Challenge #010 - Rainbow.
This weeks theme will be Rainbow. It's a technical challenge, so you can use screencaps of every character on the show, but your main color in the icon must be one of the seven rainbow colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. For this challenge you can enter up to 7 icons (one for every color), less than 7 is okay too, but you can't enter 2 icons with the same color (for example 2 red icons). If all sets are full, we will have special voting for sets, but if they're not we will have the normal voting. You can use any screencap, still or promo photo
HERE is a list of galleries that could be helpful. Good Luck!
1.You must be a member of the community in order to participate.
2.Submit only new icons. They must fit LJ standarts - 100x100 and no bigger than 40 kb (smaller is allowed).
3.Animations is NOT allowed, but textures, brushes, text and etc. are all encouraged.
4.Submit your entries in a new POST to the community and tag it with your username and number of the challenge.
5.You must use the pictures provided for each challenge, unless stated otherwise.
6.You are allowed to submit up to 4 icons. 7 icons.
7.Submit your icons in a host, with the HTML code and the URL.
Like this: If you have any questions, just ask :)
submissions end on Friday, October 4, at
7 p.m - Bulgaria Time Zone Countdown