Fic: The Insane Kind (1/4)

Oct 31, 2008 17:20

Title: The Insane Kind (1/4) A continuation of Convoluted
Author: Dee
Rating: R
Word Count: 3562 (6946 in total)
Pairings: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil, Nick and various team members and OMC’s
Warnings: Fluff and, I think, v.v.AU and OOC. Some v.serious SS bashing.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: In my dreams they are like, totally mine!
Beta: jayceepat and podga for their invaluable help in the Americanisation of the fic and their insightful comments - which I may well have ignored! I thank high_striker for his wonderful icons. I am indebted to them all. Any errors are mine.
A/N 1: This is Part Six of Eight of an ongoing saga. It follows on from Convoluted, Four times in twenty four hours, Upping the Ante, BFF and Facing Up. It will help to be familiar with these as they form part of the whole! All my legal and medical stuff is either: made up, from House MD, Boston Legal or Wikipedia - I am, therefore, an expert!

The Insane Kind

Sara had the gun ready, all cleaned and poised for action. It was her trusty steed; she'd had the piece for years, just for emergencies; she’d never had to use it in action before, but if this wasn't an emergency, then nothing was. She would get a good sleep and go to the lab early, before shift ended, to make sure she picked him up before he left for the day. He wouldn't be bothering Gil again after that. Oh, no sir, he would not.

Sara ate half a bowl of cereal; she was rationing herself to maintain her disguise. She urinated, washed, cleaned her teeth and then lay naked under the sheets of her bed. She smiled as she drifted asleep; Gil had just joined her and was stroking her breasts and belly and then slipping his hand down between her legs. This would be the last night he'd have to leave her; he could stay forever after tomorrow.

She awoke to the sound of her alarm, it was four thirty am. Gil was still asleep, she'd let him sleep, he worked hard, he needed the rest. She showered and washed her hair and then towelled it dry, the hair was good for that, no need to style it, or use a hairdryer. She ate half a banana and drank a glass of water. She cleaned her teeth and then dressed. When she'd got everything she'd need for the day ready, she went back into the bedroom and kissed a sleeping Gil and stroked his soft hair and beard, he always wore his beard for her. Nick had made him shave it off.

She went out to the little Toyota she'd hired this week. She'd hired a different make and colour of car each week. She had the gun, and spare ammunition, her logs and a bottle of water. She was ready for whatever the day would bring.

She drove down the road and passed the exit of the parking lot to the lab. She couldn't see if his truck was there, but that was one thing he could always be trusted to do; he always came back to the lab, at whatever time it was, before leaving to go home. Then sometimes he would go home. Sometimes the bastard went to Gil's home and Gil hated it, he'd told her, he didn't know how to get rid of him. But she knew. She knew exactly what she had to do, this morning, in fact.

Nick swung his truck out of the lot at nine ten on the lovely summer morning. Shift hadn't been too bad on him and Catherine had told him he was going to be recommended for a bonus. He hoped he got it, not because he thought he deserved it, but because he wanted to get Gil a special present and what he had in mind didn't come cheap. But he'd told Gil he was thinking about buying a bed, he was, but not as a present for a present was something special, not a bed. Although, he mused, a bed would be 'special' to them since it was a place or untold pleasures in the last couple of months….

The let on his condo would be moving in on Friday and tomorrow Gil was going to help him take all the stuff he needed to take, over to Gil's. They were pretty sure it would fit in both trucks, but if it didn't they could make an extra trip. Mostly it was all packed and ready and he'd taken a fair bit of stuff over already. He wasn't going to be moving back; they both knew that.

However, he was a bit pissed because he was going to the gym and had completely forgotten his kit. It was ready and waiting, but not in his truck; it was in his bedroom at the condo. But a fifteen minute extra journey would retrieve it and he'd be with Gil by midday, no probs.

Gil was staying at the lab for a meeting, his very favourite kind (not) with Ecklie. Gil still had no time for the man, but Nick was philosophical, he'd cleared Gil and him of any wrongdoing, so the man couldn't be all bad. He would also be the one to approve, or disallow, his bonus, so he'd reserve judgement a little longer.

Nick didn’t notice the silver Toyota a few cars behind him, as he drove to his condo.

