Fic: BFF (5/6) A continustion of Facing Up...

Aug 23, 2008 21:05

Title: BFF (5/6) A continuation of Facing Up…
Author: Dee
Rating: R
Word Count: 2270
Pairings: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil, Nick and some team members and an OMC
Warnings: Fluff and (very) AU
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: In my dreams they are like, totally mine!
Beta: jayceepat and podga for their invaluable help in the Americanisation of the fic and their insightful comments - which I may well have ignored! I thank high_striker for his wonderful icons. I am indebted to them all. Any errors are mine.
A/N: This is Part Two of an ongoing saga…in seven parts so far. It will help if you’ve read ‘Facing Up’, which I posted back in February.

BFF Part Five

They both slept exceptionally well; Nick had Gil back with him in his dreams, so he was more than happy. Gil dreamt that Catherine was banging on his office windows yelling at him to tell her about Nick, and Sara was yelling at Catherine to leave him alone, ‘Who, Nick?’, ‘No, Gil, he’s mine you whore!”

Unfortunately Gil was disturbed by a dog barking in the street outside and never got to finish this particular dream sequence, more’s the pity, he’d’ve enjoyed a good fight, These were his last thoughts as he drifted back to sleep.

Work was busier that next shift but it was all good news for the team - every single case they got was solved - a very rare occurrence and Catherine said they should have breakfast together to celebrate their success. They all agreed and joined up at a buffet at the ‘New York, New York’. Home, of course, to one of Gil’s favourite roller coaster rides.

The buffet was their usual affair, Sara desperate to sit next to Gil, Sofia snagging one side of Gil just to spite her and Jim the other side, because Sofia told him to. Catherine was cosying up to Warrick and Nick had Sara scowling next to him, she really did remind him of his sisters, all of them, put together, he thought ungraciously.

He then backtracked because he could well be in the same position as her, pining after the same man who was just as unattainable to both of them. At least Nick hoped he would still have Gil’s friendship; Sara was too obsessed with Gil to even try to be friendly, with him or anyone else. ‘Own worst enemy’, thought Nick, ‘she’d benefit from therapy.’ He mused, knowingly.

They congratulated themselves with a toast of orange juice and they all ate their fill. They then went their separate ways. Gil actually declined to ride the ride; he felt it would be unpleasant for anyone below him, if he vomited over the side of the carriage as he ‘looped the loop’. Next time he’d ride before he ate.

Gil went home with a lighter feeling about him that he hadn’t felt in weeks. Nick did have something to tell him and he would do so in his own good time, perhaps this evening, who knew? He was going to do his chores, dry cleaning, groceries, washing, the least cleaning he could get away with and a good sleep to prepare for later.

As he was going to sleep, Gil suddenly had a chuckling fit, remembering how Sofia had stitched Sara up. Jim had told him he was under strict instructions to sit beside Gil and keep ‘that Sidle woman’ out. Gil wondered about Sofia, he thought she was very beautiful - perhaps he should ask her out to dinner some time, but then, would Sara kill her? He drifted off to sleep a contented man.

The day went well for Nick, he’d already made a comprehensive list for grocery shopping and a few other items he wanted, so he’d stopped off at the store and the mall and had everything he needed. When he’d packed it all away, he cleaned up his condo, he was (usually) a pretty tidy guy anyway, so it wasn’t too bad and he’d done some stuff the day before.

He was tired when he went to bed but excited like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. He wondered if he would get the present he wanted; he really needed to steel himself for disappointment.

Gil was straight, he was pretty certain of that, mind you, he’d thought he was fairly straight, but odd, himself, until a few days ago, so….. But Gil had dated, he knew there was that lab tech who didn’t like Pink Floyd and there was the anthropologist woman, Gil had told him he’d abandoned her in a restaurant, forgetting all about her when he’d been called to a scene.

