Title: Apparition No. 12
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Remus/Sirius, though I think the argument can be made for a Remus-centric gen. This isn't a romance.
Rating: PG-13 for some language and some sexual references
Disclaimer: I own nothing of JKRs.
Summary: Remus Lupin: Dumbledore's (Reluctant) Man
Feedback: Always appreciated.
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Comments 7
Sirius is standing in the doorway, leaning more heavily than he should upon the frame, Remus notices. He has gone pale since the children went back to school and most of the Order back to work, Remus included, after the Christmas hols. The fire in the library hearth does little to add color to Sirius' face or his hands.
just broke my heart that image is so true of sirius in his quieter moments.
i also loved the conversation by the fire. also the part about the funerals made me cry.
loved loved loved
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