When he arrived, he parked in his usual place, jumped out, locked up and ran up to his apartment. He didn't see the Toyota park next to his truck. He let himself in and closed the door behind him. He only had to get his kit from the bedroom, but detoured to the kitchen to get a sports drink from his cool box. He went to the bedroom and slipped the drink into the sports bag and zipped it up, slung it up over his shoulder and was ready to leave.

He walked to the door and with his hand on the door handle, he looked back around the room. There seemed to be something wrong, something not quite right, but he shrugged and opened the door, keys in his hand, and closed it behind him. He set to walk back down to his truck, head down, but a gasp got his attention and he looked up and he saw someone in front of him, walking towards him, someone vaguely familiar, but he couldn't quite place who it was. He took three more steps as two things happened.

He realised who the person was and he was staring down the barrel of a gun she was holding.

"Sara? What the...."

"Shut up. Gil doesn't want you, he wants me, and he’s told me every night we've been together, every night since you had me fired. I've told him I'll fix it, so here I am."

Sara had intended to go up to Nick's condo, knock on the door and when he answered the door force him back inside and shoot him. She couldn't quite decide where to shoot him. Maybe his face, spoil his 'pretty boy' looks, or maybe his heart, smash it to smithereens. She could do both, perhaps she would, when he was already dead

But, as usual for her, Nick, the bastard, was conspiring against her; she was certain. He had never just gone up to his condo and then left immediately, not once had he done that before. The fucking bastard; he'd done this on purpose, but it didn't matter, not now, she'd got him. It was over.

Nick stood there, absolutely motionless. The person standing, maybe five feet away, in front of him, was Sara Sidle, holding a gun, pointing at his head. He was shocked at that, but he was shocked at two other things, simultaneously.

Sara's appearance was incredible. She wore a long sleeved tee and a pair of denims and sneakers completed the outfit. She'd always been slim, but shapely with it, but now she was skeletal, she must have lost upwards of thirty pounds. Her figure was straight up and down, no discernable breasts and she was angular, like a guy. Her hair was cropped short, again like a man, in fact not dissimilar to Nick's own cut and she'd had it dyed - very dark brown, almost black, again, very like Nick's own colour.

The other thought that struck him in these short moments was that she was mad, not angry mad, just totally raving mad - the insane kind.

He then had another thought, you can't reason with a person who cannot reason. She fell into that category, without a doubt. So, what to do. Well, keep her talking, people in this category usually liked to talk about all the wrongs that have been done to them...and then hope like hell he could catch a break and distract her somehow. He felt calm and composed and he knew he would have to keep his wits about him.

He was a CSI for God's sake, he knew about these sort of things, and he'd been a cop and done a 'negotiating skills' course. Of course, she was a CSI as well, and he wondered if her mental state had diminished her powers. Yes, they were diminished, because she should have walked him back into his condo, out of public view, or shot him already and beat it. She was talking again.

"Gil has always wanted me, you know, he was just shy about asking me, he's so shy and so reserved, he just needed a little gentle prodding."

Gil is not shy or reserved, he just keeps himself to himself. "Yes you're right, he's shy and reserved."

"When I said 'join me in my bed’, he said he thought I'd never ask."

"I bet." No, be nice to her, not so nice about Gil. "I bet he couldn't wait for that Sara."

"He was wonderful, he had no idea what to do I had to show him, you know."

She'd obviously got his Gil mixed up with someone else. "I thought he was useless, he's obviously better off with you."

"Don't speak of him like that!"

Don't be too unkind to Gil then. "What I meant to say was that, he doesn't like me, you know, a man, he wants to be with you, a woman." Although anyone would be hard pressed to call her a woman at the moment.

Sara stood there as if she digesting what he’d said; she didn’t move and the gun and her gaze were steady. He needed to keep her talking.

“Sara, wha….”, was a far as he got.

“Shut up.”

“Okay Sara…take it easy.”

They stood for a long time, could have been seconds, could have been minutes

"You're right. You’re nothing but a dirty little faggot, trying to wheedle your way into his affections, it's disgusting, expecting Gil to do that."

You have no idea, you mad bitch, just how good Gil is at the disgusting things. "He hates it, you're right, I'm going to dump him."