There was, of course, Sara, and Gil had never spoken out of turn about her, but it was fairly common knowledge down at the lab that while he admired her criminalistic skills, he’d never shown any interest in her in any other way - no one knew what had gone on with them before she came to Vegas, but Nick was as certain as he could be that whatever it was, it was only in Sara’s imagination. He just hoped he’d cope with….whatever, in a more dignified manner. He was sure he would. That was his last thought before sleep overtook him.

He awoke in a sticky mess just before his alarm was due to go off. He was used to the mess now, and he wasn’t bothered, the dreams didn’t even wake him any more, but he slept better than ever and he was pleased with that.

He went to shower and thought of Sara again, he wondered if she had erotic dreams about Gil, if she did she wouldn’t get messed up that was sure, he chuckled to himself. He’d ask Catherine about women’s dreams; she always liked talking about that sort of thing on the way to and from crime scenes. He’d learned some interesting little titbits from Catherine over the few years he‘d been in Vegas.

After showering he put his bed linen and clothes in the washer, and tidied up and set about preparing dinner, nothing too fancy, salad stuff he knew Gil liked and steaks for grilling. When he’d prepared that he started on his lounge area, putting scented candles around the room and fluffing cushions, when he’d finished he looked around and groaned, ‘Just how GAY am I, for God’s sake, he’ll walk in here look around and walk straight out. Imbecile Stokes.’ So Nick extinguished all the candles and put them away in a cupboard under the sink. He just put a lamp on by the couch and left it at that.

Gil arrived ahead of schedule, as he did most times. When he entered the lounge he commented on the lovely smell. Nick blushed and said it was air freshener. He went to fetch a beer for Gil and when he turned around Gil was leaning on the kitchen door jamb, his usual position. But Nick was suddenly hyper-sensitive. He noticed the trimmed beard, the skin, tanned and healthy, the soft curls of his hair - he bet they’d be a nightmare to keep tidy if he’d ever had longer hair - would Gil ever have had longer hair? The greying temples of said hair, made him look very distinguished. The soft look of his body, he did need to lose a few, but hey, he bet he’d be comfortable to lie on.

“Are you going to stand there all night or are you going to hand me the beer?” Gil sounded amused.

”Oh, errrr, sorry man just thinking, is all.” He blushed, a deep red, he could feel it on his neck and on the top of his chest where his shirt was open a couple of buttons. He’d better pull himself together; he wanted to be seen as a capable man, not a blithering idiot. Gil did not suffer fools gladly.

“No problem Nick, you go ahead and think just don’t let me die of dehydration in the meantime!”

“If you’re gettin’ dehydrated man, y’don’t need alcohol, y’need water, shall I get it and put the beer back?”

“Oh; I see you’re getting sassy now you’re better, well at least you’re right about the alcohol, so I’ll pretend you have my well being in mind, shall I?”

“Y’do that. Here’s your beer, I’ll start the chow if y’all are ready?”

“I am indeed, I haven’t eaten since breakfast. Need any help?”

“Nope. Got it covered.”

Gil watched Nick work, and was struck at the symmetry of his movements as he prepared and cooked the food, he had noticed it at scenes, his movements were lithe and almost, what, cat like?

“Hey, put some music on man.” Nick could make this request quite happily in his own condo, because he knew what CDs he owned. It was a different matter altogether at Gil’s place - goodness knows where he found some of the stuff he called music - but Nick had stopped asking for background music after a few requests. It was a joke between them and Nick smiled as he thought about it. A few moments later that smile turned into a frown. He went into the lounge.

“What the….?”

Gil was standing grinning at him, “Didn’t think much of your choice so I took the liberty of bringing over a few CDs out of my collection. This is ‘klezmer’ Nick, a sort of Jewish folk song tradition but given a modern flavour!”

“Y’know what worries me the most Gil? That this isn’t the worst music y’have is it?”

“You offend me Nick, I have diverse tastes and I enjoy life’s rich tapestries in all areas.” Gil gesticulated to encompass the world with a broad sweep of his arms as he spoke and Nick was trying hard not to grin.

