What Gil Grissom has been hiding(Chapers 10-15)

Apr 01, 2005 16:15

Title: What has Grissom been hiding Chapters 10 through 15 (WIP)
Author: Jessica Spurlock(tyragreenstaff)
Characters: Grissom, Nick, Greg, Hannibal Lecter
Rating: R eventually, maybe Nc-17 later.
Warnings: first attempt at challenge, so go easy on me
Notes: Written for LJ's Grisslash FuhQFest, Wave 1, challenge #31
Summary: Grissom Challenge: Will Graham is Gil Grissom’s real name, in witness protection program for 15 years. Hannibal Lecter comes calling.
*denotes Thought*

Chapter 10

“Special Agent Johnson.”

“Bryon, it’s Will again.” Grissom swallowed, mouth suddenly dry. “Lecter is here in Vegas.”

“Holy shit! Really?” Johnson was really energized, exuberant almost.

“I don’t have the particulars of address and current alias, but he found me at home.”

Stunned silence greeted him.

“Bryon, he wants me to help him get away.”

“Will, you can’t do that!”

“I know, that is why I called you. Can you get someone out here to apprehend him? Soon? He wants a 5 day head start. If I play along, you can get him and I don’t lose all I’ve worked so hard to build these past 15 years.”

Another pause. “Can you stall?”

Grissom sighed. “I’ll have to tell the lead investigator on the case about my past. Can I do that now?”

“Sure, the only reason we were hiding you still, was Lecter. He found you; you’re still alive, so now you’re free to live your life.” Johnson cleared his throat. “You have to sit on the evidence, tell your team to hold it; till we can get out there quietly to grab Lecter.”

Grissom was relieved. “Great. Thanks for everything Bryon. Just hurry up, he may still follow up on his threats.”

“Take extreme care, Will.” Agent Johnson disconnected.

Chapter 11

Grissom paged Nick. *better get this over with*

Nick saw the number on the page, and his mind raced. Grissom’s home number. * should I drive over there, or call him first.* Nick thought a moment. *call him* “Yeah Gris, it’s me, what’s up?” *Dumb, Nick, real dumb, he knows it’s you*

“Nicky, Can you come over? We need to talk.” Grissom sounded strange, strained.

“Sure, anything, give me 15 minutes.” Nick hung up the phone. *Alone time with Grissom. YES!* He raided the stash of samples in his nightstand, and stuffed some lotion and a couple of condoms in his pocket. * Better safe than sorry* Nick hopped into his truck and headed to Grissom’s condo. About halfway there, Nick had a change of thought. *Gris didn’t sound right. Maybe he was having another of those attacks. Better leave the supplies in the console.*

As Nick pulled into the drive, Grissom opened the front door. He waved at Nick to come in. Nick locked his truck and followed Grissom in.

Grissom gestured towards the couch. Nick sat down and looked at Grissom expectantly. “You want something to drink Nicky? This may take a while.”

Nick nodded. “Iced tea, if you have it”

“Sure thing” Grissom pulled the container out of the fridge. He knew that Nicky would ask for it, so he brewed it after calling him. He handed Nick the tall glass, and poured himself bourbon, cutting it with a little water. *Can’t get drunk, have to get through this quickly.*

Grissom sat down next to Nicky on the couch, and then turned to face him. “I don’t know how to tell you this, so I’d better start at the beginning.” Grissom shifted uncomfortably. *This is so hard* “I’m not the person you think I am. I’ve been leading a secret life.”

Nick could see how much Grissom was struggling, so he took the plunge. Grissom started to speak again, and Nick silenced him with a finger pressed to Grissom’s lips. “Shh, I know what you are trying to tell me. It’s ok, I understand.”

“You do? How?” Grissom was puzzled. *Did Nicky find out about Lecter already? Damn, he’s good*

“I’ve wanted to talk to you about it for some time now. You’ve always been my hero, my friend, the reason for what I do.”

*What in the hell is he talking about?* Grissom had alarms going off in his head.

Nick read Grissom’s expression and body language as a green light, so he leaned in a kissed Grissom.

Grissom practically fell off the couch. *He’s kissing me. WTF! Where did this come from?* Grissom leaned back, breaking the contact.

“Uhm, Nick?” Grissom’s voice came out soft and raspy.

“Yeah, Gil?” Nick was gazing heatedly into his blue eyes.

“Why… did you do that?”

Nick was hurt. “I thought it was what you wanted to tell me. That you are attracted to me.” Nick was confused *Did I read him wrong? FUCK!”

