Fic: Four times in twenty four hours.... (3/5)

Oct 10, 2008 21:35

Title: Four times in twenty four hours… (3/5) A continuation of ‘Upping the Ante’
Author: Dee
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3563 (16152 in total)
Pairings: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil, Nick and various team members and an OMC
Warnings: Fluff and, I think, v.v.AU. Start of some serious SS bashing.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: In my dreams they are like, totally mine!
Beta: jayceepat and podga for their invaluable help in the Americanisation of the fic and their insightful comments - which I may well have ignored! I thank high_striker for his wonderful icons. I am indebted to them all. Any errors are mine.
A/N 1: This is Part Four of Eight of an ongoing saga. It follows on from Upping the Ante, BFF and Facing Up. It will help to be familiar with these as they form part of the whole! Please note the rating change.

Part Three

Sara waited and waited but she knew that Gil wasn't going to leave any time soon. She'd held back when she'd seen them leave the diner and she'd seen an 'exchange' between them on the parking lot. They were lovers, she could tell, there was an intimacy about them; their touching, their easy manner and their laughter. She could not hear the laughter, but she was sure she’d never once seen Gil laugh in that manner at the lab. Not once.

Nick had driven Gil's truck, she'd taken a chance and left it a few minutes before following them, almost sure that Nick's condo would be their destination. She was not wrong. As she'd arrived, she saw Nick trying to get his door open and again they were both laughing. Sara knew she didn't have to worry about them seeing her - they could see no one but each other. Why hadn't she seen this at the lab? They were so obvious.

They were suddenly inside and the door was slammed shut behind them. On an impulse, Sara decided to go up to the condo; she had no idea why. She ran up towards the door and slowed as she approached it. She took the last few steps slowly and was right beside the door. She held her hand out to touch the door and nearly pulled it back, as if burnt.

The door was moving, slightly, but rhythmically. Holy Mother of God, the bastards were fucking against the door. She knew it. And then she heard it, muffled grunts, it sounded like, and within moments the door was still. That was it then, they couldn't wait to get their hands on each other and when they did it was over in a matter of minutes.

Sara didn't know how long she stood there but it was quiet, no voices or movement. They'd gone to bed, to sleep together, arms and legs wrapped around each other, without a care in the world. Sara turned away from the door and wanted to scream, the longest and loudest she had ever screamed in her life. She opened her mouth and made a small sound but stuffed almost her entire fist into her mouth to prevent any other sound from escaping.

After some time she walked back to her truck and hauled her weary body into the driver's seat. She sat there for a long time in an almost trance like state. With a sudden movement, she fired up the truck and left. She drove back to her place, not a home, just a place. She didn't see the police car, or anything else for that matter, as she parked up. But, as she made her way to her door, she heard her name called and turned to see a uniformed cop walking towards her.

"I have this letter for you Ms Sidle. I was told I had to deliver it into it into your hands. You okay 'mam?"

Sara gave the young man such a withering look, he shrank back from her. She took the letter without a word and turned away from him. She didn't open it then or when she was inside her place. She wasn't going to put a bet on the contents of the letter but she wasn't finished yet. Nick Stokes would rue the day he stole Gil Grissom from her.

Nick's alarm woke both men and just for millisecond both wondered what was going on, Nick recovered first and snuggled even more closely to the man he was using as a pillow - actually like a body pillow he saw advertised on infomercials. Gil realised moments later and held Nick just a little tighter and kissed the messed up hair of the man pillowed on his chest.

"Morning." Gil said this - he was suddenly incredulous remembering their fabulous love making before he fell asleep. "Hey, did I just fall asleep on you, without a word? I'm sorry."

"Nothin' to be sorry for babe, you said you liked being my babe, and that you did love me, and then you fell asleep."

"Must be true then."

"I think so."

"Got to take a piss, Nicky, really, right now."

Nick moved to let Gil clamber out of bed. "Bladder isn't what it used to be, eh?"

"Now that is uncalled for, and forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't you ticklish?"

"Nah, not me, wrong Nicky."

"Right, I'll remember that!" Gil called from the bathroom as he began to relieve his overtaxed bladder, he couldn't actually remember the last time he'd peed, but it was certainly way before he'd left the lab.

As he flushed he was joined by Nick who also set about relieving his bladder as Gil washed his hands. "Your bladder's having the same trouble holding out by the looks of it Nick."

"Yeah, power of suggestion - once you'd mentioned it and then hearing you - weird - like yawning."

