1sentence prompts: Ichihime (fanfic)

Jan 12, 2008 02:56

Finally finished my
1sentence IchiHime claim. 50 prompts, 1 sentence each was a lot harder than I thought. It's hard to hide cheese in one sentence. I dislike obvious cheese. D:

Fandom: BLEACH
Pairing: Kurosaki Ichigo/ Inoue Orihime
Theme set: Gamma (Zombie Powder made me do it)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: I don't think Hueco Mundo is a spoiler anymore...

#01 - Ring

Orihime wished more than anything that someday she would have the courage to get down on one knee and give him that special ring.

#02 - Hero

“My mother was my hero, you know,” Ichigo said softly that night when they had nothing to talk about.

#03 - Memory

He may not remember it, but it was his words that kept her living that day her brother died.

#04 - Box

The moment Orihime saw that clumsily wrapped present that smelled like orange mist, she knew that it came from Ichigo.

#05 - Run

“And then ZOOOM into the sky,” was how Orihime ended her tale about the dream she had last night about her and Ichigo chasing after noodle bunnies.

#06 - Hurricane

He reached desperately for her hand before the raging wind separated them from each other, plunging downwards towards Soul Society.

#07 - Wings

On that day Orihime was laughed at for drawing a robot for her “My Future Self” project, Ichigo was desperately trying to hide his badly drawn version of him with wings, flying towards the warm Hawaii beaches.

#08 - Cold

Desert nights were cold, so when Orihime thought about Ichigo coming to Hueco Mundo to save her, she couldn’t help worrying about whether or not he brought a jacket.

#09 - Red

When they were walking back home from school, a red dragonfly decided to perch on Ichigo’s finger.

#10 - Drink

He knew that if he hadn’t surprised her with a can of cold tea, she would have tired herself out trying to re-attach Jidanbou’s arm.

#11 - Midnight

When they arrived from Soul Society, Orihime spent up to midnight telling her brother about how they had saved Rukia and how cute Kurosaki-kun’s bankai was.

#12 - Temptation

She wanted so much to wake him up and tell her that she’s there, but knew that she had to leave.

#13 - View

He was sitting on the stairs and she was smiling down on him, both thinking how beautiful the other looked from that angle.

#14 - Music

They didn’t have the same taste of music, so she was surprised to hear him humming the same song.

#15 - Silk

Orihime ruffled Ichigo’s hair, noticing how it was silky smooth despite its spikyness.

#16 - Cover

“Shh, I’m a spy,” Orihime whispered when Ichigo caught her sneaking around school underneath what seemed to be floral patterned bed sheets.

#17 - Promise

When Shun-ou told her that her powers came from him, she promised that she would use it to keep him safe.

#18 - Dream

Ichigo dreamt about getting married to Orihime, a dream that ended with a honeymoon to Jupiter, talking space sushi, atomic sunflowers and waking up thinking “what the fuck”.

#19 - Candle

Sometimes Orihime would secretly visit Masaki’s grave, lighting a candle to thank her for Ichigo’s birth.

#20 - Talent

“You can make really funny faces,” Orihime said when Ichigo was wondering if he had any special talents.

#21 - Silence

He didn’t know who she is, or what relation she had with the man that was brought in by the ambulance, but he held her hand in silence as his father tried his best to save that man’s life.

#22 - Journey

Because he had journeyed to save an important friend, Orihime was sure that she had fallen in love with the right person.

#23 - Fire

That night he realized that fireworks were more beautiful if he watched them reflected on her eyes.

#24 - Strength

He told himself that by the time he finds her, he must be strong enough to tell her that she was his strength.

#25 - Mask

The kindness in his eyes reassured her that it was definitely Kurosaki-kun that was behind that monstrous mask.

#26 - Ice

Ichigo made sure to treat Orihime to ice cream so that she may taste what “normal” ice cream tastes like, you know, the kind that wasn’t slathered in ketchup, mustard and other various condiments.

#27 - Fall

She tried sneaking up on him, but the sound of leaves crackling under her foot gave her away.

#28 - Forgotten

Guilty that he had somehow caused what had happened to Orihime’s brother, Ichigo made sure that he wouldn’t be forgotten in his prayers.

#29 - Dance

Rukia smiled at how Ichigo bashfully asked Orihime to the dance, making sure to tease him about it afterwards.

#30 - Body

Her body passed through the walls of his room like that of a ghost, but the tears that she left were real.

#31 - Sacred

“You can’t just grab them like that!” Ichigo exclaimed at Keigo’s suggestion.

#32 - Farewells

It was painful to watch her say goodbye to her brother again, but he stayed there in case she needed a shoulder to cry on.

#33 - World

In this pure white world of bone, sand and crystal plants, every once in a while Orihime would wish to see the familiar black and orange figure of her beloved shinigami.

#34 - Formal

An excited Orihime wanted to dress as an elegant pudding cup on the dance Ichigo invited her to go with, but it was a good thing Tatsuki was there.

#35 - Fever

“Nonsense, Kurosaki-kun! We all know that a bowl of cheese and ketchup chicken soup is the best cure for fever,” said nurse Orihime while force-feeding the said soup to a sick Ichigo.

#36 - Laugh

She wanted to see him laugh, and so she didn’t want him to see her cry.

#37 - Lies

“I hate you,” Orihime muttered over and over in her head, hoping that Ichigo would hear and stop getting hurt fighting Grimmjow.

#38 - Forever

“Did you say something, Kurosaki-kun?” Orihime asked as they watched the sun go down together.

#39 - Overwhelmed

“I never thought Kurosaki-kun would look so good in an apron,” Orihime confided to Tatsuki one day after home economics class.

#40 - Whisper

“Someday,” Sora whispered to his sleeping sister, “you’ll find someone who can protect you better than me.”

#41 - Wait

She accidentally grabbed his hand when she was really going for his arm.

#42 - Talk

Isshin pinned Ichigo down the floor and gave him “the talk” after seeing him walk home with Orihime.

#43 - Search

Annoyed at how lovey-dovey Orihime’s thoughts was whenever she was with Ichigo, Tsubaki decided to secretly raid the boy’s room and look for some blackmail material.

#44 - Hope

Hope came in the form of a little girl, who was missing a few teeth and spoke with a lisp.

#45 - Eclipse

The black moon eclipsed the healing white sun, protecting her from those who wished her harm.

#46 - Gravity

Orihime wanted to catch him, but it ended up with him falling on top her, which wasn’t as bad as she expected it to be.

#47 - Highway

Driving on top speed on a faraway highway with her beside him was part of Ichigo’s plans on what to do once he’s old enough to drive.

#48 - Unknown

Orihime, who was proud of her cooking skills, had no idea what to say about the flavor of Ichigo’s “special spaghetti”.

#49 - Lock

Her heart would skip a beat every time she heard the prison door unlock, hoping that he would be the one behind the door.

#50 - Breathe

The pregnant Orihime demanded that Ichigo be dressed in an identical pink frock whenever they do their breathing exercises.

a/n: I can not crack pregnancy jokes to save my life. D:

I wrote cheese.

fanfic, bleach, pimp post

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