FIC: Sins of the Father: Chapter 5 (Gil/Nick)

Jan 08, 2005 12:09

Title: Sins of the Father (chapter 5/10)
Author: Knightmusic
Rating: R
Pairing: Gil/Nick
Summary: An orphaned girl and a murdered son, and Gil and Nick are left to discover the impressions a father leaves on the life of his child.
Author's Note/Warnings: At last, the long awaited porny chapter.  Damn, those take more effort.  Again, deepest thanks to laurelgardner, without whom none of this would have come into being.
Feedback: Please sir?  I want some more?
Disclaimer: Last time I checked, I don't spell my name: J-E-R-R-Y B-R-U-C-K-H-E-I-M-E-R.  So I probably don't own CSI.

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Given the unpredictable and often erratic nature of their daily schedules, Gil and Nick had adopted the practice of grabbing short naps whenever the opportunity presented rather they trying to block out a solid eight hours of sleep every day. It meant they were more likely to catch each other awake during their free hours, and less likely to be brought down as easily when an unexpected double shift monopolized their time.

Right now Nick was enjoying a nap and an even better dream; featuring Gil Grissom’s tongue. Well, to be fair, the rest of him was there too, but it was the tongue that was the interesting part at the moment. Gil never just kissed Nick’s neck, he always licked, and occasionally bit. Dreams weren’t as good as the real thing, but they’d certainly tide him over.

He felt himself waking up and tried to fight it, because there was no way he was leaving that tongue until it had finished its business, and then realized that the licking wasn’t fading.

And that was definitely a bite, and it was definitely not a dream.

“Hey, you,” Nick said, opening his eyes and turning his head to look at Gil. “You’ve just put me off alarm clocks forever, you know that? I’m gonna want to wake up this way every day for the rest of my life.” A puff of air against his neck was Gil’s laugh.

“Duly noted,” Gil said, and kissed him.

Personally, Nick thought his mouth tasted pretty nasty after a nap, and always grabbed an Altoid upon waking up, but it didn’t seem to bother Gil.

Gil kissed with the same directness he employed when he spoke; never saying more or less than exactly what he meant. There were different kinds of Gil-kisses for different situations, moods, and desires. This one wasn’t a “Good Morning” kiss, or even its more intense cousin, the “I missed you” kiss.

And it was Nick’s favorite kind.

Gil pushed the blankets down and Nick returned the favor by removing what was left of Gil’s clothing. Gil lay down, sliding close to and half on top of Nick, pinning him to the pillows with his mouth. It felt like he was trying to climb under Nick’s skin, and Nick wished he could help him do so.

“Do you always sleep naked when I’m not here?” Gil asked in the few seconds his mouth was not occupied elsewhere on Nick’s body.

“’Course,” Nick answered. “I do when you are here, why get dressed up for bed when you’re not?” There was that puff of air again - on his stomach now - and a chuckle this time.

It was nice to still learn new things about each other, especially now when they were long past needing words to direct their love-making. With the lightest touch of Gil’s hands or mouth, Nick shifted his weight, moved a leg or arm, and found the position and rhythm that suited both of them. Loud and soft, fast and slow, intense without tension.

It was the most beautiful song without words.

With Gil moving inside him, kissing his neck and shoulders, caressing anything else he could reach, Nick couldn’t understand why this part had made him so uneasy for so long. Beyond being one of the best damn things he’d ever felt, it gave him such an incredible sense of power and self-worth. Gil’s mouth was next to his ear, expelling a rich cacophony of gasps, half-words - some of which might have been Nick’s name - and moans, and his arms were trying to pull Nick steadily closer, tighter, against his chest. Who else knew Gil Grissom like he did?

Gil’s hands finally gave up trying to crush their bodies into one, and wandered further down Nick’s body. Nick made an indeterminate - but loud - noise at the contact and pressed his head back against Gil’s shoulder. Gil pressed deliberate kisses against his neck and the side of his face, not stopping until both he and Nick saw stars.

Nick closed his eyes, sighing in relaxation and contentment, and then smiled broadly as Gil licked and bit at his earlobe, slowing down to almost stillness. He’d teased Gil once about having an oral fixation. Gil had promised to seek treatment for it, if it bothered Nick so much. Nick had opted not to call the bluff.

He stood by his decision.

“I thought you’d be out all day,” Nick said, some time later when talking no longer seemed like an obscene and irreverent thing to do.

“I hit a dead end,” Gil said. “I need to find a new perspective.” There was something just behind the words - that wasn’t hesitation or tension - that struck Nick as slightly odd. It sounded like a constructed answer, and as much as Gil was precise in his speech, he never sounded contrived.

Nick wondered for a minute if he should push the issue. It was so hard to tell with Gil; with some things all Nick had to do was ask for all to be revealed, and others were closely guarded personal secrets. They looked identical.