"Shut up. Dump him, you're going to end it?"

The gun wavered slightly, this was the tack to take; take it slowly. "Yeah, probably today actually. I'm going to the gym right now to meet a new guy and you know if it works out I'll be giving Gil the old heave-ho this afternoon."

Sara just stood looking at him again. It seemed to Nick she was processing his words really slowly as if she was thinking in slow motion. The silence was unnerving and he knew he had to speak again, he took a deep breath before starting to speak again. He didn’t know how long he could maintain the control he’d had so far. But, as he went to speak she beat him to it.

"But only if it works out for you with the new guy?"

Another slip, there should be a manual on what to say, but I am winging it here and I must stay calm and in control. "Well to be honest, I'm almost a hundred percent sure, this new guy's, like young, you know, my age, not an old timer like Gil. You women like the older guys now don't you?" He could hardly believe he was saying these things about ‘his’ Gil. He felt treacherous, as if he was letting Gil down, but Gil would understand, he knew that. He had to stay focussed and alive for Gil. For Gil.

There was another long silence and it was the silences that was getting to Nick, he thought his mouth would dry up soon and he would be physically unable to speak. He was getting ready to speak again about the fictional gym guy when she waved the gun at him and shook her head. She didn’t want him to speak - so he let it go. She was, he was sure, processing in slow motion. It was like he’d thought a few minutes earlier - as if she had to think about every single word he’d said before she responded.

"Gil is not old; he is an perfect example of a man in his prime, you're the idiot here."

She's right about him being in his prime, he's perfect alright, for me, not you. But, if she didn't have a gun in my face, I'd feel sorry for her. As he thought this he heard the distant wail of a siren, not altogether unusual, but it was getting louder as it got closer, there was no doubt about that, and Sara had heard it too.

How long had they been here now? He thought maybe at least ten minutes but he really had no real idea, could be two, could be twenty. Stay calm Nick, keep the situation under control even if you can’t see a way out; it gives the uniforms time to get here. Oh god, if they know, he didn’t dare look around but he wasn’t aware that there were anyone in the vicinity. He’d heard no people sounds at all. Was that because there were no sounds or because he was so focussed on Sara?

Keep her talking, Nick, try harder, "I’m the idiot for getting involved in the first place, you're right there."

Another delay whilst she processed, should he speak or should he wait. Wait. The longer this took the worse it was - she would shoot him; the better it was - for a rescue. She was having some difficulty he knew, because she could have shot him and gone by now but some instinct told him her plans may have been disrupted. She’d gasped when she’d seen him…so she hadn’t expected him to leave his condo so quickly after he arrived. That was it. She spoke again.

"Why did you? Why did you steal him from me? Why did you have me fired?"

Lots of issues here then - keep her talking that's what I've got to do. "I flattered the old man's ego, he likes to be told he's good at the job, that's he's the best..."

"He is the best, the very best."

No slow reaction there, she interrupted him; is she finding her balls?

"I would have to agree about the work there, Sara." He’d just remembered to personalise it again, call her by her name. "But out of work, he wasn't such a hot shot with me, but I still said he was. He used to spend all his money on me you know, I never had to buy a meal, or even take out. Movie tickets, show tickets...."

"He took you to a show?"

Another speedy response - this had got very serious, very suddenly, and shit, he’d dropped himself in it now.

"Errrr yes, 'O' at the Bellagio."

"When?" She hadn't seen them go there.

"A few weeks back. Why?"

"It's been more than a few weeks I haven't seen you go there. When exactly?"

Holy shit she's been following us. Oh God, this is it. "I c...c...can't remember exactly." Get a grip, get a grip, the sirens have stopped. Oh God, Gil, I love you so much please, please help me. Please.

Nick could hear Gil in his head saying to him, 'You're doing great, Nicky, keep her talking, you're doing great, I love you.'

Sara was rock solid now with the gun lowered to his chest level and she was looking at him with hatred, pure hatred. It was if she’d suddenly rediscovered her purpose and it would seem that putting a bullet through him was that purpose.

Nick took a deep breath and his resolve returned.

