(no subject)

Mar 09, 2005 00:56

Title: Talisman 11/?

Rating: Hard R

Series: CSI/Angel

Pairing: Greg/Grissom, Greg/Wesley

Timeline: Wesley in his dark place and corresponding season of CSI

Summary: It’s the end of the world as we know it, but someone's gonna get laid.

Warning: beta'd only by me. When done it will be shipped off to someone else to have its ass kicked in its entirety.

Author’s note: The Sandershmeed Talisman is henceforth renamed the Hajemheed Talisman. Bonus points if you can figure out why. :)

Author's plea: Feedback? Would it be utterly pathetic to do this two chapters in a row? *looks pathetic* I guess so. *big anime eyes* My muse works with less grump when it gets the shiny. No, this is not an ultimatum. This is a pathetic cry for attention. *hangs head in shame*

Previous parts can be found here.

Greg is pretty sure his lips are still tingling when he walks jauntily into work the next day. Somewhere in the middle of the movie, Grissom had become enamored of Greg’s skin, letting his fingers gloss over every available inch. Once his hands had gotten their fill, Grissom followed with his lips. Its been years since Greg has made out like a teenager on the couch. But he’s already planning for when they can do it again.

He’s humming something obnoxious and slightly off key as he enters the locker room.

Nick is in the middle of stowing his things and gives him an amused look. “Have a good night there Greggo?”

Greg blushes to his roots, but still manages a jovial smile and wink.

Nick’s motions slow down and he turns to face Greg. “How long is that friend of yours in town for?”

Greg freezes. “We’re not sure. Depends on how long it takes to get the job done.”

Nick gives him a slightly incredulous leer. “Looks like he did that last night.”

The blush returns in full force. “For your information, I haven’t seen Wesley since that night at the PD. He really *is* here helping me track down a family heirloom that got stolen.”

“That ugly thing that looks like two pennies that got mashed together?” Nick asks.

Greg nods. “What can I say, high fashion a couple hundred years ago wasn’t exactly Harry Winston.”

Nick snorts and pats him on the shoulder before turning serious. “Is there a reason you didn’t tell anyone?”

Greg doesn’t even pretend to misunderstand. He just closes his locker and sighs. “You mean other than the fact that I work very closely with law enforcement and its none of anyone’s business?”

“Yeah.” Nick nods, obviously not thrown. “Other than that.”

He thinks about it hard. “Habit mostly.” Off of Nick’s curious gaze he continues. “Hey, I’m as open and unencumbered as anyone who grew up around San Francisco. But sometimes rocking the boat leads to nothing but sea sickness.” He shoves his hands in his pockets. “I don’t need to wear a big neon sign to feel unashamed of who I am. Its not like I feel the need to conform, take a look at my hair and clothes. I’m me, always have been me, but to be me doesn’t mean I have to advertise all of me.”

Nick takes in what he says and nods slowly. “It wasn’t ‘cause you were afraid of how we’d react?”

Oh Nick, such a gentleman to his last breath. “Maybe on some level, we’re all worried what other people think of us. You guys are my friends and intellectually I know you guys are better than those horror stories you hear about. But who wants to risk getting seasick when I don’t have to?”

“Well I’d like to say the only thing that really throws me about this is that you could land someone in Wesley’s league.” Nick looks completely innocent.

“You, my man, shouldn’t talk.” Greg elbows him in the side.

Nicks leaves, muttering under his breath about lab rats in glass houses.

Greg snickers quietly and finishes arranging his things.

“First it was semen samples, now it’s the locker, maybe I should start testing your food for hallucinogens.”

Greg nearly has a heart attack, sending his cell phone clattering to the floor. “Don’t *do* that.” He leans against the locker for support. “What are you, Batman? With your secret ability to walk in without making a sound.”

Grissom smiles. “It’s a talent. It took years to perfect.”

Greg sticks his tongue out. “Yeah well, go practice it on someone else, I’ve got a rep to maintain here.”

“Goofy oddball lab tech who doesn’t own a hair brush?” Grissom takes something out of his pocket. “Left your watch, thought you might need it.”

Greg takes the watch and puts it on. “Hey, I wouldn’t speak bug man.” He wanders around the edge of the locker and bends to collect his cell phone. Only to stop suddenly as he sees a familiar pair of boots just in his line of sight. He looks up to see a very stunned Nick plastered to the door.

When he doesn’t stand up right away, Grissom walks over and follows his gaze. “Nicky.” He says, a little surprised and more than a little tremor of fear lacing his voice.

Greg stands abruptly then, immediately stepping in between them. “Nick, hey, you look a little peaked. Anything wrong?”

Nick swallows but doesn’t move. “Forgot my flashlight.”

Well that explains why he came back. Greg is intimately aware that Grissom is backing away slowly and for now, he lets him. “You guys should just buy stock in maglite the way you go through those things.”

Nick doesn’t take the bait, instead his eyes just follow as Grissom moves behind him.

“Nick.” He says more seriously. “Need some Dramamine?”

That snaps him out of it. “No. Sorry. Just a momentary lapse.” He strides in bravely, grabs his flashlight, even gives an encouraging smile to Grissom and then leaves.

Greg takes a deep breath and turns to Grissom who’s starting to look shocky where he’s standing pressed against a wall. “You ok?”

