Fic: Four times in twenty four hours.... (4/5)

Oct 13, 2008 20:07

Title: Four times in twenty four hours… (4/5) A continuation of ‘Upping the Ante’
Author: Dee
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4876 (16170 in total)
Pairings: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil, Nick and various team members and an OMC
Warnings: Fluff and, I think, v.v.v.AU. Start of some serious SS bashing.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: In my dreams they are like, totally mine!
Beta: jayceepat and podga for their invaluable help in the Americanisation of the fic and their insightful comments - which I may well have ignored! I thank high_striker for his wonderful icons. I am indebted to them all. Any errors are mine.
A/N 1: This is Part Four of Eight of an ongoing saga. It follows on from Upping the Ante, BFF and Facing Up. It will help to be familiar with these as they form part of the whole! Please note the rating change.

Part Four

Warrick must have sensed a change in Nick's demeanour. "You okay there, Nick?" They were packing up to leave for the lab, all evidence collected.


"Look, man, I was only joking you's just, you know, good news. God knows we could do with some."

"It's not you 'Rick, it's okay."

Warrick was not convinced and was at a loss to imagine exactly what it was that had caused Nick to go from very happy to......pissed, in a matter of moments. He thought that Sara Sidle had a lot to answer for, this all started with her. If he never saw her again it would be too soon.

Neither man spoke at all on their journey back to the lab. When they arrived they did the business with the evidence and then Nick disappeared.

Nick went to see Gil and the moment he walked into the office and closed the door, Gil could see there was a problem.

"What's wrong Nicky? What is it?"

"I've made a mess of everything Gil, just like normal." He was on the verge of tears and was biting down hard on his bottom lip.

"The evidence on the case?"

Nick shook his head, "Us. I’ve given 'Rick an opening and he's going to be on it like a rash."

"Oh Nicky, don't worry, please. Look, you know I can't touch you in the office, but pretend that I’m holding you tight and maybe even squeezing that lovely ass of yours."

Tears ran down Nick's face.

"I'm not squeezing that hard, Nicky."

Nick laughed out loud. He was an idiot; Gil wasn't going to leave him. But, he may get fed up of dealing with his perpetual insecurities. He needed to speak to Ed about this, soon.

"Man, I'm sorry, I've got to deal with things better than I have been, you'll help me won't you? I don't want to be like this, but I seem to take a couple of steps forward and then at least one and half back."

"That's progress Nicky, two steps back wouldn't be, but one and half is good. And I will be with you every step you make. Now we have to come up with a plan and fast. Things have moved more speedily than I’d have wished - that's at work Nicky, not with us, just so you know - but we might as well get it over and done with, what do you think?"

"I think I’m just about the luckiest guy in the world Gil, that's what I think."

"I'm a catch then?" They both laughed.

Fifteen minutes later, they'd formulated the outline of a plan and agreed to 'wing it' the rest of the way. They went to the break room for their Chinese 'lunch'. Greg had just collected it from reception and it was being put out. When all the containers had been distributed, they ate their fill, the atmosphere calm; but Warrick was subdued, he'd thought he’d really upset Nick, although he seemed okay now.

"Greg, any chance of your special?" Gil asked for the coffee, everyone knew he kept it securely hidden, everyone knew where, it was amazing Greg hadn't caught on.

"Do you mean the stuff that you all steal and think is my 'special' or really my 'special'" Greg was onto them.

"We mean the stuff you keep in the DNA lab filed under 'Sequencing Codes'." Nick said innocently and Greg was exasperated.

They all laughed as he fetched the coffee. "That's it, I'm not bringing it in anymore; just enough for me, each shift, and that’ll be that. You're all a bunch of thieves." Greg was indignant and petulant.

"We wouldn't do it man, if you didn't make such a song and dance about hiding it...but it's a challenge and there's a hefty reward for the finder." Nick explained.

"What? I'm missing out on a chance to bet as well? You guys are as bad as the bad guys."

"We like to think we're one step ahead, of the bad guys" This was Gil.

