A Gil/Greg sex scene, Gizoogled.

Feb 23, 2005 09:28

Yes, ladies and gent, I am batshit insane. For those of you who aren't familiar with www.gizoogle.com, it's quite amusing.

With his free hand, he stroked the side of his face. Just then, something occurred to him.” It’s been a while, hasn't it."

Jaw clenched, Gil nodded.

"And never with a man?"


Greg nodded his understanding. He removed his hand from Gil's pants, not to stop, just to slow things down a bit. He tilted Gil's face toward his and kissed him, briefly and tenderly. "Have you ever wanted to?"

Gil sighed. "Yes and no. It's complicated." The weary look on his face discouraged Greg from seeking further explanation.

"Do you want to now?"

"Yes." No hesitation. Still...

"But you don't think you should," Greg guessed. Gil squeezed his eyes shut, frustration etched on his face.

"Are you afraid I won't respect you in the morning?" Greg asked. "That you won't like it? That you will like it?" He raised his hand and gently stroked the hair at Grissom's temples.

Gil covered his face in his hands. "It's too much," he murmured.

Greg gently pulled Gil's hands away. "What's too much, Gil?"

Gil's eyes were terrified. "Getting what I want."

Smiling tenderly, Greg cupped Gil's face with his left hand.

"That doesn't mean you can't have it."

He leaned in for another kiss, pleased to feel Gil's tongue slowly slide into his mouth this time. He moved his hand back down to Gil's crotch, ending the kiss in order to see his face as he plunged his hand inside. Carefully, he freed Gil's cock, reveling in the thick, solid feel of it in his hand. Stroking the shaft slowly, he then used the thumb of his free hand to circle the tip, spreading the droplets of moisture he found there.

Gil whimpered and pressed his face into Greg's shoulder, but Greg guided his face back up.

"I want to see you," he said. "Look at me."

As sex acts went, this was probably the most basic thing he could do for Gil on their first time, Still, that didn't mean he was going to let it be boring. He varied the speed and firmness of his strokes, his stomach doing little flips of joy as Gil tensed and squirmed next to him. Reverently, Greg kissed his cheek.

"You're beautiful like this," he whispered. "Don't hold back."

"Greg..." Gil gasped.

"It's all right, Gil. Let go."

He watched as Gil's fingers clenched, squeezing the couch cushions beneath them. His face held a look as if he were in pain, then suddenly, he clamped his own hand over Greg's on his shaft, gripping fiercely.  This time, Greg didn't stop from hiding his face in Greg's chest as he came, liquid warmth spilling over Greg's fingers. Breathless, Gil removed his hand as it subsided, but Greg kept holding him for a minute as he went soft, enjoying the intimacy of the touch.

With his clean hand, he stroked Gil's forehead. "Cool," he said simply.

Now here it is in street talk...

wit his free hiznand, he stroked tha side of his face in tha mutha fuckin club. just then, sum-m sum-m occurred ta H-to-tha-izzim.” it’s been a while, hasnt it."

jaw clenched, gil nodded so jus' chill.

"and neva witta mizzay


Grizzay nodded his ho-slappin'. he removed his hand fizzle gils pants, not ta stiznop, just ta S-L-to-tha-izzow th'n dizzle a bit. he tilted gils fizzle toward his n kissed hizzle briefly n tenderly. "have you ever wanted to?"

gil sighed. "yes n no. its complicizzles" tha weary look on his face discouraged G-R-to-tha-izzeg fizzy messin' furtha explanation.

"d-ya want ta now?"

"yes." no hesitizzles. still...

"but you dizzay thizzay you should," gizzy guessed. gil squeezed his eyes shizzay frustration etched on his fizzle.

"are you afraid i wizzle respect you in tha gang bangin' G-R-to-tha-izzeg asked . Slap your mutha fuckin self. "that you wont like it? tizzle you will like it?" he raised his hand n gently stroked tha hair at grissoms temples.

Gil covered his face in his hands . You gotta check dis shit out yo. "Its too much," he murmured.

Greg gently pulled Gils hands away. "Whats too miznuch, Giznil?"

Gils eyes were terrified. "Gett'n wizzy I want."

Smil'n tenderly, Grizneg cupped Gils face wit his left hand cuz its a pimp thang.

"That doesnt mean you ciznant hizzle it."

He leaned in fo` brotha kiss, pleazed ta feel Gils tongue slowly slide into his grill this time fo' sheezy. He moved his hand biznack down ta Gils crotch, end'n tha kiss in playa ta see his face as he plunged his hand inside ya dig?. Carefully, he freed Gils ciznock, revel'n in tha thick, solid feel of it in his hand . Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. Sippin' tha S-H-to-tha-izzaft slowly, he then used tha thumb of his free hand ta circle tha tizzy sippin' tha droplets of moisture he found there.

gil whimpered n pressed his face into gregs motherfucka but grizneg guided his face bizzle up.

"i wizzy ta see you," he said and yo momma. "look at mizzy

as sex acts wizzay this was probably tha most basic thing he could do fo` gil on they fizzay time, still, tizzy diznidnt mean he was gonna let it be bor'n n we out. he varied tha speed n firmness of his strokes, his stomach doing shawty flips of joy as gil tensed n squirmed next ta him. reverizzles G-R-to-tha-izzeg kissed his cheek fo shizzle.

"yoe beautiful like this," he whispered . Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. "dont hold back."

"greg..." gil gasped.

He watched as Gils hustla clenched, squeez'n tha couch cushions beneath tizzle fo' sheezy. His face held a look as if he were in pain, thizzen suddenly, he clamped his own hand over Gregs on his shaft, gripp'n fiercely. This time, Greg didnt stop from hid'n his face in Gregs chizzay as he came, liquid warmth mobbin' over Gregs finga cuz its a G thang. Breathless, Gil removed his hand as it subsided, but G-R-to-tha-izzeg kizzy clockin' him fo` a minute as he went sizzay doggy stylin' tha intimacy of tha touch and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow.

wit his clean H-to-tha-izzand, he stroked Gils foreheezee. "Cool," he said simply.

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