Now was not the time to tempt the fight that would happen if this was the wrong kind. If it was a problem, he’d deal with it later.

“Did you go to see Chloe?” he asked instead.

“Actually, yes. You should come with me to visit her.”

“Maybe I will,” Nick said. He tried to crane his neck around to see the clock. “How much time I got left?” he asked.

Gil looked. “A little over an hour.”

Nick rolled over and buried his face in Gil’s shoulder. “Good,” he said as Gil stroked his back.

* * *

“Archie, whatcha got for me?” Nick asked.

“The 911 call from your vic’s house,” Archie said, tapping the mouse to start the playback on the computer.

“911, what’s your emergency?” The words were barely audible over an incredible din. It sounded like yelling, things being thrown, breaking furniture and probably other things Nick couldn’t identify.

“…is in my house…” came a female voice. That would be the victim, Jackie Hill. She sounded angry, but not particularly scared. It sounded like she didn’t have the phone all the way up to her mouth.

“Ma’am?” the 911 operator asked. Nick couldn’t fathom how they managed to sound so calm in the face of what they were hearing.

“Get away from me!” the woman screamed, and a male voice shouted something unintelligible at the same time. Then there was the sound of the phone being dropped, what were probably footsteps, and a scream cut painfully short.

Archie stopped the playback. “Operator got a trace on the line, called in dispatch, the rest you know.”

Nick took a breath, giving him time to collect himself. “So that was her murder, on tape?” he asked. Archie nodded.

“Can you clean this up for me? Figure out what’s going on?”

Archie snorted. “Can I? Don’t flatter me or anything, Nick.”

Archie clicked, highlighted and dragged. “We’ll take out the operator’s voice first,” he said absently, narrating his actions. “Then let’s see about these footsteps.”

“Any chance we can determine how many people were there?”

Archie nodded. “Maybe. If there aren’t too many, I should be able to isolate individual footsteps. Let’s see…..yep!” He selected to tracks and played them.

“Sounds like two sets,” Nick observed. “The victim and her killer.”

“Now, let’s get the rest of the background noise….that crash….that should do it. Let’s see what we’ve got.” He hit play.

“I need the police, there’s a man in my house. I can’t make him leave,” was Jackie’s voice. Now the only background noise sounded like a man’s voice shouting.

“Get away from me!” It sounded like the phone was being dropped, or perhaps ripped away from her hand, and her last words sounded far away.

“She’s not here! Matt don’t! Matt, put it down!” Then there was the scream.

Archie stopped the tape and looked at Nick.

“Figured she knew him,” Nick said then added, “No sign of forced entry at the house. Can you take her voice out? See if we can hear the man?”

“Sure,” Archie said, and in a few minutes hit “play” again. The voice was soft, probably no where near the phone, but the anger lost none of its potency.

“You bitch! Don’t you dare….You can’t hide her from me!…..You tell me where she is, now!”

Archie stopped the tape, and he and Nick looked at each other. “Thanks, Archie,” Nick said, “That helps.” He said, a little absently as he left the lab.

He went back to his notes and flipped through to the interviews he had done with Jackie’s friends. It hadn’t seemed as though Jackie had made many close friends in the area, mostly wrapped up with her daughter, Nick guessed, and none of the people he had interviewed had been able to make any guess on who Chloe’s father might be. One woman, as close to a best friend as Jackie had, had given him a few other names to look into; people Jackie had talked about. Nick ran his finger down the list and stopped.

“Matt Winters,” he read.

After a call to Vega, and a few follow up calls to Jackie’s friends to find out more about Mr. Winters, and they had an address. Unfortunately, when they got there, they didn’t have a suspect.

“Do you have anything more than the voice on the 911 call?” Vega asked after knocking for a third time. Nick shook his head.

“If I could just see him, I’d know pretty quickly. He lost a fair bit of blood at the scene, he’d have a visible injury. But otherwise it could just be a guy with the same first name. Think of how many ‘Matts’ you know,” Nick hated having to say it. The house screamed low-life, exactly the type of resident that had no business being around any children, least of all his own, and Nick knew better than to believe in coincidences.

“Well, I’ll put a watch on the house. As soon as he’s comes back, we can have a little chat with him.” Nick sighed and nodded, and then stopped as something occurred to him.

“I think I may know a way to hurry things along,” he said, pulling out his notes again, flipping open his cell phone and dialing a number. Vega looked at him, blankly and Nick held up a hand. The phone rang.

Inside the house, the phone rang as well. Vega smiled at Nick and nodded. After four rings, the answering machine picked up.

“Hey it’s Matt. I’m not here, leave a message.” Nick flipped the phone closed.

“I’m gonna go see Archie again,” he said, a smug smile on his face.
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