“I didn’t hear the door.” Grissom says in a rush.

Oh boy. “He probably came back just as you startled me.” He steps closer. “Sit down before you sprain something.”

Grissom shakes his head. “I’m ok, I just didn’t expect... well, any of that.” He says ruefully.

Greg nods understanding. “Its ok to freak out about this, in fact I think it’s a rule.” He nudges Grissom’s side. “You’re allowed one bonafide freak out every time you rediscover your sexuality and then get outed to a coworker three days later.”

Smiling, Grissom says, “Say it louder Greg, I’m sure Bobby in ballistics didn’t hear you.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I guess you can never be too careful.”

Greg shakes his head and points to the door. “Not taking any chances this time. I’m sorry,” he apologizes, “its my fault, I’m used to being private, just not that private. I gave him just enough to put it together when he saw you return my watch. Besides,” He winks, “I guarantee Nick is just as weirded out as you are.”

“Think so?” Grissom looks amused and some of the color is coming back to his face.

“Know so.” He smiles and prods Grissom in the arm again.


Nick is so incredibly professional the next time Greg sees him, he has to hold back laughter. Catherine just looks at both of them like they’ve lost their minds. Greg plays along, just so Nick doesn’t completely give the game away, and doesn’t comment.

As the time draws closer, most of his good humor fades. He’s seen Grissom doing his bear impression in the halls and his stomach tightens with each raised voice. By eleven, he’s cleared as much paperwork as possible and set his underlings onto a long drawn out series of tests that should keep them busy the rest of the night if necessary.

He meets Grissom at the door and they leave without fanfare. The more low key the better. Grissom can come and go as he pleases, its not unusual. But Greg is another matter entirely.

The silence in the car is tense and Wesley is waiting for them when they arrive. He gets in the car with little ceremony.

“There’s an alley behind Gordon street, near Beaumont. You know where it is?” Wesley asks.

“I think so.” Grissom pulls out of the lot and begins driving. It doesn’t take long for his curiosity to get the better of him. “How about you give us an idea of what we’re walking into.”

Greg watches Wesley take on an overly relaxed position, smirking at them. “My pleasure, Dr. Grissom.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls at swath of cloth and unwraps a large coin. “This is the Key of Markesh. It’s most often used in rites of longevity. The sort of thing that requires several years delay within the execution of a ritual and seeing the results. Its also useful for creatures with an unnaturally long life span, its used in various and sundry things that I neither care to elaborate on nor would you understand without an extensive lecture and perhaps some slides.”

Grissom’s knuckles turn white as they grip the steering wheel. “Why thank you Mr. Windham Pryce, that’s very generous of you.”

Wesley ignores him. “You two will stay in the car and try not get into trouble. I’ll go out and meet the buyer. It’s a Gorash demon, try not to get frightened at the horns. I’ve placed a tracking charm on the coin. We want the buy to go smoothly.” He puts the coin back into his pocket. “No bang bang with the big gun.”

The stop at the light is a bit more abrupt than normal. “Whatever you say.” Grissom says through gritted teeth.

Its five minutes of tense silence after they park, marred only by the distinctive sounds of someone checking their weapon. Greg watches Wesley go through the motions by rote, a dangerous look in his eyes and the scent of anticipation permeating the car. He shivers involuntarily, hoping never to meet a life like the one he can only guess Wesley has.

He remembers that day in the motel room once more and thinks maybe he saw a rare side to the man, one not many people get to see.

Another car pulls up and flashes its headlights.

“Demons drive BMWs?” Grissom’s eyebrows are crawling under his hairline.

Wesley leans forward from the back seat, hitting the brights. “Would you prefer they bought American?”

Grissom doesn’t deign to answer Wesley. He just watches him climb out of the car and approach the other. His eyes widen as he gets his first look at the Gorash, scales, horns, hooves and all. “I don’t believe it.” He whispers.

Greg chuckles. “I had a feeling there was a part of you that was just going along with this, not quite grasping that it wasn’t all a big fairy tale.”

Grissom practically has his nose pressed to the glass. “How is this possible?”

Greg ghosts his fingers over Grissom’s cheek, just enough to get his attention. “Magic.” He whispers.

His head turns slowly and Grissom eyes say a great many things, the most prominent of which is ‘You’re a great big dweeb sometimes.’ But there’s a mixture of ‘I can’t believe you said that’ and ‘Did I really find that romantic?’

The moment stretches and they completely miss the end of the transaction. The door opening startles them both out of their reverie.

“All done for the moment.” Wesley announces. “Now we wait.”

“Wait for what?” Greg asks, mostly because his nerves are already shot.

“Whoever the coin is actually going to is going to be extra cautious for the time being. Two windfalls coming in such a short time is bound to make him suspicious.” Wesley explains. “I want to make sure the item is actually in his or her possession before I activate the tracking charm. After all, tracking the coin back to the Gorash demon, whom I doubt is the actual buyer, would be useless.” He settles into his seat, arms crossed. “I figure he’ll wait at least a day to move the merchandise.”

Grissom snorts indistinctly. “Thanks for telling us.”

Wesley waves away the annoyance. “I’m very proud of you, following my directions. Though next time I might have to add a rule about snogging in the workplace.”
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