Challenge 08

Oct 21, 2008 20:19

This is going to be a special challenge.So, please read the rules carefully.

Challenge 08: S4 Promo Stills

- Icon must conform to LJ standards: 100x100 (or smaller) and under 40KB.
- The icons you submit must be made especially for the challenge; don't use or post the icons anywhere publically until voting is over.
- Everything is allowed.Blends, textures, brushes, etc.
- For this special Challenge, you may enter up to two (2) icons.
- When submitting your icons, be sure to post the icons and the URLs.
- Please enter both icons in one seperate post.
Comments are always welcome on the makers work.
- Use the challenge number as subject line. Example: #01
- Please watch for all rules the userinfo.
- You have until sunday nnight 20pm CET to post your entries.

Click for larger view!

Also, don't forget to vote in our tie here.

challenge 08

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