Fic: Four times in twenty four hours.... (2/5)

Oct 08, 2008 19:41

Title: Four times in twenty four hours… A continuation of ‘Upping the Ante’
Author: Dee
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2724 (16152 in total)
Pairings: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil, Nick and various team members and an OMC
Warnings: Fluff and, I think, v.v.AU. Start of some serious SS bashing.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: In my dreams they are like, totally mine!
Beta: jayceepat and podga for their invaluable help in the Americanisation of the fic and their insightful comments - which I may well have ignored! I thank high_striker for his wonderful icons. I am indebted to them all. Any errors are mine.
A/N 1: This is Part Four of Eight of an ongoing saga. It follows on from Upping the Ante, BFF and Facing Up. It will help to be familiar with these as they form part of the whole! Please note the rating change.

Part Two

"I love you." Gil whispered the words and after their furious dash to the condo, it was quiet and peaceful.

"I love you, so much."

Gil moved forward and put his hands on Nick's arms (they were virtually the same height) and Nick put his hands on Gil's waist. They were looking into each others eyes, seeing love, kindness, happiness, and a new look that they now shared, lust.

Gil flicked his eyes down to Nick's lips and back up again, he licked his own lips, slowly, and Nick groaned, and breathed deeply a few times. It was like a slow motion film. They moved together, both sets of eyes, looking at the lips of the man in front of them and then their eyes. Their lips just touched. Gently, they nipped at each other's lips, their combined breaths now shuddering. Their eyes still open.

Their tongues started licking at each other's lips and the tips of each other's tongue met. Gil could bear it no longer, he pushed Nick back against the door and opened Nick's very compliant mouth with his tongue and then his tongue was in the hot, wet mouth. Nick or Gil (or maybe both; probably both,) was groaning. Nick's arms went around Gil and pulled him tight so that their bodies were aligned.

They both felt the other's erection at the same time and Gil gasped. He pulled back from Nick and looked at his face; he bucked his hips into Nick's hips, still looking him in the eyes. Gil gasped again and Nick rubbed his hands up and down Gil's back. He was grinding his hips into Gil's now and Gil knew that he was going to come, at any moment, in his pants, like an adolescent, and he didn't give a damn.

He moved in to kiss Nick again but started to shudder and pulled away from the kiss and looked into Nick's eyes as the heat in his groin intensified and the fluid in his balls made it's fiery way up and out, in one, two, three spurts that felt like liquid fire, he grunted at each spurt; he was still shuddering from after-shocks, when Nick joined him in the fray. He grabbed the back of Gil's neck and brought their foreheads together as he ground his hips one last time and his orgasm ripped from him, he cried out, 'Gil' and then 'Babe' as he ejaculated.

For a few moments all they could hear was their ragged breathing and their hearts pounding in their ears. Nick was leaning on the door and Gil was leaning on Nick - it was a precarious arrangement and could have collapsed at any moment, but they held on.

"I really don't know what I thought our first encounter might be like, Nicky, but I sure as hell didn't think it would be up against a door, like a couple of horny kids." Gil whispered this in Nick's nearest available ear.

"Best ever though, babe, best ever."

"I’d have to agree, my love, without a shadow of a doubt."

"Can we move to the couch and sit down before we fall down?"

"You’re so full of good ideas today." They staggered to the couch, arms around each others waist, and flopped down onto the cushions, still entangled.



"I hope you don't think I suffer from premature ejaculation, me coming so quickly, I'm sure I have at least a little more stamina...normally." He then had to think about his 'normal', which was with women, and then so rarely......his life had just changed immeasurably.

"'S' matter of fact, I was just thinking, poor ol' Gil suffers from premature ejaculation. You’re a head case, you know that, man?"

"Do I sense that you’re pulling my chain?" Gil looked at the relaxed and beautiful face of the man he could now, legitimately, call 'lover'.

"Mmmmm, could be....was the best ever....." He was very sleepy. "'re stayin' to sleep, aren't you?" A little anxiety crept into his voice as he thought maybe Gil would want to leave now.

Gil noticed, of course. "You’re not getting rid of me that easily, my love. I want to sleep with you in my arms." Gil was astounded, he'd never said that before, in his entire life, to anyone and yet he meant it. He smiled at Nick. "Come on sleepyhead; let's get under the blankets, so that I may get my wish."

"Are your pants and shirt washable man?"

This was an interesting segue away from sleeping together. "Errrr, yes."

"Well, I'll put the dark stuff to wash, while we're asleep, after all man, we did come in our pants!" He laughed at Gil's astonished look.

"You know, Nicky, my boy; I'm very impressed at your practicality. It would never have crossed my mind."

"I'm on the ball, man."