"Exactly that."

"There's spare stuff in the cupboard underneath the sink, I'll go and put the coffee on."

"Excuse me, aren't you forgetting something?" At Nick's quizzical look, Gil puckered his lips and pointed at them with a forefinger. "A good morning kiss for the old man."

"Ugh, dog breath man, wait until I've brushed." Nick laughed.

"You're just being over sensitive; my dog breath will cancel out yours." With that he captured Nick from behind as he washed his hands and rubbed his face along the side of his neck. His penis and scrotum slapping gently against Nick's ass.

Nick turned in the protective arms and put his wet hands on Gil's face and just gave him a peck on the lips. Gil was having none of that and quickly held the back of Nick's head still while he gave him a thorough kiss. He pulled back and looked at Nick. He smiled at him and said. "Love you."

Nick hugged him and they felt their penises pushed together, both enjoying the sensation and the beginnings of erections. Nick pulled back and looked down between them, as did Gil.

"If we do, we cannot be late for work by falling back to sleep."

"I'll reset the alarm, we've plenty of time for a quickie, you suffer from premature ejaculation after all."

"I'll have to live with that slander for the rest of my life, won't I?"

"If that's with me...then yes."

"There could never be anyone else, I can promise you, unequivocally, that that is the truth, and nothing but the truth. I rest my case."

"You can say, unevi...unquiv.....that word.....just when you've got you're a genius."

"I am, and do you know - I've got me a fine young lover, too, things are on the up, Nicky.”

Nick did insist on them cleaning their teeth first and went to start the coffee as Gil did his, and again Gil thought that Nick was a practical man, covering all the bases - he'd recovered their clothing and hung up Gil's pants and shirt to let the creases drop, and said he'd press them if need be.

They had a gentle session together in bed. Both men decided that they wanted to actually see each other come. After inflaming each other's senses, nearly senseless, Nick was kneeling astride Gil's legs and his eyes were locked on Gil stroking his own erection, they were both fast approaching there climaxes.

Gil's eyes were transfixed on the pale skin of Nick's cock and then he held his breath as Nick's hand ceased its ministrations and the pulsing cock emitted it's load in three large spurts and a number of smaller ones as Nick squeezed and gently pumped his penis to finish off.

Gil once again marvelled as the incredible heat of the fluid as it landed on his stomach, but the last spurt hit his own hand and cock and that thrill made him renew his own furious hand movements. His orgasm overtook him and he breathed out a series of 'oh's' as he covered his hand and stomach with his jets of ejaculate. The last few drops accumulated on the end of his penis and Nick bent down and licked them off.

"God, Nicky, you'll be the death of me....."

"As long as it's with a smile on your face."

Nick flopped down beside Gil, and they lay side by side, holding hands and recovering.

"We've got to decide what to do, or more specifically what to say to people, especially the sheriff and the AD."

"It's no one’s business but ours Gil, but, you know, man - tell them all, we've nothing to be ashamed of and it's probably more sensible to be upfront about it."

"We'll see, we'll see. What's for breakfast, cook?"

Nick's eyebrows gave Gil a show that clearly indicated that he'd better watch it, lover or not, but they quickly relented. "Usual. Coffee, juice, coffee, toast, coffee, eggs, coffee."

"Sounds familiar, shower.......alone Nicky..." Gil said at Nick's smirk, “....and then food?"

"Me first, I've got to cook, it's such a chore." With a dramatic brush of the back of his hand to his forehead he was up and wiggling his ass at Gil as he went to shower.

And a fabulous ass it was too, Gil thought, and it wasn't the first time he'd had that thought. Gil lay there, sticky and as content as he'd felt since.....he couldn't actually ever remember feeling this sort of euphoria before. Perhaps he was gay after all, it was strange to him that he'd just experienced the best sex he'd ever had.......and it'd been with a man. And it the best sex he'd ever had.

He hadn't been uncomfortable at all or had any niggling doubts. It was odd the way life had a way of throwing you a curve ball. He did think that the close friendship that they'd developed had probably paved the way to, and easy transition from, platonic to sexual.

This was completely alien territory for him; he'd have to do some research, what did men do together? They'd certainly made a remarkable start and the most sensible thing would be to take it slow, steady - like they'd done with their friendship - and see what happened. 'Anal Intercourse' flashed in neon lights behind Gil's closed eyelids. He'd NEVER contemplated THAT - ever. But, he'd never contemplated a man before and look what he'd done in the last, he looked at the clock, eight hours. One step at a time. He wondered if he was a 'top' or a 'bottom', then laughed at himself.