"Actually, it was probably a few months back, but I can't remember the date. We had a suspicious death, turned out to be heart attack, at the Bellagio, and I saw the show advertised and suggested Gil take me to see it and he......well he did. It was the first time we dated." That was mostly the truth.

'Keep going Nicky, you're doing great.' Gil’s voice inside his head gave him confidence, made him calm.

Make something up and make her believe you. "I did it for a bet Sara, a bet with myself, to see if I could, you know? I did steal him from you and I'm sorry, but I wanted him, and when I got him, I didn't want him anymore - that's the old story isn't it, the grass is always greener?"

Sara looked at him contemptuously, and the long silence responding to him returned.

"You bastard, you had me fired to get rid of the competition."

Nick waited a little before replying to her…he could take a leaf out of her book and slow down, the longer they waited and she didn’t shoot him, the better for a rescue. "They say all is fair in love and war. Do you want your job back Sara?

"Do you think they’d give it back to me; let me work with Gil again?"

No way, you think anyone’d work with you again after this, man, you’re delusional. Nick thought that but then said, "I think they might. I could see what they say, it'd be like old times and you could have Gil."

"I've got Gil, you stupid bastard, I've got him."

"Yeah, sorry, course you have." He was sure he could hear vehicles and movement of some sort behind him; the troops, please Gil, let it be the troops. “It would be good at the lab again wouldn’t it? The old team together and you could be with Gil at work and at home.”

Sara had heard the vehicles too, what was going on here, why would there be more than one vehicle suddenly behind the building? There was another long silence. Nick was truly running out of things to say. He couldn’t think of anything. All he really wanted to do was say that he loved Gil and Gil loved him. Not Sara, never Sara.

"What have you done Nick, got your friends to help you out?"

What's she going on about? Maybe she can see something behind him. "Don't know what you mean Sara, I've been here with you the whole time." He wondered how long they’d been here now.

"You think Gil will help you now, don't you, well I've got news for you, he's sleeping over at my place and he won't be helping you now."

Oh, God…..the very thought made Nick become sick and for a moment he thought he might vomit, his dry mouth was now swamped with saliva. He swallowed and tried to focus on what to say. If Gil was in his bed what would he want to do? Stay with him, touch him, hold him….

"If he's sleeping there why did you leave him, wouldn't you rather be snuggled up to him, than be here with me.....the man who tried, unsuccessfully, Sara, unsuccessfully, to steal him from you?" Let her know, she's won and I've lost.

"Because I promised him, faithfully, that I'd get rid of you for him, he thinks nothing of you Nick, nothing at all, he wants me."

You really must be joking; want you, he'd probably prefer Ecklie. "Well you can have him Sara; I've no problem with that." How can I say that?

The silence returned. She looked straight at him - but had a faraway look about her - as if she was deep in thought. Her stance didn’t waver though, anymore than the gun did.

"But you'd still be around wouldn't you, slipping an arm around his waist, gazing at him adoringly, letting him touch your cheek and pat your ass....oh yes, I've seen you with him, don't think I haven't." She whispered this.

Nick very nearly laughed and then the nausea returned; big time. They weren't supposed to touch in public, but he knew they'd done all the things she'd just catalogued. Sara had seen them together, had seen their love, and Nick knew that somewhere in the deepest level of her unhinged mind she actually knew the truth. She didn’t stand a chance with Gil. This was over and they both knew it.

Unfortunately for Nick, his face must have reflected that knowledge - his real feelings, his love for Gil must have shone out as he remembered their public intimacies. The whole world might have missed the small gestures of love and affection….but Sara Sidle had seen them all and she knew the truth - the absolute truth.

Sara assumed the stance for firing a weapon, feet apart and stable, she steadied her right hand on the handle and trigger of her gun and covered the right wrist with her left hand.

Nick braced himself, taking a deep breath and looking into Sara’s unseeing eyes. He closed his eyes and pictured his lover, ‘Gil Grissom, I love you and I thought of you as I died.’ He felt the sting of tears beginning to pool in his eyes.

At that very moment a loud and disjointed voice boomed out in the still, hot air. "Sara Sidle, put down your weapon, you are surrounded by armed police officers. Put down your weapon and no one will get hurt."

End of Part One
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