear me in there and I just wanted you to know everyone’s thinking of you wishing for you to wake up. Grissom’s waiting outside and Catherine was here all night with me.” He took Greg’s hand squeezing it softly. “Come back Greg, please. We all need you…” Nick fell forward against his friend. “I need you… I want to tell you something I’ve kept in for quite some time, but if you don’t wake up… Greggo please.”

The rest of his words were muffled into Greg’s hospital gown. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up. Griss?

“It’s not your fault Nick, it’s no ones. We’ll figure out what happened to him.”

Grissom’s words felt good but Greg was the one who needed to hear them. He was the one who needed people not himself.

“Are these his charts?” He asked looking to Gil’s hand.

“Yeah, I wanted to send the rest of the info to the lab then check out Greg’s father’s body.”

“Okay, um… I’ll let you have a moment with Greg, I’ll be outside with Sara if you need me.” Nick informed.
Gil stood before the bed staring down at Greg’s closed eyes. An air tube was fixed securely to his lips passing down his throat. Grissom wasn’t sure of what he felt… gilt, pain? Greg had died in front of him at the scene.

(Flashback to the accident)

“Brass, where is he?”

Jim was the first person he saw at the accident site. From behind the ambulance and the police cars he could see what used to be the CSI’s SUV.

”They’re trying to get him out from the Tahoe Gil. He was trapped inside, him and another man.”

Gil walked under the police tape followed by Jim. He saw the medics rush in, as a bloodied body was pulled loose from the wreckage. It was the other man. He was being zipped in a body bag having already died.

“Any ID?” He asked. He was given the name Frank Thompson, but other than that he was given no more info.

His vision was drawn towards shouts from the Tahoe. Men with cases and a stretcher were crowded around the remaining body. “He needs medical assistance immediately!” Gil rushed towards Greg on the stretcher as more and more people surrounded him.

“He’s gone into cardiac arrest!”

He didn’t try and push through but when he saw Greg’s body twitching under the voltage from the defibrillator paddles he couldn’t help but jump starring in dismay as the younger man’s life slipped from his body. Again his body jolted from where it lay bruised and bloodied. He felt as if he couldn’t breath watching as IV’s and drugs were pumped into Greg’s system. With the final and third attempt at revival, Greg’s heart began to beat at a slow but steady beat. Without delay Gil walked beside Greg as they placed an oxygen mask on his face, lifted him into the ambulance closing the doors to the outside. He watched as it disappeared from sight.

(End of flashback)

Still standing beside Greg’s bed Gil felt limp and tired. He wanted to grab hold of Greg’s body and shake him awake. He always had a way to deal with situations like these and that was to just block them out. That had been the reason for staying behind to finish his case instead of joining Catherine at the hospital. He remembered the way Nick had growled at him in anger over such a choice. He felt ashamed at the fact, and with an almost whispered caress to Greg’s cheek Gil turned to leave the hospital room.
Outside Nick and Sara had their jackets on having stated that the doctor advised them to all go home until further change and that they would be notified. Gil wasn’t so sure he deserved to be there if Greg opened his eyes.

Chapter two

Nick had the day off and wanted to go and see Greg at the hospital as soon as possible. He could spend the day with his friend maybe tell him how things were going at CSI. He knew Greg still hadn’t woken up but he had to keep thinking positive. Today just might be that day and he wanted to be there.

Checking in up front Nick made his way to Greg’s room pausing as he entered. There was someone sitting beside the bed looking down at Greg… no it was Greg? Why had he been out of bed? Yet when he turned to see the empty hospital furniture, Greg still lay unmoving.

“Greg?” Nick questioned.

The Greg look-alike spoke to him.

“Are you here to see my brother?”

“Um… yes I’m Nick Stokes, I work with Greg.”

Greg’s brother stood reaching out to take Nick’s hand in a firm shake. “Billy Thompson.”

Nick stood in shock. Remembering the man with Greg. “Your father was in the vehicle with your brother. I’m sorry to say he didn’t make it.”

Billy seemed to ignore the declaration shifting his attention back to Greg. Nick couldn’t get over how much the two of them looked alike. Down to every hair and the eyes, even they were brown like Greg’s.

“Twins.” He heard himself say out loud.

“Yes, our mother kept her maiden name of Sanders which Greg chose to keep as well, but I had stayed with Thompson. Soon after our mom died, Greg left. He couldn’t handle being around our father, so it ended up being just Frank and me. I moved to California just two days after Greg left. I heard about Greg when the hospital called and I wanted to see him.”

Billy was stroking Greg’s arm from elbow to wrist. “You know, we’ll need you to identify the body at the lab.”

“Are you some kind of cop?”