This gave Grissom a case of the giggles. *Oh boy, I really needed this now. First Sara, then Heather, and now Nicky.*

“Hey, what’s so damn funny?” Now he was getting pissed. *I expected to get decked, not laughed at!*

“Oh Nicky, if you only knew. Listen, can we shelve this new subject until later? I need to tell you something really important.”

*Later, okay, at least I have a shot. He didn’t panic, and didn’t hit me. Let’s see what he has to say.* “Okay, I’m listening.”

“I’ve been in the Witness Protection Program for the last 15 years.”

“What?” Nick stood up and started to pace.

“My real name is Will Graham. I was a profiler for the FBI.” Grissom saw the look on Nick’s face. He had his complete attention. “I helped catch Dr. Hannibal Lecter. He used to be a renowned Psychiatrist. He helped the FBI track down a number of criminals. He was a good friend of mine.” Grissom paused, taking a sip of his drink. “He had me fooled. He led a double life. He was a serial killer, who ate parts of his victims.”

Nick interrupted him. “Hannibal the Cannibal, I remember hearing about him.” Nick took a moment before continuing. “What does that have to do with what you’re telling me?”

“Let me finish, okay? Hannibal escaped a while back. The FBI put me in Witness Protection while they searched for him. They gave me a new identity, but I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. So, I went back to school, found my love of Insects, got my Doctorate, and made the step into Forensics. It was easy, as profiling is similar, just now I’m into the science of it as well. I was law enforcement before, so I talked the FBI into letting me get into CSI, I was more than qualified.” Grissom smiled sheepishly. “besides, I never liked the behavioral part of Profiling.”

“Yeah, Gris, you still aren’t much of a people person.” Nick paused. “So, you still haven’t said why you’re telling me all this.” Nick got an idea. “Does this have anything to do with that body we found earlier?”

“Yes, Nick. It is one of Lecter’s victims. I figured it out when I saw her, but needed to follow procedure. I handed it off to you when I was sure. I think Doc Robbins recognized it too. Someone with access leaked the info to the press, or just enough of it to draw Lecter’s attention to me again.” Grissom took a steadying breath. “He got in touch with me.”

“You talked to him! When?” Nick was astonished *I’ll kill the bastard!*

Grissom replied calmly. “A little more than an hour ago. He tracked me down here somehow, probably saw me on the news tonight. He looked me up and surprised me as I got home.”

“What did he want? Are you okay?” Nick’s concern was growing.

“He wanted me to let him escape.”

“No way!” Nick was practically steaming. “Tell me you told him to get bent.”

“Nope, I stalled for time. Then after he had left, I called my agent from Witness Protection. He told me to talk to you. They want me to stop the investigation, and wait for them to get here and nab Lecter. So, I’m asking you to put the file on hold for a few days.” Grissom paused “work the Prostitute case. I’ll get Doc and Greg to put the brakes on. I’ll have to tell them what I’ve told you. I was given permission to discuss this. The Fed’s will help me track down Hannibal.” Grissom drew a shaky breath. “Help me Nicky.” Grissom started to cry again.

“Aw, man, Gris. It will be okay. I’m here. I’ll do anything for you.” Nick gently pulled the older man into his arms for the second time that day. He cradled Grissom’s head against his shoulder, stroking the soft curls of Grissom’s graying hair. They sat together, Nick holding Grissom, until the sobbing ceased.

Grissom’s tear filled eyes sought out Nicky’s chocolate brown ones. Nick brushed a tear away from Grissom’s eye with his thumb. Then leaned down and kissed Grissom softly.

Chapter 12

This time Grissom did nothing to push Nick away. *To hell with the consequences. I need this.* He opened himself up to the kiss, and kissed Nick back.

*Wow, He’s letting me kiss him. MMM* Nick deepened the kiss, pulling Grissom closer to him. Sliding his hand to the back of Grissom’s head, he changed the angle of the kiss, probing Grissom’s lips with his tongue, begging for entrance.

Grissom opened his mouth on a moan. *I never knew I could be attracted to another man, let alone Nicky. Oh, Nicky is fantastic with his mouth.* Grissom slid his tongue against Nick’s exploring the taste of Iced tea mixed with bourbon. *Very heady, God he tastes good.*

Nick pulled back and looked into Grissom’s eyes again. “Where do you want to go with this?” Nick asked softly, not wanting to break the spell they had cast. “I won’t force you into something you don’t want to do.”

“Let’s just see where it leads us.” Grissom smiled softly “I have the rest of my life.” He kissed Nicky again. “Right now, I think we’re leading to my bedroom.” The grin turned to what was close to a leer.

