Title: Comfort (Pt. 9/9 of The Courtship of Richard Castle)
Rating: Strong T
Genre: Romance/Friendship
Characters: Castle, Beckett, Ryan, Esposito, Martha, Alexis
Word Count: ~4000 words
Summary: In which this tale of love and romance is concluded amidst some news that Castle isn't too happy with.
Thank you. For last night. )
Comments 6
Anyway, beautifully written and I look forward to reading more of your work in the near future.
and yes - warm and fuzzy was totally what I was going for, with a dash of 'aww, shucks' :P
Glad you liked!
Esposito's 'sneaky bastard' made me frown, because that would be a bit OOC of him to shout it at a real suspect:D. You had me fooled*g*
I really hope we'll hear more from you in the future.
:) Definitely more from me soon.
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