30 Kisses [HyuAi]: 20, 25, 28, 9

Apr 19, 2005 15:17

Now these are just getting, um, interesting. And experimental. I've been staring at some of these themes and have just been drawing blanks. What am I, like halfway? Will I finish?

20. the road home

They don’t have a home. Or, rather, they have homes, separate locations that require separate journeys and that end in places that feel familiar only because they house the beds that feel comfortable enough for them to sleep in at night. Home is hazy memories filled with lights and sounds and smells. A nostalgic feeling. A feeling of rest.

This is almost like the sensation that steals his breath away when he finds her standing on his doorstep after a long, lonely walk. This is something like the anticipation that makes her heart skip a beat when he appears leaning on her door at the end of a tedious day.

But these are nothing like the feeling of strong, enveloping arms or the sweet, wordless greeting of lips meeting lips. These aren’t home either, but it is something closer, something new, something they are willing to recreate together, a path explored hand in hand and a journey concluding in each other.

25. fence

Sometimes it seems like she fences her favors to him, dredging them up from deep within herself where there is a treasure trove of affection. From here her shadowling steals away little lover’s tokens before discipline and self-consciousness catch on. He notices this in the way she begins to smile when she sees him but then stops herself and looks away. But when their eyes meet in a quiet space that is almost like intimacy, she offers him a smile bristling with secrets.

And like a fool he buys them up, hoping for a key, hoping for a deeper revelation. He pays in time, distance, and respect. She gives change in desire, anguish, and torment. Every kiss comes at the price of his heart, but he’s too afraid to ask if there’s a refund policy.

28. Wada Calcium CD3 (it's a calcium pill -- go here and don't ask me why....)

She takes icky calcium pills every day. For some god-awful reason, she buys the chewable tablets. They taste like chalk. He knows. They fill his mouth when he kisses her, distasteful but, he supposes, ultimately nourishing. Because she tastes delicious to his taste buds, Hughes wonders if exactly the opposite of Hawkeye is true: since she was delectable did that make her poisonous?

Yes, he decides as he gladly submits to her attentions, she was poison of the best tasting kind.

9. dash

They send each other messages that thrill along the nerves. The dot, dot, dot of kisses peppering her neck, the dash… dash… dash… of lingering lips trailing down her torso, and the dot, dot, dot of tongues meeting, parting, meeting.


A cry of distress.

fma, hyuai, fanfic, 30 kisses

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