Fic: The Insane Kind (2/4)

Nov 02, 2008 20:30

Title: The Insane Kind (2/4) A continuation of Convoluted
Author: Dee
Rating: R
Word Count: 1307 (6946 in total)
Pairings: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil, Nick and various team members and other characters.
Warnings: Fluff and, I think, v.v.AU and OOC. Some v.v.serious SS bashing.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: In my dreams they are like, totally mine!
Beta: jayceepat and podga for their invaluable help in the Americanisation of the fic and their insightful comments - which I may well have ignored! I thank high_striker for his wonderful icons. I am indebted to them all. Any errors are mine.
A/N 1: This is Part Six of Eight of an ongoing saga. It follows on from Convoluted, Four times in twenty four hours, Upping the Ante, BFF and Facing Up. It will help to be familiar with these as they form part of the whole! All my legal and medical stuff is either: made up, from House MD, Boston Legal or Wikipedia - I am, therefore, an expert!

Part Two

It was Tuesday and Mrs Morris should have been out; Tuesday mornings she would leave her condo at nine, promptly, to ‘bus it to the home to meet her friends Patricia and Joyce. She would be back at three thirty after having lunch with them and a couple a games of whist. But she'd had a bit of a 'tummy' in the night - she'd have to lay off that sherry, it was lovely but this always happened when she had too much. But it was a free gift and she couldn't see it go to waste. Anyway, she'd called the home and put off this week's visit.

She'd opened the window of her living room; it opened directly onto the walkway of the five condos in her row. She was going to take a chair out later and sit outside, to get a bit of air and see what was going on. She didn't normally see what went on, on a Tuesday morning, so there may be some new gossip to pick up. That trollop over the other side had another man must be the tenth since New was a wonder she didn't catch for a baby.

She was looking through her blinds when the lovely young man drove up in his big truck. He did something important for the police, and he worked nights, but she could never remember exactly what his job was. And now he was leaving, to live with a friend, I bet it was a girlfriend, he was a good looking boy, no two ways about that.

That other nice young man came around a lot and he always spoke to her too. They were nice, both of them, always asking if she was okay and offering to do things to help her. Nick helped her with her appliances when they went wrong and moved a couch for her once. He was a very nice boy.

She would go out and see him, but she saw him run past her window before she had time to move. She'd been quick once upon a time, not any more though. She stayed where she was and saw a little silver car pull up next to Nick's truck. She looked at the driver, and her eyes weren't what they were, she knew that, but she couldn't work out if it was a boy or a girl. There were a lot of them like that nowadays. The driver was also coming up here, to see someone; don't know who, they're all out except me, and young Nick, of course.

Just then she heard Nick's door slam and he was walking away from his door, perhaps she'd knock her window at him to stop him and have a word….but he stopped right in front of her window and she was about to knock the window when she saw he was staring at the person who'd got out of the silver car. It looked like a girl of sorts and Holy Mary, Mother of God, she had an enormous gun pointed at Nick. The three of them just stood where they were, frozen in time, for ages; in reality, only a few seconds.

She heard Nick say, 'Sara....' so it was a girl. What should she do? Oh yes, Nick had said if she ever saw anything suspicious she should call 911. The police would check it out. Mrs Morris, looked for her 'phone, it wasn't in its cradle, but she'd used it not long ago to call Joyce....there it was, on the arm of her chair. She retrieved it and dialled. The first time she'd ever dialled '911'. She felt very important when the girl asked her what the problem was. It was like on those TV shows about cops and forensic people.

"Well, my dear, right outside my window, a girl called Sara is holding a gun up to my neighbour, he's such a nice boy. He works for you."

This snippet of information immediately ramped up the operator's interest. "What is your address ma’am?"

Mrs Morris gave the address and Nick's name, but only 'Nick', she couldn't for the life of her remember his surname.

"Stay on the line, ma’am. I'll be back in a moment and we'll have someone with you very quickly."

The operator put out the code for man down. She put the zip code of Mrs Morris, into her computer and a millisecond later Nicholas Stokes' name came up as the neighbour. A CSI. The gorgeous one; the gay one.

The operator had put out the code and now added the address. The 'situation' would be instantly monitored by all available personnel. She then went back onto the line with Mrs Morris and put the call on speaker mode so the room could listen.

"Mrs Morris, there are personnel already on their way to you."

"Thank you dear - there are still just standing here, talking."

"Mrs Morris, do not put yourself in any danger, move away from the window."

"Miss, this is the most exciting thing that's happened to me in thirty years, I'm not going anywhere. But I can tell you what's going on."

"Please be careful, Nick wouldn't want you to get hurt, now would he?"

"No, you're right, he's such a lovely boy but he's leaving you know, I think he's going to move in with a girlfriend."

The conversation was relayed to all the staff in the control room and the personnel didn't know whether to laugh or cry. There were long pauses in her commentary but the control room staff could hear her rasping breathing.

“They're talking about someone called Gil and the girl, though she doesn't look much like a girl I must say.....oh dear.....oh dear...."

"What's wrong Mrs Morris, what's happening?"

"This Sara, has a dirty mouth, you wouldn't believe what she just called Nick. Oh dear...."


"She thinks Nick stole someone off her, this Gil, and that Nick had her fired...oh my lord.......Nick's said he has been with this Gil......and he seemed such a nice boy. What am I saying, of course he's nice boy, this is an act isn't it, he's pretending, to keep her happy. I've seen this on the TV."

The long pauses continued and collective breath releasing could be heard, in the control room, each time Mrs Morris spoke.

The control staff had put two and two together and an operator picked up a 'phone and said, "It's Sara Sidle, we're almost certain."

"Nick's getting a little bit worried here, he's not as certain as he was a moment or two ago.....oh no......"

"What, Mrs Morris, what?" The operator's heart was pounding and felt as if it would explode, she wanted to help Nick.

"He's alright again.....just a little nerves I think." There was a collective sigh across the LVPD. The call was being patched through to lead cars. Gil Grissom was almost certainly in one of those cars.

"Sara's said this Gil is at her place asleep, he seems a bit fickle to me, if you ask. Nick's far nicer than she is, that's for certain. Well I never, she's just told him she's seen them together and that they love one's the young man he brings here isn't it, he does love him I can see it....well, who'd have thought it, he's like Mrs Clarke's son......he's a......"

The call was cut short by a voice on the loud hailer outside Mrs Morris' condo, they could hear it in the control room. "Sara Sidle, put down your weapon, you are surrounded by armed police officers. Put down your weapon and no one will get hurt."

The operator looked at the clock; twenty two minutes had elapsed since the call began. The response time had been exceptional.

End of Part Two
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