What Gil Grissom has been hiding(Chapters 6 -9)

Apr 01, 2005 16:13

Title: What has Grissom been hiding Chapters 6 through 9
Author: Jessica Spurlock(tyragreenstaff)
Characters: Grissom, Nick, Greg, Hannibal Lecter
Rating: R eventually, maybe Nc-17 later.
Warnings: first attempt at challenge, so go easy on me
Notes: Written for LJ's Grisslash FuhQFest, Wave 1, challenge #31
Summary: Grissom Challenge: Will Graham is Gil Grissom’s real name, in witness protection program for 15 years. Hannibal Lecter comes calling.
*denotes Thought*

Chapter 6

Back in his office, Grissom rummages through the desk drawer. He finds what he’s looking for in the far back of the bottom drawer. He checks the battery on the secure cell phone he was given. *Full charge, good deal* Grissom flips it open and dials the only number on the speed dial.

“Special Agent Johnson”

Grissom inhales a deep breath. “Bryon, it’s me, Will.”

“Oh, man, Will! How have you been? Is everything alright?”

“Not at all, I’ve found what I think is a Lecter victim out here.”

Pause “Not good. How are you holding up?”

“Bryon, the panic attacks have started again, started when we uncovered the body. I was able to hold it together for a little bit, but when Doc Robbins gave me his preliminary findings, I knew it was him.”

“We still haven’t been able to track him down. How old is the body?”

“We think it has been here for a few years. It was under another body dump. I had a team out there searching for the Prostitute killer, and one of my CSI’s found it.”

“Doesn’t Lecter hate Vegas?”

“Yeah, Bryon, he’d find it tacky and tasteless. Part of the reason I moved here.” Grissom replied wryly. “What should I do, Nick walked in on my panic attack, and he wants answers. I trust him, but I am not supposed to talk about my past.”

“Play it by ear for the time being, I’ll get back to you when we have an idea whether He’s still in your area.” Pause “Good Luck, Will.”

“Thanks, I’ll try.” Click.

Grissom looked at the phone in his hand. *play it by ear, huh? Christ, how is that supposed to help me?*

Grissom considered carrying the phone with him, then decided against it. He put the phone back in the drawer, and took out his prescription bottle of Xanax. *Haven’t had to take these in a while, wonder if they are any good.* He popped a pill, and washed it down with his cold coffee.

Grissom lay down on the leather couch, closed his eyes for a bit. If only he could get the sound of Lecter’s voice out of his head. It had taken him years to forget, guess it wasn’t as forgotten as he thought.

In his fitful dreams he heard Lecter’s probing voice, images of the various horrible acts he had investigated when working the Lecter case ran through his subconscious thoughts. If only he had killed Lecter when he had the chance. The nightmare of his injuries, and the ensuing hospital stay mixed in with the other images. He still bore the scars Lecter had given him. He shouted out in his sleep.

Nick was passing Grissom’s office, when he heard the horrified scream. He rushed in to find Grissom in the throws of a nightmare. *what am I supposed to do in this situation? Do I wake him up, do I touch him? Think.*

Nick knelt down and reached for Grissom’s shoulder. The contact was enough to make him jump. Grissom took a swing at him. Nick caught the arm before it made contact. “Gris, wake up. You’re having a nightmare.”

Grissom opened his eyes, disoriented. “Wha? Nick? What time is it?”

Nick released his hold on Grissom’s arm and checked his watch. “Almost quitting time.”

Grissom rubbed his eyes with a hand, and then swung his legs off the couch to sit up. *Nicky to the rescue again, what am I going to do? I can’t tell him yet. I have to wait.* Grissom tried a sheepish grin. Felt like a grimace.

Nick smiled back, that glowing, playful smile of his. * God, Grissom was cute when he woke up. Too bad he tried to hit me, otherwise, one for the memory banks* He patted Grissom on the knee, then rose to his feet. Shoving his hands in his pants pockets, he looked down at the sitting man. “So, are you going to tell me what’s going on here, or am I gonna have to drag it out of you?”

“Sorry, Nicky, still can’t talk about it” Grissom shook his head trying to clear the cobwebs. He felt rung out. Couldn’t figure out why his arm was sore. “I have to sort things out. Maybe, in time, I’ll be able to tell you all about it, but right now is not the time.”

“Dammit, Gris! I can’t sit here and watch you deal with this problem alone. I can see how much it is tearing you up. Tell me what I can do.”

Grissom was taken aback at the forceful tone in Nick’s voice. He’d seen Nick mad before, but it had not been directed at him. “I’ll tell you what you can do. Follow the evidence. I can’t be involved with this investigation anymore; you will have to track down the suspect. I can’t…I can’t help you at all.” *Do I sound as pathetic as I feel?*

Nick watched Grissom for another moment, before nodding his head and leaving the office. *Why so many secrets, Gil, I just want to help you. What are you hiding??*

Chapter 7

In another part of the city, a distinguished older man picks up a paper. Scanning the front page, a small article leaps out at him.

A body was found at the dump site of the Prostitute killer. The body was not consistent with the previous findings. The body has yet to be identified by the authorities, experts are on the case. Details will be reported as soon as they become available.

He smiled to himself. *I was wondering how long it would take for them to find her. Goody, maybe this will flush Will out of the woodwork. Time has come for a reunion*

Hannibal set down the newspaper, and picked up his copy of The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. It was addressed to one of his alternate identities, Dr. Fell. He turned back to the article he was reading, about abnormal psychiatry, and tried to decide when would be the best time to drop in on his old friend. He turned on the TV to check the News.