He said sternly, “Well y’can keep it on, but turn it down, in the Lord’s name, please.”

Gil did as he was told and Nick returned to the kitchen grinning. He embraced diversity, eh? I wonder how far he’d go. It really didn’t matter to Nick because he would be happy to have Gil as his friend, just like this. ‘BFFs’.

Gil resumed his post by the door. “Did y’ride this morning Gil?”

“No, I thought better of it after breakfast; it can be somewhat stomach churning even for an old hand like me. I’ll go before I eat next time. Why don’t you come with me?”

“Okay, could probably manage that, don’t think I could manage the Stratosphere though, man. I don’t fancy being suspended over thin air.”

“Oh, it’s exhilarating Nick, you need to try it to appreciate it - I could hold your hand.” Gil was teasing; at least Nick thought he was. He changed the subject.

“What was with Sofia an’ Jim this mornin’?”

“Oh, evil plotting I’m afraid, on Sofia’s part, I believe. She ‘made’ Jim sit next to me and she claimed the other side just to aggravate Sara. I don’t understand it Nick, they’re acting like schoolgirls…..”

“Y’don’t know that they’re both crazy for y’man?” Nick was incredulous.

“I…I….don’t think…well…no Nick.” Gil was plainly shocked.

“Y’didn’t know? Didn’t Catherine or Jim or someone tell you - really?”

“No, you must be mistaken, oh, I know Sara is a bit of a hero worshipper, but she’ll get over it, but Sofia, are you saying she likes me…you know….like..?”

“Yep….Sara’s not hero worshipping you Gil…well she is…but she’s crazy for you and Sofia, well, she’s a real nice woman and I think she would jump at the chance to date you Gil.” Was Nick talking himself out of something here?

“It’s really strange you know, because this morning I thought I might ask Sofia out to dinner sometime.”

Nick’s breathing suddenly started to hurt his chest and he held onto the counter as he tried desperately to concentrate on the steaks grilling before him.

“Y’going to then Gil?” He tried for normal but it didn’t sound normal in his ears.

“What do you think I should do Nick?”

“I don’t know, y’have to make y’own decision on that, follow what y’want to do.” Is what Nick said, what he thought was ‘NO, NO, NO don’t ask her, please don’t ask her.’

“I don’t know what I want; I thought that if I’d really wanted to ask her, I’d have done it by now. It’s not like I’m ‘burning with desire’, he laughed at his words, “I’m actually quite content as I am and you know I have a ‘BFF’ now?”

Nick chanced a look at Gil and saw him smiling in his direction.

“That’s true man, y’have.” And he smiled back. Had Gil noticed his ‘mini’ breakdown?

“Hey, steaks are ready, let’s eat.” He couldn’t imagine how he was going to force the food down his throat without immediately vomiting. This evening had started out really well and a stupid remark from him had turned it on its head. He had to sit down with Gil now and eat and talk like he was as happy as he was just five or ten minutes ago.

They sat at the dining table and helped themselves to salad and corn. Nick’s prediction that he wouldn’t be able to eat proved to be wrong and he settled down quite a bit. He was planning what to do next, because his previous strategy, devised over the last day had come apart at the seams.

Gil was talking to him….”What, sorry, lost in thought there a moment, Gil?”

“That’s okay, I was mumbling around a mouthful of steak I’m afraid, but I was saying this is delicious, you’ve got a knack, you know, it’s just as I like it. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, any time. It’s easier to cook for two than it is for one, y’know what it’s like you can’t be bothered and get take out, or junk, or both and it ain’t healthy.”

“You’re right.. I could afford to lose about fifteen - twenty pounds, maybe, but it’s no fun dieting on your own. I need someone to regulate my food and make me eat properly and healthily - like this Nick - you’re doing me good.”

“Why, thank y’kindly sir.”

“If I dated Sofia, do you think Sara would try to kill me or Sofia, or would it be you?”

End of Part Five
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