“No I work for the Las Vegas Crime Lab. Greg and I are CSI’s.” Nick continued to watch the young man sitting in the chair. “So do you think you could come back with me to identify the body?”

“Sure, after the visit?” He asked.

Yes that would do, but first he’d talk to Greg’s sleeping form. Billy had moved to allow Nick to do much of what he’d been doing, stroking his arm, brushing the fallen bangs from Greg’s face.

“You two are close I imagine?”

Nick nodded. “He’s my best friend.”

“Is that all?”

Billy’s question startled Nick. “What do you mean?”

“Well from the way you touch him I just thought, you know…” Nick followed Billy’s movement across the room. He even moved like Greg.

Did he really give that kind of persona off when he was with Greg? It was true, he had liked Greg for some time, not really sure as to when his feeling went from friend to best friend to more. Greg was very attractive and Nick found himself watching the way his friend’s body moved when he walked or the way he would touch items wishing he were the things under Greg’s hands.

“Greg and I are just friends, nothing more.” Nick informed but Billy didn’t look like he believed the statement.

(At the Crime Lab)

“Greg?” Catherine shouted in aw at Billy’s approaching form. He stayed close to Nick waiting to be lead to the morgue.

“Nicky why is he here, I thought…?”

Nick stopped her before she could work herself up over anymore of the situation. “This is Billy Thompson, Greg’s twin brother.”

Cathy approached cautiously seeming to run the info over in her mind. “He never told us he had a brother.”

Billy looked ashamed hanging his head low. He didn’t speak but seemed to stand closer to Nick.

“Anyway,” Nick began. “If you’d follow us.” He led Billy to meet Dr. Robbins. Pulling the sheet back to reveal the cold lightly blue body that Billy did identify as his father.

“Cause of death was being crushed in the accident.” Dr. Robbins informed, “I found some scratch marks on his neck and face showing that there seemed to be a struggle of some kind, but no defense wounds.”

Nick stepped forward. “Were there any drugs in his system, maybe chloroform or any other sedatives?”

The Dr. shook his head. Maybe Catherine had been right? What if Greg had been struggling to get away from his father when the crash happened?

“Ok, thanks.” The three of them exited to find Gil almost running to find them.

“I’ve got some more news on Greg.” Gil informed, “The doctors let me take some scraping from under Greg’s fingernails and guess whose skin cells we found there?”

“The fathers.” Nick interrupted receiving a look of astonishment.

“Yes actually, I’m thinking that frank was after Greg, maybe trying to hurt him in some way.”

“Yeah, could be the reason for the accident.” Catherine said looking over the file Gil had brought. “Gil did you see this?” When he hadn’t answered her she looked up to see that Gil was staring at Billy. With all the commotion the supervisor hadn’t seen Greg’s brother.

“Billy, Greg’s twin.” Nick stated to Grissom. His boss just looked at the younger man and then just like that his attention was back to Catherine.

“What were you asking again?”

“Grissom, Greg was raped.”

All of them turned to stare at her.

“Oh man Cathy please don’t tell me it’s who I think it is?” Nick asked.

“It’s a positive match for Frank Thompson.” She finished. “That bastard really was the reason for what happened to Greg.”

Billy wanted to know where the bathroom was and Nick thought he might know why. After he led him there, Billy stumbled inside a stall slamming the door. From inside Nick could hear him being sick.

“Hey, you want some water?”

“Um… yeah.” When the stall didn’t open he walked up standing beside it. “This has happened before hasn’t it?” He opened the door to find Billy kneeling down by the toilet bowl. Her received a small nod. He passed him a small paper cup with water.

“That’s why Greg left after she died… after he killed her.” He took the cup.

“Your mother.” Nick said rather than ask as a question. “Frank killed her? Why?”

“Because he hated Greg, I don’t know why, maybe because he had dreams. Dreams bigger than staying in that house in Nebraska. I mean he loves science and Frank didn’t want him to amount to anything.”

Nick crouched down to Billy’s level, the smell of vomit making him feel sick.

“I used to come home from school when we were teenagers and find my mom laying on the floor with a bloodied face. She was covered in bruises all because she tried to stop him from touching my brother. At night from my room I could hear Greg crying because of my father. He’d chased Greg down the hall once grabbing at him and touching him. I was in the closet hiding when I heard them.


“Frank let him alone, stop!” His mother cried trying to shove her husband away but all she got was a slap in the face hard enough to send her falling back into the coffee table. He tuned back to Greg grabbing his arm dragging him down the hall into his room.

