11 drabbles for a 22 girl! PG overall.

Jan 20, 2009 02:09

1. Supernatural

"I missed this."

Dean can't help looking up like he's been stung. He knows exactly how Sam felt about the hunting life. "Missed what? Weird guys in hick towns yelling 'squeal like a piggy?'" He's not watched Deliverance in a while; not got the voice creepily perfect like usual.

"No, jerk," Sam says before poking the sausage in the middle of his pancake. "Meat."

"You didn't go vegetarian?" Dean sounds about as horrified as if Sam just announced he's joining the KKK.

"Jessica only liked one kind of meat," Sam replies. "Didn't mind sacrificing the rest if she stayed interested."


2. Supernatural

"Oh, you're kidding me."

"Bwuh - hmm?" Dean grumbled, scratching his head and his ass in alternate hands as he woke up. "S'up Sasquatch?"

"Why are you in my bed?"

"Because someone's a noisy bitch in their nightmares without a hug and I need sleep."

"Dean! I'm not a kid!"

"You're my kid brother whether you like it or not," Dean grunted. "Go back to bed."

"It's ten in the morning, Dean."

"Exactly. Dad's not around, enjoy the lie-ins while you can."

"You are so damaged."

"Whatever, Sammy. Go back to sleep."

"Jerry Springer damaged levels, man."

"So's your ma."


3. Merlin

"I think I've discovered your great talent, Merlin," Arthur muses, sounding entirely too smug.

If ever Merlin could be said to hate Arthur? It’s now. If his friend hadn't been around when he broke his leg, he could have fixed it. Now he'll have to endure it until they return to the castle.


"I think you're a jester. Life's great joke."

"And you're an arrogant -" Merlin would finish with a creative slur involving Arthur's manhood, but his horse just stumbled and the shock through his wound is excruciating. "You know what? Next time, I'm just letting you die."


4. Supernatural

"You never told me how you two met," Dean says one day after a few beers have made the subject safe. It'll never be okay, but he's coping better. Dad's closing in on the bastard that killed her, and that's almost enough. Almost.

"Christian Union at Stanford," Sam replies, glares at Dean's snort of laughter but says nothing about it. "I was making contacts, she was browsing. Tiny, tiny dress. Someone commented on it and she tore into them. In latin."

"And that sealed the deal, huh?"

Sam shook his head. "She liked people, Dean. Even though she knew them."


5. Doctor Who

Once upon a time, there was a happy ending.

Certainly, a man had lost his wife; but he regained the son he loved.

And yes, there was a man without happy endings, who had forgotten how to enjoy life.

But for a moment those two men thought one might be the other; a brief moment, yet long enough for understanding.

The man without happy endings turned down that understanding.

The man who had lost his wife had learned not to take no for an answer.

And the man without happy endings had no choice but to smile and mean it.


6. Doctor Who

Jack's been through all this before. In his head, of course - he's certainly not been short on time to think about it.

What's shocking is that for all the effort, when he meets the Doctor? He goes blank. Nothing clever to say. Centuries of thought - and blank. Nothing.

Because the Doctor just undoes you. Jack doesn't know if it's a Time Lord thing, or if it's just him; but no one keeps their head straight around him. Not really.

And for all the times the bastard's screwed him over, he still wants him to have a happy ending.


7. Mac/PC

PC has very little to say.

"It's not your fault," Mac doesn't say. "No one could have known it would go down that badly. You were only trying to protect people, after all. Admittedly, whether they wanted to be protected or not, but..."

No. Mac doesn't say anything. It would just upset PC to acknowledge that... well.

At least PC will learn from his mistakes, right?

"I'm sure Windows 7 will do fine. Bad maths, but -"

"I should go to bed," PC sighed, looking decidedly glum and dejected.

"Don't worry, babe." Mac cuddles closer. "'Least you still outsell me."


8. Harry Potter

Tonks doesn't mind the genderswitching. Only once did Remus ask her to change more than her genitalia. He'd sobbed afterwards until everything broken in him floated to the surface and she held him throughout.

Even with the damage he'd been a beautiful thing. A good thing. And he'd said he was sorry, over and over, kissing her chosen face, hugging her chosen body.

She doesn't really think he's ever forgiven himself. But she likes being on top.

She'd only ever lie down for a girl, she reckons.

And he'd only ever stand up for a man.

But they work. Somehow.


9. Good Omens

"What are y - what is - what?" Aziraphale spluttered, trying each out for taste before finally crying, "What are you doing to your car?"

At least Crowley had the decency to look ashamed. "I, er... I saw something on the Internet."

"There are many things on the Internet, Crowley! Most of them not recommendable!"

"Well, I -" It's hard making a case for yourself when an angel comes across you tapping your car's ass through an elaborate setup involving padding the exhaust. To his credit, Crowley made an effort.

An effort of a different sort, anyway. "I was bored?"


10. Harry Potter

Remus blinked slowly, tilting the picture one way, then another, before giving up. "What am I looking for?"

Sirius rolled his eyes, pointed, waited for Remus to cotton on.

"I still d- wait - wait - oh my God! Sirius, that's disgusting!"

Sirius near choked on laughter as Remus threw the picture down before storming out.

He could explain later it was just a badly timed, badly angled shot where it wasn't entirely obvious that the lad in the corner was holding the handle of his broom rather than anything more vulgar, but... well.

It was funnier letting Remus fume.


11. Good Omens

"You are a vile, virulent creature with no more right to life than a cockroach!" Aziraphale snapped.

Or, well, sort-of-snapped. Anyone passing by would assume it was a snap. But, of course, angels don't snap. That would just be rude.

"What is it thisss time angel?" Crowley asked, looking up from the book he was - in theory - reading.

"A rat, Crowley, nibbling at my books!" Aziraphale yelped.

"Wonder how that got there?" Crowley mused, before stretching back in the chair and looking carefully absent-minded.

It didn't work.

A surprise smiting is even more unpleasant than its standard cousin.

fic: merlin, fic: good omens, fic: harry potter, fic: mac/pc, contributor: emerald_embers, fic: supernatural, fic, fic: doctor who

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