They stripped down to their boxers, actually in the laundry area off Nick's kitchen, everything, but the boxers, was dark enough to be washed together and went into the wash; Nick set his machine to wash and dry.

Nick then grabbed Gil's hand and said, 'Shower, then bed?"

Gil was floundering a bit, Nick was taking control; of course they needed to shower, they were covered in their own seminal fluid. He knew, just knew, that they would be showering together too. He let himself be pulled to the bathroom.

Nick lost his boxers and then in a move that startled Gil, whipped Gil's boxers down his legs, for Gil to step out of them. As Nick leant down to complete the manoeuvre, he was face to face, or more accurately, face to genitalia, his face, Gil's genitalia; Gil was looking down at Nick.

"Hey, not bad, Gil, not bad at all." As Nick spoke Gil's flaccid penis twitched and both men laughed.

"He obviously likes a bit of flattery there, Nick."

"I can do flattery man; I'm a southern(ish) gentleman." Directing his speech directly at Gil's, already not so flaccid penis, he said. "Well, who's a good boy then, know how to perform, an' all, because, quite frankly, I have some work for you to do, over the coming, excuse the pun there man, days, weeks, months and years...." He lost the flow of his words as his implication of a long term relationship between the two of them. He looked up in to the laughing face of Gil Grissom.

"He's built to last Nicky, I may be a bit rusty, but I'm sure we'll both get the hang of it pretty quickly."

With that pronouncement, Nick dropped a quick kiss to the head of the then instantly hard penis, grinned and stood up. "Shower."

It wasn't much of a shower because Gil realised that he'd hardly kissed Nick, so took the opportunity to do so. His mouth, his neck, his nipples and then up again, he didn't want to deliberately inflame Nick - of course he didn't - but the water only really served to wash their sticky stomachs and groins, and not much else. When the water started to go cold, they turned off the tap and still kissing, dried off very haphazardly. They were both still damp, well, wet mostly, when they fell onto Nick's bed.

They rolled around each other slowly, exploring. Kissing. Looking. Licking. Touching. Rubbing. Nibbling. Biting. Gil left a mark on Nick's neck, and when Nick realised, he jumped up out of bed to look at it in the mirror.

"There shouldn’t be one day for the rest of my life, Gil, when I don't have a mark on my body from you........promise?" Nick's voice was low and growling and so sexy. Gil didn't think he'd come too soon again but...he might if 'this' Nick continued like this......

"I promise. But, it’s a shame to mark your wonderful skin......"

With that he had Nick pinned under him again and kissed him, his tongue slowly moving around inside Nick's mouth. He felt the smooth palate, the rough tongue, the even teeth and the fillings in his molars and the soft, hot skin inside his cheeks. When he thought he knew that area pretty well he moved to Nick's skin, on his face, his neck, his arms, his chest, his stomach and when he reached Nick's belly button and started licking and chewing around it, Nick started squirming and giggling.

"Ticklish are we? Got ya'." And Gil continued the torturous ministrations, he suddenly stopped and looked at Nick's erection, bobbing and straining and leaking seminal fluid, glistening in the subdued light of the bedroom. Gil had never been so close to a hard-on in his life, he'd never touched another man's penis. Well, that wasn't exactly true, but they'd been dead ones.

He looked at Nick whose expression was one of utter love and delight. "I thought we were tired and going to sleep?"

"Oh, okay then." Calling his bluff, Nick went to pull the covers up.

"Who’s a little tease?"


"Oui, c'est tu!"

"No more French man, you just exhausted my entire vocabulary."

"Je t'adore, Nicky"

"I think I got that......" Nick reached up and pulled Gil to him for another kiss, he'd sensed that Gil was a little, cautious, maybe, about being so close to an erection. He wasn't bothered, they had, hadn't Gil agreed, the rest of their lives.

Gil, just to confuse Nick, because he could, broke the kiss and then leaned down and took a sizeable amount of said erection into his mouth. Nick gasped and involuntarily bucked his hips up, causing Gil to almost gag, and release Nick.

"Whoops...couldn't help it......never had....ever before......feels...." Nick could hardly speak from the shock and pleasure coursing through his body, but centred on his now aching and desperate erection.

"Never, ever?"

"Never, ever."

"Well I'll have to correct that situation, but bear with me, never done it myself, but I'll go on what I like, shall I?"

"You do that!" Nick laughed

"What's funny?"

"We are, not funny exactly, Gil, but this is fun isn't it? Best I've ever had....although I haven't had that much really......but this is how I imagined it...all relaxed and happy"

"It's the best I've ever had, as well..........and it is fun; I think that's how it should be...but it's never been that way before for me.....not before you."