"Anyway, I have a little information that I want to impart, just to you here, and this is not for public consumption, just yet. There are other people who need to know first. Okay?"

They all nodded, except Nick, and no one noticed he didn't. Catherine, of course, had a very good idea about what was coming and was a little surprised at the speed of it, perhaps she was wrong. She wasn't.

"For some time now I’ve been involved in a relationship with a member of the team and the time has come for us to go public - I’m a private person by nature, as you know, and would have preferred for this information to have remained in my private life, but circumstances prevent that and so, lady and gentlemen I give you my partner....."

Before he said it, Warrick and Greg both thought 'Catherine', although both men couldn't quite see it.

".....Nick Stokes."

Nick blushed to the roots of his hair and took a huge breath and looked at his fellow team members. Catherine was smiling, quite happily. Greg was staring at Gil open mouthed and Warrick slumped back in his seat.

"Guys...." Nick began, "...I never meant to pull the wool, but I've found it, you know, hard, to actually realise that I'm gay an' all. I didn't even know myself until I was in therapy. Gil has been....Gil has been fantastic, holding me together, and this 'thing' just came up and bit us both on the ass."

He finished confidently, he didn't care, he was 'out'; he'd never have to worry about who he was, what was going on in his head, ever again. All of a sudden he saw his life with clarity, he would overcome his family, he didn't need or want their approval any more - he was free. He smiled at Gil and his team mates and it really did light up the room.

"Well that was better hidden than my coffee." Greg was processing the information, but really couldn't see why it wouldn't work.

"I'm a complete dumbass, and I'm sorry for being in your face, Nick." Warrick put his hand across the table towards Nick and they banged their knuckles together. "No sweat bro'......but does this mean that Gil.....err, man, is your 'babe'!?"

"I am, I have to come to terms with it, of course, but I'm not completely averse to it."

"Oh Nick, you look great together and I think it's wonderful, really wonderful." Catherine sounded extremely......soppy.

As she finished, all four men, looked at each other, rolled eyes, sighed and thought, 'Women,’

At eight am, promptly, Gil presented himself at the sheriff's office. Ecklie was already there.

"Gentlemen, thank you for your time, I will be as succinct as I can be."

"That'll be a first for you then, Grissom." This was Ecklie. There was no love lost between the men.

"I'll do my best, but I do like to ensure that I have covered all the necessary evidence. I hope I don't confuse succinctness with cutting corners."

"Come on we're here to agree a course of action not snipe at one another, we're on the same side. I've read your report in respect of Sara Sidle, it would seem to me to be very comprehensive; I've got the lawyers checking it out, but preliminary feedback is that we've got an airtight case. The cop delivered the letter setting out the case and when she comes in at ten I will fire her."

"Not before time, she's had far too many chances." Ecklie again.

"I’ve tried to give her some purpose Conrad, she has a great many personal problems, but is, or could be, an exceptional talent and it’s a sad loss. The chances we’ve given her, the help we've tried to get her to take, only reinforces our position now. We've taken every opportunity to help her, and she hasn't given us any choice in the end, but we've tried and that will only help our case."

"That's exactly what the lawyers said, that we'd given her sufficient leeway, but she still failed to shape up. We're clean on this. Anything you need to add Gil?"

"No, not about Sara, but there is a matter I need to speak to you both about, as a matter of some urgency. I hope you don't mind that I'm using this time for another issue, but it is necessary, I assure you."

"Go ahead." The sheriff settled back in his chair.

"I’m in a relationship with a member of the team." The sheriff abruptly sat forward again, his face clearly showing surprise. Even Ecklie was struck dumb, his mouth dropping open and then snapping shut again, when he realised it was hardly a flattering look on him. But, Gruesome Grissom with a woman and not a blowfly, was a concept too far for him.

"It’s a fairly new relationship but the news of it may actually bring with it some unpleasant....side effects...and I don’t want the lab to suffer by being unprepared."

"She's married then?" Ecklie said what the sheriff had been thinking.

"No. He's not."
Gil wished he'd brought his camera with him, this was a 'Kodak' moment, and he wished he could share it with Nicky.