Nicky’s heart leapt. *Should I get my stuff from the truck? No, I don’t think he’s ready for that step yet. No way is our first time going to be rushed. I want him to give that up freely, not because he’s lonely and scared* Nicky let Grissom take his hand, as Grissom led the way to the bedroom.

Nick paused. “What should I call you?”

Grissom stopped. “Gil Grissom is my name now. Will Graham died 15 years ago, along with his wife and family.”

“Family? You had a family?” Nicky was worried this would kill the mood, but he had to know.

“Yeah, I had a wife, Molly, and we had a son, Kevin.”

“Where are they now?” Curiosity wouldn’t leave him alone.

“Died in a plane crash.” Grissom saw the look of alarm on Nicky’s face. “Don’t worry, Nicky. I’ve been over it for a long time.” Grissom stroked Nick’s face. “I want to explore this thing with you right now. We can talk about my past later.” Grissom pulled Nick into the bedroom.

The stripped each other of their clothes and lay down together on Grissom’s king sized bed. Nick took the lead, taking his time to kiss and explore Grissom’s body. He discovered the twin scars left on Grissom’s abdomen.

“How did you get these?” Nicky kissed each one of the scars in turn.

“Present from Hannibal. He gave me those when I arrested him. Spent a long time in the hospital.” Grissom drew in a sharp breath. *Nicky really does have a fabulous mouth.*

Nicky continued his journey southward. Grissom hissed as he felt Nick’s breath tickling his manhood. The hiss turned into a shocked yelp as Nick took him into his mouth and applied his lips and tongue, sucking lightly. “Oh, Nicky. You have a great mouth…keep doing that…yes…Oh Nicky!”

Nick alternated between licking and sucking. Hearing Grissom’s breathing speed up, he used one hand to tease the older man’s balls.

Grissom yelled out Nicky’s name as he came. He couldn’t remember the last time he had such a powerful orgasm. Not even Lady Heather got him to cry out like that.

Nicky cleaned him off, using his soft tongue, and then slid up to cuddle next to Grissom. Grissom noticed that Nick was still hard and ready to go. “Oh, Nick, what about you?” Grissom gestured at Nicky’s engorged penis. *Do I do him now? Will he try to mount me? Am I ready for that? No, I don’t think so.*

Nicky climbed on top of Grissom, knelt between his parted thighs. *Oh no, he’s gonna try and penetrate me! Too Soon!* Grissom’s panic died in his head as he felt Nicky rub his shaft against his own. He felt himself become aroused again. Nicky used his shaft to rub against Grissom’s, creating delicious friction. The sensation was incredible. Nicky increased the speed and pressure, rubbing and grinding against Grissom.

Grissom felt a second climax coming. He pulled Nicky down for a searing kiss, and to feel Nick’s bare chest to his own. He swallowed Nicky’s groans. *Almost there. Nicky is so hot. Want this to last forever. Where did he learn this?”

Nick and Grissom came together, exploding simultaneously. Grissom wrapped his arms around Nick, hugging him tightly. “I’m so glad we did this.”

Nicky smiled at him, and snuggled closer. “It can only get better from here.” Grissom pulled the covers over them, and they drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 13

They awoke after several hours. Nick and Grissom took their turns in the shower. Nicky would have rather they showered together, but he didn’t want to push things. Grissom made them breakfast. Over coffee, Grissom laid out his plan of attack.

“Okay, Nicky, here is what I need you to do. Give me all the files you have so far on our Jane Doe, I’ll forward them to my contact at the Bureau. I’ll instruct Doc and Greg not to talk to anyone about this, not even our team. I will have to have a sit down with Catherine, Warrick, and Sara at a later date. I need you to keep this between us for the time being. I need to appear to Hannibal, as if I’m cooperating.” Grissom took Nicky’s hand. “For the time being, I want you to be extra careful. I don’t want Lecter to know about you…about us…It could put you in danger.”

“You know you can count on me, Gris. I’ll do what I can.” Nicky placed a soft kiss on the back of Grissom’s hand. “You take care of yourself too” Nicky took a chance, because he might not get the chance again. “Gris? You know that…I love you?”

Grissom let the confession sink in. *Nicky loves me!* He gazed into Nicky’s eyes. “Yes. Nicky, I do. Thank you. I really needed to hear that.” He kissed Nicky softly on the lips.

Nick left Grissom to go back to his place to change clothes. He checked his face, noting the whisker burn Grissom had left. *uh oh, better do something about that* he grabbed some lotion and worked it into his skin, then shaved. Now it looked more like razor burn. * I can deal with that*

Greg knew about Nick’s love life, but Catherine, Sara, and Warrick had no clue. He didn’t want to add anymore strain to his new relationship with Grissom. Questions would only make it harder to do what he had to do. He headed into the crime lab early, to get his files in order.

