"Panic is a slow dissolve, a terror quiet calm."

May 22, 2013 12:53

1. Yesterday afternoon, we saw J.J. Abrams' Star Trek: Into Darkness, and I loved it. Delightfully superb! Do not listen to the nay-sayers.

2. Yes, I'm very sorry to hear that Christopher Eccleston will not be part of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special. The Constant Reader will recall that Nine is MY Doctor. But to these people who are acting ( Read more... )

good movies, doctor who, star trek, hemlock grove, freeness, science fiction, idiots who see things, true blood, farscape, christopher eccleston, television, tolkien, alabaster, spring, fairie

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Comments 37

shanejayell May 22 2013, 17:03:17 UTC
I'm looking forward to the 50th, actually. I'm sorta a 'new' Whovian, so I'm all wide eyed and going "wow" at everything. *lol*


greygirlbeast May 22 2013, 17:12:41 UTC

I'm also a new Whovian, having begun with 9.


vipermitch May 22 2013, 17:36:23 UTC
Doctor Who 9 was my start also - I loved the Matt Smith episodes with Amy Pond and Rory best and got pretty burned out on David Tennant. Though of the last few episodes I dearly loved the piece, the Rings of Akhateen. The music was just gorgeous - I wish they had print info about the performers.


greygirlbeast May 22 2013, 18:01:34 UTC

loved the Matt Smith episodes with Amy Pond and Rory best

Gotta admit, I loved Amy, and I hated Rory with a white hot passion.

and got pretty burned out on David Tennant.

I loved Tenant to the end, and I was sorry to see him go.


martianmooncrab May 22 2013, 18:14:41 UTC
A faerie tale for adults (the film begins with "One Upon a Time...").

In the Navy, the difference between a fairy tale and someone telling you a true story is that a fairy tale begins with "once upon a time" and the sea story begins "This is no shit" ..

One must listen to the story to know the difference..


greygirlbeast May 22 2013, 18:29:08 UTC

One must listen to the story to know the difference..

As is always the case.


vipermitch May 22 2013, 18:20:00 UTC
Almost forgot - if no one noticed but in the Season finale they announced the next Doctor will be John Hurt.


greygirlbeast May 22 2013, 18:28:21 UTC

but in the Season finale they announced the next Doctor will be John Hurt.

I haven't seen a finalized announcement. Everything I've read is along the lines of:

And as 73-year-old Hurt turned round, the words "introducing John Hurt as The Doctor" flashed on-screen. But it is not entirely clear if Hurt is expected to become part of the weekly series.


setsuled May 22 2013, 18:36:14 UTC
There is a lot of speculation about who John Hurt is. The two leading theories are that he was a secret incarnation from between Paul McGann and Christopher Eccleston--who is not called "The Doctor" and not considered part of the Doctor's lineage because of his actions in the Time War--and that he's the Valeyard, an amalgamation from between the Doctor's twelfth and thirteenth incarnations who first appeared in The Trial of a Time Lord, a story that encompassed the whole of the Sixth Doctor's second season.


greygirlbeast May 22 2013, 18:48:13 UTC

There is a lot of speculation about who John Hurt is.


Also, I think you know a lot more about the Whovian mythos than do I.


setsuled May 22 2013, 18:31:44 UTC
But to these people who are acting pissy about Eccleston's declining to take part in the special I say fuck off.

I am disappointed about him not appearing, though I certainly respect his right to decline. I'm probably closer to pissy about the Doctors who want to be on the special but aren't being asked. But that's possibly misinformation, albeit straight from those Doctors' mouths. Steven Moffat's known for spreading inaccurate info, which I kind of respect. I'm not sure it's entirely impossible Eccleston is going to be in the special.

Also, he's still the coolest Doctor ever

What, not Colin Baker? (Kidding)


greygirlbeast May 22 2013, 18:48:59 UTC

'm probably closer to pissy about the Doctors who want to be on the special but aren't being asked.

I've really not read much about this.


setsuled May 22 2013, 18:59:42 UTC
Here's one of the instances where older Doctors have denied they've been asked to participate. It's particularly sad in McCoy's case, who indicates in this article that it's the producers at the BBC who won't allow it. McCoy goes to conventions in full costume--presumably a copy since Peter Jackson famously purchased the actual costume McCoy wore.


greygirlbeast May 22 2013, 19:04:12 UTC

I do agree it's a shame that actors who wanted to be included weren't. But, too, surely there was only so much space within the story.

McCoy goes to conventions in full costume

I have to admit this is sort of...sad.


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