“Stop, get the hell away from me!” Greg swung at his father hitting him in the jaw. The heavier man took a hold of his son’s wrist pulling him back against him. In the bedroom he shoved Greg onto the bed pinning him face down.
“You’ll do as I say you little fagot. I hear you’re running around with boys, is that what you like, to have a cock up your ass?” He pushed Greg’s Face into the pillow muffling his screams. He pulled Greg’s pants down around his knees spreading his legs. “I’ll show you what happens when you humiliate me.” He unzipped his jeans taking himself out. “I’ll be sure you don’t ever forget this, and if your bitch mother tries to interfere I’ll do it again.” He was already hard and in one swift push he was inside his son fucking him into the mattress.

“Oh gods please stop, stop…” He was pushed harder into the mattress.

(End of flashback)

“I hid in that closet until he’d left my brother limp on the bed. When I came out to see him he wouldn’t even reply to me, he just rolled in on himself ignoring me. I felt like I had betrayed him, I could have stopped my father but I was too scared. I mean it wasn’t like I was a child or anything. Greg and I were born only two hours apart him being before me.”

Nick saw Billy’s shoulders start to shake as he hugged his knees crying. “Mom saw it the next night and when she jumped on my dad he beat her to death on the floor. I tried to help her but he started hitting me too. When he was sure I couldn’t move because of the pain he went back to Greg. He didn’t even care that I was in the room.”

Nick felt as if he might be the one to throw up this time after hearing everything that Billy had said. God, he never imagined Greg having a childhood like that. It never occurred to him that his father might have been the reason for Greg’s evasion of talking about his family.

“Was that when Greg left, after that night?” Nick asked.

“No, he tried to stay because of what happened to our mom but when Frank tried to kill Greg he finally left. I think it was about a week later.”

One thing that Nick didn’t understand was why had Billy stayed behind? “Why’d you stay?”

“I only stayed for a couple days after Greg had left. I wanted to gather all my and my mom’s music to take to California.” He informed.

When the silence took over Nick put his hand out for Billy to take. “Come on I think you should go to where you’re staying and get some rest.”

“I never checked in anywhere, I came straight to the hospital. I left my bag in Greg’s room. I didn’t know how bad things were so I thought I might stay at the hospital.”

“Well we can go pick it up and then I’m sure Greg wouldn’t mind if you stayed at his place.”

“Um Nick, do you think that maybe I could stay with you? Cause I really don’t want to be alone.” Billy looked up at Nick with the same eyes he’d come accustom to from Greg. He was never quite sure what those looks meant but there was no way he could say no to that.

“Yeah, sure that might be for the best you know, so let me go tell Grissom that we’re going ok.”

When he found Grissom Nick wasn’t sure if he should knock or not. The man had his head in his hands thinking of something, Greg probably. “Hey.”

Gil looked up from his daze at Nick. “I’m taking Billy to get some food then some rest.”

His boss just nodded leaning his chin against his clasped hands. Nick turned to leave. “Hey Griss, take it easy.”

Gil’s gaze followed Nick outside to where Billy stood waiting. It was hard to see him and not think of Greg. He’d give anything now to hear that loud music coming from the DNA lab that now belonged to Mia, or how Greg always found time for a joke during the field cases. He felt a stab of regret for all the times he snapped at the CSI. He couldn’t even figure it out himself why he’d done that. But every time Greg would bounce back ready for anything Grissom had for him, hero worship maybe? It was hard not to notice the way Greg followed his every word. Greg acted a bit to freely sometimes with his actions or words, like the time when Sara and himself had needed to use Greg in the experiment involving the dummy with weights. It had originally been Greg and his case but Greg didn’t seem to mind when he’d asked him to be the one to have the dummy lowered on. At the time it seemed like the most perceptible choice and he just went with it. But when Greg had said he’d had a dream like this once he didn’t know what to think.

"I had a dream like this once except we weren't in the garage and Grissom wasn't watching. That was another dream."

Yes the younger man had caused him to raise an eyebrow in question of what that had meant? So Greg had dreams of him… sexual dreams and what about the comment in the break room?

“So Grissom, what gets your juices flowing?”

That was an interesting question and one he was willing to express to the young man.

No he didn’t need to be thinking of this. Greg was in a coma injured and he was questioning whether Greg liked men or not, hell him for that matter.

He sighed when Sara knocked at his office door. Motioning for her to come in he let his thoughts of Greg slip from his mind.

(Back at the hospital)

Billy leaned down grabbing his bag from the corner by the window. “Can we stay here a bit so I can be with my brother?”

“Yeah, I think I want to talk to him as well.” Nick replied standing on the opposite side of the bed from Greg’s brother.

“Hey bro, how are things in there? You’re looking a lot better now, the bruises and cuts fading. If only you’d wake up. Hey Nicks here, he’s a great guy. You’re lucky to have him as a friend.”

At the mention of his name Nick squeezed Greg’s hand his thumb brushing small circles over knuckles. “Come back to us Greggo.” Leaning down he kissed Greg on the cheek. “We’ll come see you tomorrow ok buddy, so sleep well.”