"You're queer?" Ecklie recovered first.

"Well, I’ve often been accused of being peculiar. But I’m described, so Catherine informs me, as ‘swinging both ways’."

"Well, I'm too old and too ugly to be surprised often, but this is certainly one for the book. How long has this been going on?" The sheriff's power of speech had returned.

"Well. We’ve been close friends for over a year, but the last few months have seen us growing closer and just recently we...we consummated our relationship. This isn’t a passing fling sheriff; this is something that will...endure. If you feel that this relationship is untenable within LVPD then I may resign, however, I must point out that discrimination laws in Nevada would preclude any other action on your part - unless you could substantiate allegations of favouritism or other irregularities. I’d strongly contest any such allegations, of course, and feel that an investigation would vindicate both of us, completely and absolutely."

"Right then. I think I need to discuss this with....Ecklie, here, and the lawyers. I'll speak to you, when I know what to do."

"Thank you. Sheriff." Gil got up to leave.

"Hold on Grissom. Who? Who is it?"

Gil fell back into his seat, "Nick....Nick Stokes."

"Good Lord. Nick Stokes?'" The sheriff chuckled, "Gil, he's only the most sought after bachelor in the lab, my daughter has been trying to get me to fix her up with him, pull rank on him; you say he's your....boyfriend?"

"That's about it, yes."

"Well, I suppose I must applaud your choice Grissom, but I'd have to question his choice."

"My thought entirely, Conrad, but I’m assured that he does, indeed, love me." That wiped the smirk of Ecklie's face.

"Go now Gil, give us a chance to recover. Who else knows, Catherine, I gather?"

"Catherine, Warrick Brown and Greg Sanders. We told them at break, just few hours ago. Catherine guessed and we thought if she had, others might, although Catherine is particularly astute. So we thought it best to come to get it out in the open....Nick and I intend to be together, come what may."

Gil left the office and felt much more relieved than he’d imagined he would; it had been more stressful than he'd thought. But, the last twenty fours hours had been the strangest he'd lived through, he was sure.

First Sara and having to deal with her, the first time he'd had to arrange for someone to be fired - but he had tried his best, she just didn't want to be helped.

And then Nick, Nicky. Ecklie had been right, he was extraordinarily lucky to have Nick, but he was certain that he was the right man for Nick, he needed to be cared for, nurtured and he could do that, he knew. A younger partner, he thought, wouldn't cope with Nick's insecurities, like when he got back from the scene with Warrick earlier. He needed support and Gil could give that; he'd been doing it for nigh on two years. The sex was spectacular, and he thought it’d get even better as they learnt about each other's needs and wants.

Gil had wondered down to the lab, in a bit of dreamlike state remembering his time in Nicky's bed. When he arrived back in his office the four remaining team mates were waiting for him.

"They wouldn't go without seeing you Gil, see how it went, if everything's okay." Nick was speaking, in a clearly emotional manner, about his friends. He was genuinely shocked, and moved, that they did care and that they had shown him, and Gil, such solidarity.

"Greg and I have decided that we’ll resign in protest if there’s any discrimination against you two here, Gris. Catherine has Lindsay to think about, but she's still with us - she can be our ‘inside source’." Warrick had made his little speech and Nick and Gil were both speechless, Nick had no idea about this development.

Gil recovered first. "Thank you. Thank you very much, your support means so much to me, and to Nicky, I'm sure. I don't think it'll come to that, but suffice it to say that Nick and I will be under the spotlight for the next...however long. But, it might spill over onto you guys, so just be prepared. But, thank you again. I also want to forewarn you, and once again must ask for confidentiality here, but Sara is due in at ten to see the sheriff and…she’s going to be fired.”

"Wow, I thought she'd be transferred to days or swing, maybe." Nick said this, he didn't know about Sara. Gil hadn’t told him and that fact was noted by the three other CSIs present...that Gil didn't gossip with Nick, out of turn. It was reassuring and another bit of information to store away, on this momentous shift.