Greg was there waiting for him with the DNA results. Blood type did not show in what was left of the saliva, Lecter was a non-secretor. He checked to see if Doc Robbins final report was in the file, and it was.

“When are you going to get around to making an impression of the bite marks? I need to run dental records.” Greg was his usual bouncy self. He had more energy that 3 guys put together.

“Greg, we are having a meeting when Grissom gets here, his office.”

“Yeah, I know, he already talked to me. He’s already here.” Greg gave nick a sly glance. “Who is he?”

Nick flinched slightly. “Who is who?”

“New guy, the one who gave you the whisker burn.” Greg was way too observant.

Nick tried to brush him off. “Random dude, met last night after shift, made out in the truck.”

Greg grinned playfully. “Does he have a brother?” Greg winked.

“No Idea. I’ll see you in Grissom’s office then.”

Greg watched Nick’s retreating form. He was such a bad liar. *I’ll let him play his little game. Let’s see what happens.*

Chapter 14

Nick knocked on the door to Grissom’s office, and then stuck in his head.

Grissom looked up, and smiled at Nicky. *God, the man was gorgeous. He’s all mine for now.* Nicky stepped in and closed the door behind him.

Grissom gestured toward the stack of paperwork Nicky held. “Is that all of it?”

“Yeah, Gris. When are the others going to be here? Greg and Doc, that is.” *God, do I sound stupid or what?*

“In a few minutes, I was relying on your desire to come in early, so I paged the rest.”

Greg was the first to show, followed by Doc a minute or so later. Greg let Robbins have the high backed chair, so he could get in and out easier. Greg flopped onto the couch and looked expectantly at his boss, and at Greg.

Grissom cleared his throat, and then launched into his explanation. For several stunned minutes, the others looked at their leader. When Grissom finished, it was silent for a moment, then Greg broke the silence.

“Wow. So….that is what you’ve been hiding from us all this time. Does Catherine and the rest know?”

Grissom shook his head negatively. “No, it has to stay between the four of us for now. I just need you to do as I’ve asked. After the FBI gets Lecter, then we will discuss everything with the rest of the team.”

Doc looked at his friend. “Are you going to be okay with this?”

Grissom nodded. “I’m just relieved it will all be over soon. Then we can get back to normal.”

Doc and Greg exchanged looks, and then nodded agreement.

Grissom said as an afterthought “We need to find out who’s been leaking case information to the press. Listen around, and see what you hear. Keep me posted. In the meantime, I will forward these files onto the Bureau. Be careful guys, I mean it.”

Doc and Greg left the two men alone in the office. Grissom turned to Nick. He placed a hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “Thank you, for everything. If this goes badly, I want you to know that I admire you greatly. Everyday you impress me more. You’re the fastest learner, the most reliable, and a really great friend.” Grissom pulled Nick close to hug him, then whispered into Nick’s ear. “I love you, too.”

Nick’s arms tightened around the older man, pulling him flush against him. He rubbed Grissom’s back for a moment, and then loosened his hold on him, stepping back. Grissom saw tears forming in Nicky’s eyes. “This isn’t goodbye, Nicky. It is just in case…something happens to me.”

“Don’t talk like that, Gris! We have your back, the FBI is gonna get him, and then you’ll be free.”

Grissom looked at Nick, his manner resigned. “I’m just planning ahead, worst case scenario.” Grissom checked his watch. “Anyway, I’ll let you get back to work. I have to take care of this.” Grissom waved his hand at the stack of papers on his desk. He squeezed Nick’s hand. “I’ll see you later.”

Nick nodded and left the office. Grissom sank into his chair, and picked up the phone.

Chapter 15

“Special Agent Johnson”


“Will, great to hear you. How did it go?”

“My people have been apprized of the situation; I have all the files here. Where do you want them sent?”

“Just hold on to them for now, my team will be there later today. You can hand it over to me personally. Then we can grab a burger and a beer, act like old friends, while my team searches for your buddy.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“So, how are you holding up?”

“I’m doing a lot better. The panic attacks have stopped again, now that I’m more or less free of this burden.”

“Good to hear it. Well, I’m gonna leave now, gotta be at the airport soon. We’re flying commercial, that way we don’t arouse his suspicions. I’m assuming he’s watching you somehow, so keep your head down.”

Grissom hung up the phone. *If Hannibal found him at home, he surely knows where I work. He wouldn’t dare come close to this place, there is a possibility that someone else may recognize him. What to do?*
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