Nick shouted that the bathroom was free, but that the water was now stone cold, so there, they should have showered together.

Gil showered, the water was still piping hot, but before he could shave, Nick shouted to him that breakfast was ready. Gil thought that he had never tasted a better breakfast. They sat quietly talking about a case they'd both been working and then about what to do about 'them' as a couple. They made no decision. They did not talk about Sara.

When breakfast was over, Nick told Gil to go shave and he'd clear up.

"Must remember to do this more often; get out of cooking and cleaning up."

"Don't you believe it, I'm just lulling you into a false sense of security."

"Okay." Gil stood behind Nick again and fondled his ass; it was very quickly becoming a favourite part of 'his' Nicky. He bit his neck, another favourite part, and then licked the same spot. "Missing you already." He whispered and he left, but not without a little slap to that ass.

Nick knew that Gil really liked his ass, and for about the millionth time he reminded himself to keep it toned and smooth.....he'd buy some of that body scrub stuff, that'd keep it smooth for his 'lover'. He really liked that word. Lover, lover, lover, Gil Grissom, lover, lover........MY lover!

He finished cleaning and made his way to the bathroom, Gil was just finishing his shave. Nick dropped his old sweatpants and sat on the toilet.

"What are you doing, Nick?" Gil was clearly astounded.

"Errrr...well I was.......going take a dump?"

"Here, now, in front of me?"

"Errrr...well....yes...but....." Nick started to stand up and pull his sweats back up. "Sorry man, didn't think you'd......mind."

Gil thought for a few moments. "Well, I don't mind's just that I've only ever done it in private and have never been with....anyone...when they've...well....done it."

"Right, my bad, no sweat. Did it in the frat house man, eight men, two bathrooms - if we didn't use all the facilities at the same time, we'd have never left the building." Nick was up and redressed now.

"No, Nick, you go ahead, it's a perfectly natural function and we do piss together - don't know whether I'll be able to do it though - it might cause me to become constipated. Hold on, what about the......smell?"

"Oh, Gil, my shit comes out packaged and smelling of roses."

"No, it doesn't, Nicky; I'll leave, if you don't mind!" He'd smelled the worst smells imaginable but was suddenly squeamish at the thought........

In the bedroom, Gil was chuckling to himself, men were most definitely different; he'd bet a lot of money that a woman would be willing to die rather than take a dump in front of a new lover.

He decided his clothes didn't need pressing, he hadn't any underwear but he'd go commando, Nick was far too slender for his clothes to fit Gil. He must also remember, if he had to go to a scene, not to shine the ASL light at himself and expose the seminal stains that would clearly show on his pants. In fact he'd better not wear these pants again for work, after tonight.

They drove in to work together and again failed to notice the truck shadowing them.

At the lab it was, thankfully, a quiet Sunday night, Monday morning, shift. Gil was, once again, able to concentrate on his paperwork. He thought he was the most up to date he'd been in a long time....well.... ever. Catherine and Greg were sifting the evidence from their previous night's murder and Warrick, with whom Gil had paired Nick, were dealing with a B&E, a road accident and then an assault. Not one person had commented, in Gil's hearing anyway, about Sara - or her non-appearance for the shift.

Sara was due to meet with the sheriff at ten, and Gil intended to speak to the sheriff and Ecklie at eight and then take Nicky out for breakfast and then......he sat back in his seat and spent a few moments thinking about their friendship and now their.......'relationship'...was that was it was now?

"A penny for them?" Catherine's voice took him out of Nicky's bed and back into his office,

He cleared his throat, "Work....." That was all he could come up with having been caught red-handed, at least his erection was subsiding (he was sure he'd never had an erection at work before) and was thankfully beneath his desk. He should know better, foolish man, he thought, but then smirked and changed it to 'lucky man'.

"You’ve got to be joking. With that look on your face, there’s no way you can pass that off as work related."

"What do you want, Catherine?" Change the subject and hope for the best, he thought.

Catherine looked at him strangely and turned, he thought, to leave, but instead she closed the door and came and sat down in front of his desk.

"Call me on this if I'm wrong Gil and I know we've had some rocky times recently, but I am your friend. I didn't speak to you at the market because you didn't look as of you could be bothered with anyone else but each other. I couldn't quite put my finger on it then, but yesterday in the car lot, you calmed Nick down instantly and there was a look that you shared that wasn't....just friendly, it was more. You're together aren't you, as...."