"No way would anyone else want her, she's just about upset everyone in the building at some time or other, it isn't as if we didn't try, man. She has no one to blame but herself, although she will see it differently, she's paranoid and could do with a long spell of therapy." That was Warrick's dollar's worth and Catherine nodded in agreement.

"I nearly asked her out when she first came here, you know." All eyes landed on Greg. "I couldn't pluck up the courage though, good thing, eh?"

"So you like dominant, overbearing women then Greg, perhaps we should get you a voucher for Lady Heather's Dominion for your birthday!" Catherine jumped onto Greg's pronouncement with glee.

"Ha. Ha.......I like you too, Catherine......what sort of voucher anyway?" He turned the tables on her.

"The one where you get strung up and your sorry ass whipped type, man." Nick thought this was hugely funny, he'd been on a murder case with Gil at the Dominion and some of the stuff he'd seen made his eyes water, although Gil was fascinated. He suddenly lost his grin and thought about that and looked at Gil. They had all seen the change in him and his sideways look at Gil.

"D’you think I may have the intention to whip your sorry ass, Nicky?" Gil and the others laughed at Nick's horrified expression.

"Errrr...I hope not, man, I really hope not." Nick recovered and rubbed his ass theatrically. "My 'sorry ass' is smartin' just thinking about it."

They all laughed, and Gil shook his head at the recovery time of his staff from what must have been a hell of a shock. Hell, he was shocked, and he'd done it!

Ecklie chose that moment to walk in. "Well you all seem to be in fine spirits." They were immediately silent.

"Stokes. The sheriff wants to see you, now." Nick nodded and left immediately, Gil had warned him that they may want to speak to him. "Grissom, I want to see you now. You others, go home, shift's over."

Ecklie was being normal, his 'normal' being 'unpleasant'. He was inordinately jealous of Grissom's loyal staff and had tried, unsuccessfully, to break them up on a number of occasions. He thought he was onto a winner this time.

"No, we'll wait Conrad; we're going to breakfast together." Catherine sounded as sweet, as Ecklie sounded sour and once again he was annoyed at their loyalty to Gil Grissom. Though, he couldn't, for the life of him, understand why.

"Please yourself, but wait elsewhere."

"We'll be in the break room Gil...we're with you on this, remember." Ecklie knew that that was for his benefit.

"Thank you, Catherine....all of you. I...we appreciate it."

Nick went straight to the sheriff's office, the door was open and Nick knocked on the frame to announce his arrival.

"Nick, come in and take a seat......well, there'll be lot of people, especially women, I suspect, that will be somewhat amazed at this morning's revelation."

Nick smiled amenably and nodded. Gil had told him to 'keep your own council' and don't speak unless you have something to say. Gil was incredible and he was his. Nick smiled a bit more.

"I have spoken with the lawyers about what Gil said about the discrimination aspect and he's quite right of course, but then he usually is..." Nick laughed and nodded again. ".... but what I must establish is that you, as his subordinate, were not coerced into any sort of relationship against your will, or with promise of favours."

"Absolutely not, Sir."

"You seem pretty clear then, not that I wouldn't expect him to do everything by the book."

"Gil, Dr Grissom, has been really supportive. I’ve had a number of personal problems, including the 'gay' aspect of my life and he has helped with my therapy. I must tell you Sheriff, that in truth, I’ve done the chasing here, and I had no idea until very recently that he was prepared to.......well.....have a relationship with me. It’s the best, Sir, the very best. If you need to investigate us both, please rest assured that we will fully co-operate because we know that there has been no impropriety whatsoever. If you decide to fire him, I will go too, although his loss would be great and would affect the whole lab."

"Finished now?"

"Sorry, but I didn't want you to get the wrong idea." He'd done exactly what Gil had told him not too.

"No, I won't now, that's for sure. I'm not homophobic, Nick, and I’ll not be firing you or Gil but there’ll have to be an investigation, so that we can rebut any allegations that may come our way. Conrad will conduct the investigation...", the sheriff couldn't miss Nick's raised eyebrows, "...I know full well there is animosity between the men, but then who better to prove Gil's innocence. If, as you say, there is nothing to be found then it won't be found will it?"

