a summer guide for short girls!

May 03, 2011 16:39

Summer is coming! Time to throw away the heavy jackets, wool tights, and giant scarves into the darkest depth of our wardrobe! In a fit of boredom today I was thinking about how I could revamp my wardrobe for the summer when a thought struck me, hey, let's make a post about summer wardrobe for short girls! Because I am short, and summer is awesome ( Read more... )

summer guide, fashionwhore, picspam

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Comments 20

lyuna May 3 2011, 14:30:56 UTC
lol, the only part of this I can pull off are the loose shirts ;o; yay for thighs getting too thick from sports so you can't fit into any pants unless they are really really extremely wide-cut and look shitty *mutters and walks off to mentally rant some more*

I LOVE the loose shirts though <3


grisclair May 3 2011, 16:48:42 UTC
That's what dresses are for. /o\ Nowadays every time I try to get into my jeans I'm like "ffffuuu can't breathe" so I just leave them and go for breezy loose things. Loose shirts are awesome. No need to worry about curves or no-curves! Also they can be turned into pyjama.


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grisclair May 3 2011, 16:55:18 UTC
lol tbh the only person who cares about your legs is yourself, when you're walking down the street it really doesn't matter. if there's a hot girl with nice legs walking down the street, sure I'll appreciate it, but otherwise idc. that's why you don't need to be very self-conscious about these things!


chrysa May 3 2011, 17:35:12 UTC
Uh... Q_Q I see "guide for short girls". Am I too tall to participate in this qtness?


grisclair May 3 2011, 22:58:38 UTC
lolol ofc you can, it's just easier when you already have the height~


kitschful May 3 2011, 18:00:55 UTC
\o/ thank you~~ haha the pictures are all so cute .-.
i need to find more loose shirts.. only have a few and the requisite stack of more fitted tees from high school -.- stomach fat complains.

also i love skirts ;~~; and dresses ;~~; and summer \(^o^)/


grisclair May 3 2011, 23:00:04 UTC
I spent so much time on Korean shopping sites and ended up coveting everything. /o\
Loose shirts are great for days out with family - no one can see the evidence of 3 continuous hours of eating, lolol.


lark May 3 2011, 18:35:25 UTC
I swear, everything I know about fashion I've learned from you ;_; I will definitely try some of these things!


grisclair May 3 2011, 23:02:32 UTC
Aww I'm glad this can be of some use to you! I need to try out new things for this summer as well but I don't know what. ~_~


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