Who: A New Tron
Where: Near the Sea of Simulation.
When: Now
What: Rerezzing on the shore, lost and more then a little panicked.
Warnings: Most likely G, though he's jumpy and may be prone to attack if he feels threatened.
Ere half my days in this dark world and wide )
Comments 30
But after a few talks with Quorra, she had gotten curious.
Only she didn't make it to the sea, something in the way the program was moving catching her attention and making her deviate from her course and go find out more.
"Hey. You all right?"
But then familiarity tingled in the back of his memory, unsteady and confused, yes, but still enough to make him pause, the rigid lines of his body frozen as he strained his auditory sensors.
"Who-...Who's there? Identify yourself, Program!" He hated the way his voice trembled when he spoke, fought to keep it steady. He couldn't show fear. He wouldn't let them see his weakness, even if they realized his great disadvantage.
"Tron? You're Tron, right? I'm still having a bit of trouble with the whole circuits color thing. My name is Lora, Lora Bradley, wife to Alan and the one who wrote Yori. Are you all right?"
And then realization hit him, harder then the lightjet crash over the Sea had been. He crumpled, dropping from the ready position into the kneel of the User-believers as the voice combined in his processor's-eye with memories of the old system and the beautiful, robed Companion he'd held so dear.
"I-I...I was...I...yes, yes, Lora Bradley. That is the name Alan-1 gave to me when he wrote me." He didn't know what else to say, questions rolling through his mind. If she was here, how long had he been adrift??? If she had come, it must have surely have meant that Kevin Flynn and Sam Flynn had escaped and brought her here. But why?
"I...I'm lost. What's brought you here, User? Am I...will I be punished for my deeds? Please...User...what color am I? Blue, or White, or-...?"
There was a scraping sound, as if someone was walking over the sand. Anon opened eyes that he didn't remember closing, There was a familiar figure walking away from the Sea.
He'd have heard an approaching lightcycle. Could this, then, be another new Tron?
Jumping off the rock and running forward, Anon set an intercept course.
[OOC: If your Tron can scan for recognition codes, Anon's is Monitor-SJ41989.]
"Who's there? I can hear you, Program, identify yourself!"
[Awe, no, he can't. I think for him, it's a combination of circuit pattern and color and facial recognition that he stores in his memory banks. Not very useful when he's completely blind.]
Ah. Identification was going to be tricky.
If Anon had known ASCII, that might have helped. As it was, he only knew numerical, which was not a great deal of use. He tried anyway, scrape-tapping the equivalent numbers into the beach sand with his foot, using taps for zeroes and scrapes for ones and pausing in between numbers.
"Anon? How...Your energy signature was never located after Clu's first Rectifier was destroyed. I looked. Have you been out here this entire time?"
She'd landed some distance away this time, making a slow sweep in search of evidence, since it had been some time since her last visit. The dark figure gave her pause for an instant, recent events leaving her more wary than ever, but the blue circuitry... "Tron," she breathed, throwing away caution to dash lightly toward him.
A newcomer, most likely, and moving too slowly to be quite well. Hers--maybe--probably not--Users, please?
"Stay back! I know you're there. Identify yourself!"
The question of identity was tremendously complicated. "I'm--a friend." If he didn't know her, easier for them both if she could explain some part of the circumstances before names were named or memories searched. How badly had this Tron been hurt?
"Who are you? What's your name?"
He diverted his gaze from the water to see movement on the beach below. He squinted to get a better look. Who or what was that? He got up and headed down for a closer look. It was a program. One that looked very familiar indeed.
Flynn swallowed and moved closer but slowly. Cautiously. "Tron? Are you alright?"
"Get away! I won't go back!" He refused to let Clu take him in again, refused to let him rewrite his code and put the restrictions back into place. He was disappointed he still lived, after his attempts at taking them both out, but that was fine. He could deal with that here and now. He simply had to be careful not to let him get the best of him when he was at such a great disadvantage.
"I'm not Clu. It's me, Flynn. Tron, look. I'm not going to hurt you or make you go back." He stood with his hands open in submission. "I know I look like Clu, yet, I am not him. Far from it. I wish no harm on any program or ISO alike." He stood, watching Tron's movements. Trying to gage his next move.
Giving him some breathing space sounded like a good idea. By the looks of things, he'd been through a lot.
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