"No Sir, I'll be sure to persuade Gil to see it that way."

The sheriff laughed, "You sound like my wife, Nick, and if that's anything to go by, you have Gil well and truly wrapped around your little finger; I'll deny I said that if you ever repeat it."

"Received and understood, sheriff."

The sheriff laughed again, he liked this young man.

"Have you anything else to add Nick?"

"Not really, except that should you wish, I would be prepared to open up my therapist's file on me, for you to see. The file would corroborate a great deal of the development of our relationship and you would be able to see that we have both taken this seriously and not without considerable thought about the consequences. I would just add, Sheriff, that the problems I've had have not been particularly work related...." Shit, he'd just remembered that the department had been paying for his therapy because Gil had referred him to Philip Kane who'd then re-referred him on to the guy he was seeing now. "....but I was referred originally because of the incident when I was held at gunpoint....Amy a crime scene. And you know therapists, one thing leads to another, but I have benefited enormously, I must say. But, I wouldn't be comfortable with anyone but you seeing the file."

"Understood, I don't think it will ever come to that but I appreciate your candour on the, that's it; let me get on with my work."

"Thank you Sir, you've been very understanding."

Nick left feeling very upbeat and confident about Gil's future at the lab, and his own. But he wasn't going to count chickens......

The sheriff was astounded at himself - when did he get all ‘gay friendly’ - it must be the effect of Nick Stokes, good looking as he is, he must have something else going for him to have got himself Grissom, he's one tough cookie and despite what Conrad thinks he can do, he won't stand a chance in hell of pinning anything on him. Two gay men in the lab'll help with their 'Diversity Friendly' targets anyway, save him employing any lesbians, he wasn't keen on them at all, he bet Nick Stokes wasn't even as hairy as they were.

Gil's time with Ecklie was not going half as pleasantly, or even pleasantly at all. Gil was settled at his desk and had checked some drawers and paperwork as he listened to Ecklie.

"Did you really think you could get away with this Grissom? For God's sake he's on your team, you're his supervisor, I've got you bang to rights this time."

"Really, Conrad, you seem to be very sure of yourself, find some evidence first, why don't you, if, of course, your investigative powers are up to it. You've got to get yourself an airtight case, or you'll find that you, personally, and LVPD will be hit with a law suit for discrimination that'll let me put my feet up for the rest of life, thank you very much."

"Do you know what, Grissom, I'll find whatever evidence I need to find, if you get my drift, have no doubt about that, and I'll see you and your young lover 'boy' hung out to dry."

"Conrad, you make one false move against Nick and I can assure you, no, promise you, that you'll be the one hung out. Do I make myself clear, because I know you need time to assimilate information through your Neanderthal skull?"

"You bastard, Grissom, you think you're so high and mighty, but let me tell you, with the evidence that I will recover you'll be covered in mud and believe me, it'll stick."

"Works both ways, I hope you're well prepared to conduct your completely impartial investigation, because the tape I have of this conversation can be exhibit one."

For the second time that morning Gil wished he could photograph Ecklie's face to capture the dumbfounded expression.

"Like I believe that."

Gil put his hand down in to the top, open, drawer of his desk and retrieved the recorder that had indeed been recording their conversation. Gil was prepared; he'd guessed that Ecklie would probably have begged to do the investigation and knowing Ecklie's lackadaisical forensic technique; he was ahead of the game. Gil knew that he, himself, sounded very unprofessional on the tape, but Ecklie had clearly made several threats regarding the collection of evidence.

"You tell me Conrad, is it on, has it recorded? Let's keep you in suspense, shall we, until the evidence is collected and presented. All I want is a fair and just investigation for myself, for Nick and the lab, that's all, and I think that this tape may just be my insurance to keep you on your toes and focussed on the actual truth of the matter and not on the 'truth' according to Ecklie. What do you say?"

Ecklie turned and left, giving Gil the most withering look he could manage. He knew he'd been extremely stupid and felt foolish; he would now have to ensure that everything was indeed above board.....or he'd be the one leaving, not Grissom. Bastard, he'd done it again.