Chapter 8

Grissom was ambushed on his way out of the station. News crews from every local station, and a few national ones, were present. *What are they doing here? How did they get the news so fast? Dammit, we must have a leak in the department again.*

“Doctor Grissom, have you identified the body yet”
“Doctor Grissom, how is the body different from the rest?”
“Doctor Grissom, do we have another serial killer on our hands?”

Questions flew at him from all directions. Grissom stepped back, held his hands up. “When we know, we will let you know. The victim’s parents and loved ones have the right to find out from someone other than the TV stations.” He pushed his way through the crowd. “No further comments”.

*Ha ha! What luck! That was way easier than he thought. Will has been masquerading as a Forensic Scientist with the Las Vegas crime lab. Dr. Grissom! Wonder when he got that title. Did they give it to him, or did he earn it? Hmmm*

Hannibal turned on his computer and linked to the internet. He ran a people search on Doctor Gil Grissom. The search results came up fast. *Gee, Will, you have been a very busy boy indeed.*Hannibal read the list of accolades. Doctorate in Entomology, taught forensics, now runs the 2nd leading crime lab in the country. *I knew he would never give up his life completely. Once a scientist, always a scientist. Now, to plan our reunion*

Chapter 9

Grissom made it to his condo in record time. It hadn’t been the first time he was ambushed by reporters, but this time really bothered him. The poor timing, the situation with Lecter. *Maybe he’s dead, maybe he’s just messing with me from beyond the grave. Maybe…*

He didn’t hear the footsteps approaching. He was lost in his thoughts.

“Hello, Will” He’d recognize that voice anywhere.

“Are you going to kill me, Hannibal?”

“Well, no ‘hello, how are you’, just get directly to the point” Hannibal chuckled.

Grissom turned around to look into the face of his tormenter. He saw that Hannibal had aged remarkably well. He’d had some facial reconstruction done, barely resembled the Lecter he remembered. “You had surgery, cosmetic reconstruction” Gil proffered lamely.

“Ah, I had a lot of time on my hand, and had a little work done.” Hannibal smirked. Grissom noticed that his left hand was a prosthetic rubber replacement.

“What happened there?” Grissom was stalling.

“Souvenir from Agent Starling, I had to free myself from the handcuffs she locked me in; with only a meat cleaver to aid me.” Lecter sounded almost wistful. Grissom changed the subject.

“You managed to stay off the radar. They gave up looking for you a long time ago.” Grissom said with a hint of admiration.

“Yes, gave them a good run, but I got away.” Pause. “You have to do something for me, Will Graham.”

“What is it?” Grissom queried. *this can’t be good!*

“Invite me in; there is a lot to discuss.”

“I am not sure that is such a good idea.”

“Will, you don’t have much choice in the matter. I have no desire to hurt you anymore. You will have to take my word on the matter. Now, let’s go inside.”

Grissom turned to open the door to the condo. Hannibal followed him inside. “Nice, going for the sterile look. Reminds me of my former residence at the Asylum.” Hannibal shuddered slightly at the recollection.

“Ok, you’re inside, now what do you want” Grissom abruptly blurted. Panic swelled in him. *Gotta keep it together, get this over with*

“Now, now, Will, how rude. You know what I do with rude people.”

Grissom took a steadying breath. “Would you care for something to drink?” Grissom indicated the bottles of Bourbon, Scotch, Vodka, and brandy on the sideboard.

Hannibal helped himself to the brandy, gestured with the bottle toward Grissom, who shook his head negatively. He shrugged and replaced the bottle.

“Now, what I came for. I have no desire to go back to the asylum. I need your help to make my escape.”

“I….I can’t do that.” Grissom stammered. “I’m not on the investigation, one of the other CSI’s is handling it.” *whoops, big mistake*

“Will, you’re being stubborn. How many times have I helped you in the past? Countless times, and the one time I ask for your assistance, you shut me down. Is that anyway to treat an old friend?” Hannibal was getting agitated. “If you refuse to help me, I will have to expose your past, make your identity known, and all the people you put away will be able to find you.”

“Hannibal, please, you don’t know what you’re asking. I can’t compromise the investigation, I’ve already withdrawn.” Grissom was getting worried about Nick.

“I’m not asking for you to do that. I just want a head start. A chance to relocate. I have not harmed anyone in almost 10 years.”

“There is no statute of limitations on murder, Hannibal. When this goes public, when they tie it to you, they will come after you.” * And then the media will really be after me* Grissom tried to swallow a moan.

“Just give me a week, or even 5 days.”

“I really can’t help you; I would lose everything, my career, my friends”

“Would you rather lose your life?” Hannibal countered menacingly.

“I’ll have to think about it for a while. The current case we’re working has priority. The lab is already working on the trace evidence; so it depends on the condition of the DNA; how long it will take.” Pause “Who was she, Hannibal?”

“Sales clerk, a very rude one at that, she wouldn’t take the time to help someone at a disadvantage.” He gestured with the prosthetic hand. Then he smiled at Grissom.

Grissom cringes. The man’s smile always gave him the creeps. There was something predatory about it. Grissom felt the panic returning. “I’ll ask you to leave now, Dr. Lecter. I have to think. Grissom led the way to the door.

Hannibal followed him, then as he stepped over the threshold, turned to face Grissom. Grissom jumped. “Make the right decision, Will. It’s my freedom, or your life.” With that, Lecter walked out of the condo into the morning sun.

Grissom closed the door and wished that he had chosen to take the secure phone with him. But, now that Lecter had already found him, he might as well use his own phone. He crossed the room and dialed.
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