As the two of them left Greg’s room Nick felt Billy take hold of his right hand entwining their fingers. “He’s really lucky Nick.” Billy stated not releasing his hand. They continued out to Nick’s Tahoe. On the drive to his place Nick had a million questions running through his head. What was with the handholding and what about the Greg being lucky? Maybe it was his imagination but it seemed sort of like Billy was coming on him?

“Hey, you alright?” Billy asked from the passenger seat. He placed his hand on Nick’s thigh.

“Yeah, just thinking.” Nick answered.

“About what?”

He didn’t answer right away and when he did Billy was looking away. God he was seeing Greg there…

“Um, you like me?” He asked.

“Sure, you’re a nice guy Nick. Why wouldn’t I?”

“No,” Nick began. “I mean what is this Billy, you holding my hand in the hospital and then touching my thigh just now.”

“I’m just trying to make you feel better. I mean you look so sad Nick.”

He didn’t have enough time to say anything else because they pulled into his driveway. “This is it.”

Inside Nick checked for any messages but when the voice stated no calls he sighed. Usually Greg would have left him one asking to come over and hang or to go out for breakfast.

He was in the kitchen now searching for food. “You hungry?”


“Is leftover lasagna ok for tonight? It’s easy to heat cause I’m actually not in the mood to cook anything complicated.”

“Sure, sounds good to me.”

When Nick returned to the living room with two plates of hot food Billy was looking at all of his trophies lining the shelves.

“You played football?”

“Yep, back when I was in college. I still like to watch it but that’s about as far as it goes anymore. Hey come over here and eat.”

They sat in silence as they ate but just like with Greg I didn’t last long.

“You didn’t know that my brother liked men did you?”

“No actually, I thought he was just into women. He hadn’t shown any signs not even of bisexuality.” Nick informed.

“Well that was one of the reasons Frank hated him so much, that’s probably why he never let anyone know.”

When they finished eating Nick was completely whipped. “Man I’m so tuckered out I could fall asleep standing.”

“Sleep sounds good, it’s been a long couple days.” Billy was grabbing at the couch pillows all the while pulling off his shoes and socks. “You got a blanket?”

When Nick went to fetch a blanket he could see Billy pulling off his shirt. “You want to sleep in my bed?” He asked.

“In your bed Nick?”

“Well I meant you take my bed and I take the couch, but if you want the couch that’s cool. Here.”

His face was burning as a deep blush flushed his cheeks. He passed the blanket over, his hand brushing Billy’s.

“So um g’night and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Billy stepped into his personal space arms coming up for a hug and when they wrapped around his chest he could feel the warmth radiating from the man’s body. “Sleep well Nicky.” It was whispered into his ear with a small nuzzle and a noise he wasn’t even sure passed for a moan and before he knew what was happening Billy was gone having climbed under the blanket a grin on his face.

“Um, night.” He walked into his room turning out the lights in the living room on the way. Inside the safety of his room Nick let out the breath he’d been holding. Gods he was turned on and all because Billy looked like Greg, smelt like Greg and he felt so much like how he imagine his friend to feel in his arms and that damn smile.

With a final sigh he pulled off his shoes and clothes slipping beneath his covers. He couldn’t get the image of Billy taking off his shirt out of his mind and that soft moan when he hugged him.

Lost in his thoughts Nick allowed his hand to smooth over his own chest gently rubbing his nipples. Licking his fingers he toyed with the hardening nubs until other parts of his body demanded his attention. Lowering his hand he began to stroke his dick from base to tip loving the feeling of the pocketed heat his hand gave. Speeding his pace Nick let out a low moan feeling the pre-cum pearl at the tip. Smearing the fluid down his shaft he squeezed himself.

“Yes, oh…” He needed this so badly needed Greg here, wanted to feel every part of him but what he had was his brother probably asleep on his couch.

Why had they had to be twins, and why did Billy have to flirt with him like he had been tonight. But he was perfect every thing he desired right there willing, he just had to take. He knew it was wrong, so wrong to think this way when Greg was in the hospital, wrong to take advantage of his brother cause he was convenient, but it felt so good.

“Yes…” He fucked his fist relentlessly, his free hand pinching his nipples and as he thrust up he felt his balls tighten. With a final few thrust and a flip of his wrist he was coming with one name on his tongue.


After, he washed up in the bathroom with the feeling of guilt weighing over his shoulders. How could he be so fucked up? Returning to his bed he laid there for a moment wondering what Grissom would have done in his position, probably not what he’d just done. No, Grissom was smarter; new how to control his body sex would have been the furthest from his mind.

When he was no longer able to keep his eyes open Nick welcomed the darkness of sleep.

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