Gil spoke softly into the recorder. '9.43am, Monday June 10th 2003. Conrad Ecklie has left my office without further comment.' Gil turned the recorder off, got up and went straight to the sound and vision lab. The daytime rat was analysing a tape.

"Steve, a favour please?"

"Sure Gil."

"Enter this recorder and tape in evidence right now and record the time and date I'm giving it to you. Use a bag we can both sign and I want to stipulate that the ONLY person who may now retrieve this evidence is the sheriff, himself, no one else, especially not me - could you also make a note of just what I've told you too? Do you understand?"

"Yep, evidence handed to me at 0946 June-10-03. I'll keep it in my personal evidence locker; no one has access but me. I'll type up a note and attach it the bag and make a note in my personal log book - that cover it?" He bagged the recorder and tape, having separated the two himself. He signed the seal and handed his pen to Gil to do the same.

"That's it exactly, thanks Steve, I appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Gil."

There was no one in the lab who was more respected than Gil Grissom, a veritable walking Forensic encyclopaedia and a good man. Steve knew that there was some major shit going on, hadn't heard exactly what it was yet, but it wouldn't be long before the jungle drums would be beating out their tune.

Gil went to the break room where they were all waiting for him. Nick looked at him anxiously, but Gil's look calmed him immediately.

"I just need to tidy up my things and pack up and then we can finally leave for some breakfast - if it's still on that is?"

"You think we're going anywhere without hearing what's been going on, even you can't be that dense Gil; Nick here, won't share his bit, and Ecklie, well, what can I say…the guy’ll be apoplexic.” Catherine was laughing.

"We were actually going to do some work on our old stuff, but with Ecklie knowing we were waiting for you he'd have probably blocked the overtime." Greg was joining in the 'lets get Ecklie' fest.

"So, where are we eating?" Gil tried to diffuse the 'fest'.

"What about the buffet at the Mandalay Bay...that's a good one" Warrick seemed to be a buffet connoisseur - probably with good reason.

"It is, lets get ready, I need a piss.....oh God, sorry Catherine, I didn't mean to be crude." Nick blushed. They all laughed.

"As a matter of fact, so do I, I don't think it counts as being really crude, Nick.” Catherine left the room, followed by Warrick and Greg. Greg tittering like a naughty schoolboy.

Left alone momentarily Gil asked, "Okay?"

"Never better, I love you. It's going to be okay, isn't it?"

"Probably, but don't count your chickens until the fat lady sings...or something...."

They both laughed and went their separate ways to get ready to leave. Not thirty minutes later they were all at the Mandalay Bay getting ready to eat.

When they were all seated Gil spoke, "I know you all want to know what's gone on this morning, but I'm not going to tell you...", Catherine groaned, "...nor is Nicky, there is going to be a full blown investigation by Ecklie and the less you know about what has happened already, the less chance you have to drop yourselves in it.'t like me..", they all laughed, " he'll be gunning for me and looking for anything to implicate me in respect of favouritism, or coercion, or whatever, with Nicky. So, I think this will be our last buffet until it's all over. And. One last thing, it is not a foregone conclusion, I feel as if I have behaved correctly, but you never know, even the great and good Gilbert Grissom could have missed something." He'd spoken the words seriously and it was a few moments before they realised he was joking...

"But you are 'great and good'."

"You're biased; I have to discount your comments."

"Ugh....can you stop this. This 'gay' thing hasn't sunk in yet."

"Oh, I so have a reply for that 'Rick, but I'm sorry it'll have to wait until....well....Catherine's not here."

"How come I'm suddenly a 'shrinking violet' guys, I think you should share....spoilsports."

"No, he shouldn't." Gil sounded quite stern, but he was smirking with the best of them, since he had a good idea what Nick's response was going to be. "Let's discuss international politics shall we?"

"That's a good idea." Catherine's voice was dripping......

Not one of them imagined what was going on back at the lab as they sat breakfasting.

End of Part Four
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