Nick chose that moment to don his 'shit eating' grin at Gil, who laughed and went down on Nick again. And he did as he promised, all the things he liked and thought Nicky would.

Nick was writhing and doing his level best not to push himself into his Gil's mouth. Gil's tongue was licking every single part of his cock; he was nibbling along the underside and then on the sensitive head - Nick's upper torso left the bed at that - and then he licked it to soothe it (not that it did, of course).

Gil's hands had become involved and he was squeezing the base of his cock and just pulling the tight skin up and down, just there, his other hand had attached itself to Nick's balls and was rolling them around, first one and then the other, he slipped his hand behind Nick’s balls and rubbed a finger up and down the perineum and back a little further to rub against his anus. Nick was on fire, all over his body, but the source of the heat was low down in his belly, he was so hot he thought that flames might burst out of his cock!

Gil's hand felt the testes physically contract under his fingers, as they prepared to fire their tiny missiles - was he turning into some sort of bad poet? Fine time - and Gil had to make a decision, swallow or not. It wasn't much of a decision. Nick was trying to say, Gil thought, that he was going to come, but he, Gil Grissom, appeared to have made the young man incoherent.

He stayed put, his hand and mouth causing friction and suction on Nick’s erection: Nick's body arched up off the bed and he screamed, sort of 'aaaarrrrhhhhh' as he spurted into Gil's mouth, for a nanosecond Gil thought the viscous liquid was red hot, but it was just hot, it tasted bitter and salty, but not unpalatable and Gil swallowed. He swallowed and then licked as Nick's erection abated and softened; he released the poor, twitching, once proud, but now deflated morsel and it fell exhausted on to Nick's belly.

Gil laughed as he looked up at Nick, who seemed to have lapsed into some sort of semi-conscious state.

"You young uns' - got no staying power."

One eye opened and peered, as malevolently as it could in its dazed state. "You wait man, just you wait.”

"I am waiting." As he said that he pushed his revived erection (he had been concentrating, after all) into Nick's hip.

"Oh man. I'm sooo sorry, I've neglected you...."

"Well if this is what neglect feels like, how do you say….bring it on!"

Nick's hand circled Gil's hard cock and all of a sudden the formerly 'loquacious' doctor was rendered speechless, or sort of, as the same 'aaaarrrrhhhhh' was emitted from his mouth as Nick had done a few moments beforehand.

Nick was pushing himself up to take Gil in his mouth, but Gil pushed him down and just looked at Nick, indicating with just that look that the hand was all he needed

Nick could do this, he was an experienced masturbator, and slid his hand up and down, tightly, then loosely, his thumb brushing the head and smearing the natural lubricant he found there, around. Gil had dropped on to his side beside Nick and Nick had turned to face him and was kissing and nipping at Gil's mouth, his spare hand found a nipple and gently massaged and then pinched it and then massaged it again, he couldn't reach the other one.

He then used that hand to fondle Gil's balls, they were a totally different feel to his own, bigger and heavier; he rolled them around and pulled them down away from Gil's body and then he, too, pushed his fingers behind and stroked the skin and anus. All of these things elicited different degrees of gasps form Gil.

He smiled, to himself; he was here, right now, with Gil Grissom in his bed. How fabulous was that? Gil was moaning now and gently rocking his body and was plainly on the last lap.

Nick made a quick decision and pushed a compliant Gil onto his back and then bent over him and held Gil's cock up as his mouth descended on it. Gil's hands went to each side of Nick's head and held it, not tightly, but enough for Gil to feel he was going to remain on terra firma and not be launched into space.

There was more skin for Nick to play around with, as Gil had not been circumcised, Nick found that exciting, he had no idea why, but his own cock was twitching again. He smiled around the cock in his mouth. They could die here, from sex, each act making the other hard again.

Nick had no guidelines at all for oral sex, only what he'd Googled, but hell, he was a quick learner and Gil had just given him a masterclass. And so, just a few minutes later following the same route of tongue and hands, Gil was about to come in Nick's mouth, he tried to warn Nick but Nick’s eyes came up to meet Gil's, his mouth still firmly clamped around Gil's cock.......that sight was the last straw and Gil shouted. "Nicky, Nicky, oh, Nicky…oh God!" And he, too, came in a man's mouth for the first time.

A few minutes passed; Nick had performed the same favour and cleaned up Gil. "I really do have to sleep now Nicky…can't actually move....."

"'K, babe."

" being your yo......" He was asleep.

Nick pulled the blankets up and put his head on his lover's chest. This was the very best day of his entire life (who was Sara Sidle anyway) - the first day of the rest of his life.

As Sara sat in her truck outside Nick's condo, she thought that it was the worst day of her life.

End of Part Two
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