"Does it bother you?"

"Of course not, well only that I wasn't in on the secret."

"It's a recent......development.... and if I remember right it was you who told me to take more care of my staff, a long time ago."

"I didn't actually mean that you should sleep with them...or I might have made a play for you myself."

"Catherine, really, please." Gil nearly blushed.

"Okay, maybe not. I had no idea you swung both ways."

"Catherine, please."

"What? Well you do, obviously, don't you?"

"I suppose I do." Gil leaned back in his seat again.

They both sat there for a few moments contemplating their new found knowledge of each other, though Catherine won hands down in the major gossip stakes.

"Gil?" Catherine addressed Gil in a more serious tone, "You won't hurt Nick will you; I have a sense that he is...I don't know exactly....fragile, I guess.

Gil nodded, "That's probably an apt adjective Catherine; this conversation remains absolutely confidential, you know that don't you?"

"I may enjoy a little gossip, Gil, but I do know how to differentiate between the silly stuff and this stuff."

"You are right about Nicky, there are a lot of 'issues' that he's working through and making real headway; his homosexuality being just part of that. I never intended to begin a relationship with him, because I had never thought that I even bi-sexual. But it's happened and in truth Catherine, it may possibly be the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm in this for the long haul, no two ways about it.....and that’s what I was thinking, when you caught me daydreaming. I'm going to have to be more careful at work - I can see."

Catherine just sat there looking at Gil and digesting his little speech. "I'd have paid good money on a bet that you would never utter such words Gil, about a woman, let alone a man. You've got to take this upstairs, you know that don't you, the suits need to know, because if they find out without you telling them, you'll be in real hot water. Damage control, Gil, and I know you're not a political animal, but it’ll pay you to be cautious."

"Nick and I have already spoken about that. A plan I have, might mean that you do Nick's evaluations and deal with any work related issues, what do you think?"

"I'll have to think carefully about that 'cause Nick is a lot of trouble."

Gil looked incredulous.

"That was a joke, Gil."

"Right, got you."

"Anyway, I actually came in to ask if you wanted Chinese, we're going to get take out. Greg's calling Nick and 'Rick to see when they'll be back."

"That’d be good."

As Catherine went to leave she looked back at Gil and said, "We can all thank God it wasn't Sara that caught your fancy then?"

"Go. Now."

He watched her go and then got his cell and dialled Nick.

"Is this getting to be a habit, babe?"

"And if someone else had been using my cell, Nicky?"

"Right, okay, what's wrong." Nick was put in his place.

"I'm sorry that was mean of me, but we do have to be careful; when you get back to the lab, come to see me straight away. Catherine knows, we need to firm up our plans."

"Wow, that was quick, we know....."

"I know, but she watched us at the market; apparently, to the trained eye, we're a bit of an old married couple, Nicky."

"Well 'Rick here has no idea, so it's probably only Catherine."

"We can't take that chance.

"Nope, I know; no probs. I promise."

"See you soon."

"Yeah, love ya, babe." Nick ended the call.

Warrick wasn't in hearing distance then, well he hoped he wasn't, one shock was enough for tonight.

In fact Warrick had heard just the last few snippets of the conversation and wasted no time in beginning his interrogation of Nick.

"You’re in 'lurve' man - it's official, so who is she then, spill?"

Nick realised with relief that Warrick had only heard the tail end of his call to Gil, otherwise the lab connection would have been made and this would be a full blown assault for knowledge.

"I think I told you yesterday, and correct me if I'm wrong here, man, but, Warrick, my friend, 'that is for me to know and you to find out'."

"Aw, come on man, give a dog a bone."

"Poor 'Wick' the only man who doesn't know." As soon as he’d said it Nick knew he'd made a grave error of judgement, and that Warrick would begin a quest for knowledge from...Catherine......uh uh.

"That is a bone, man, who knows? Catherine?" He wasn't a CSI for nothing. "She'll cave under my expert cross examination, no sweat."

Nick thought that Gil would have made sure that Catherine didn't breathe a word of it to anyone. But, if Warrick mentioned it to Greg and Greg mentioned it to....... Gil was going to be furious with him, he knew it, they'd only just....and now with his usual stupidity, Nick had ruined it in one fail swoop.

End of Part Three
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