Taking a quick look at the source code, the set up is all just html. The link to Vimeo requires a flash player to view, but that isn't what Amanda's talking about at all.
The current video on the page's just an embedded link to vimeo's hosting of the pre-existing video. (So it's currently html with some easy pre-existing javascript.) (Plus, Flash is tacky and Amanda's site isn't tacky, see: http://www.amandadownum.com/bio.html.)
octopus- and jellyfish-shaped sugar cookies These sound excellent; I like the idea of nibbling off sugar-encrusted tentacles.
I really, really want to see the Tintin movie just for Simon Pegg/Nick Frost Thomson & Thompson, but on top of the outrageous price, 3D always makes me nauseous. Blargh.
For years I used to "hear" Neuromancer in a voice akin to the faux-Harrison-Ford narration in the original cinematic release of Blade Runner, and then I heard Gibson reading - I think it was on the tour for Virtual Light - and that flipped the book over into a very different style. It makes it about three times as long, for one thing. It's been years since I read it, must do so again soonish; my copies of the trilogy are still in Ireland, but I may pick it up in May.
I wish the Blade Runner vo was in Ireland and had never been put into the film. I know people who hate Blade Runner just because of the voiceover and refuse to forgive it. I was relieved to find out that everyone legitimately involved with the film hated it. (Very few films are improved by voiceovers, and when they are it's because the loopy internal monologue explores characterization, not when someone explains what you're seeing: Heathers, Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.)
I wish the Blade Runner vo was in Ireland and had never been put into the film.
I was relieved to find out that everyone legitimately involved with the film hated it.
Harrison Ford's hatred for it was impressive, and it was a vindication when I learned he delivered it reluctantly and with no attempt whatsoever to imbue it with sincerity or authenticity. He just sat there, reading words he knew had no place in the film.
Y'know, if people didn't have such short attention spans perhaps they could look back to previous periods when 3D was popular and examine how long it stayed around.
Also, I have enough issues with eyesight that I am not going to pay money to have it messed up more.
Y'know, if people didn't have such short attention spans perhaps they could look back to previous periods when 3D was popular and examine how long it stayed around.
From financial, artistic, and temporal perspectives, this time it's entirely different. We are so far beyond those red-and-green (or blue?) cardboard glasses.
Also, I have enough issues with eyesight that I am not going to pay money to have it messed up more.
I was surprised at the number of people with binocular vision who can't see 3D.
Comments 51
I can do web design if all you need can be powered by HTML and the occasional javascript. Flash and PHP are beyond me.
Do you have a jellyfish cookie cutter, or do you hand craft little doughy tentacles?
We have cookie cutters.
I can do web design if all you need can be powered by HTML and the occasional javascript. Flash and PHP are beyond me.
Not sure. Inserting the video might require Flash. I'll check it out. And thanks for the offer, regardless.
The current video on the page's just an embedded link to vimeo's hosting of the pre-existing video. (So it's currently html with some easy pre-existing javascript.) (Plus, Flash is tacky and Amanda's site isn't tacky, see: http://www.amandadownum.com/bio.html.)
So...she could do it? based on what's up now? That's what you're saying?
These sound excellent; I like the idea of nibbling off sugar-encrusted tentacles.
I really, really want to see the Tintin movie just for Simon Pegg/Nick Frost Thomson & Thompson, but on top of the outrageous price, 3D always makes me nauseous. Blargh.
but on top of the outrageous price, 3D always makes me nauseous.
Lacking binocular vision, I can't even see it.
Not inappropriate. Though that vo in the film is loathsome.
I wish I were in Ireland.
I wish the Blade Runner vo was in Ireland and had never been put into the film.
I was relieved to find out that everyone legitimately involved with the film hated it.
Harrison Ford's hatred for it was impressive, and it was a vindication when I learned he delivered it reluctantly and with no attempt whatsoever to imbue it with sincerity or authenticity. He just sat there, reading words he knew had no place in the film.
Also, I have enough issues with eyesight that I am not going to pay money to have it messed up more.
Y'know, if people didn't have such short attention spans perhaps they could look back to previous periods when 3D was popular and examine how long it stayed around.
From financial, artistic, and temporal perspectives, this time it's entirely different. We are so far beyond those red-and-green (or blue?) cardboard glasses.
Also, I have enough issues with eyesight that I am not going to pay money to have it messed up more.
I was surprised at the number of people with binocular vision who can't see 3D.
Ha, shows how much I know about the current state of 3D.
Because I hate 3D so much, I have a duty to follow this insane gimmick.
I fancied Tintin and Hugo, but I really cannot be doing with the 3-D BS.
Bugger - I wished you two a good Solstice a day early. (Best ignore that particular Facebook post, at least until tomorrow.)
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