Grief Counseling -- Something New

Dec 13, 2008 21:16

Anyone remember an itty bitty little fic written by myself and amejisuto by the name of griefcounseling? Remember we promised you two epilogues? Well, finally, there's something in the pipeline. Work has begun on an epilogue/one-shot in the Grief Counseling 'verse. It's a brand new story that takes place about six months from where we left you. And to celebrate this event ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

katbcoll December 13 2008, 21:33:39 UTC

and yes the layout is fantastic!!!


suki_blue December 15 2008, 12:55:12 UTC
Thank you! And I really hope you enjoy the fic after so long!


brunettepet December 13 2008, 21:46:06 UTC
More "Grief Counseling!" Yay! I was just thinking a re-read was in order and now I can be building to an Epilogue.

I love the new banner, too.


suki_blue December 15 2008, 12:55:58 UTC
Excellent! I hope you enjoy GC just as much second time around!

Thank you!


mulder200 December 13 2008, 22:01:52 UTC
Oh yes! This is one of my favorite Spander stories and now I can reread and have it be totally complete.


suki_blue December 15 2008, 13:00:11 UTC
Yay, thank you! I do hope you enjoy the epilogue as much as the rest of the story.


(The comment has been removed)

suki_blue December 15 2008, 13:00:44 UTC
Good timing! Thank you!


anxiety_junkie December 14 2008, 07:12:20 UTC
Best. Christmas present. EVER. *g*


suki_blue December 15 2008, 13:03:50 UTC
~g~ Yay! I hope you'll enjoy it.


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