Yesterday, I wrote 1,034 words, passed the 10,000 word mark on The Secret Project, and finished Chapter One of Interstate Love Song. Yeah, they're one and the same. I didn't want to say that until I was all the way through this chapter.
Congratulations! I had been hoping, but one does not ask about secret projects. I look forward very much to this book.
"The rest of you, this is on you, and until your dying day - and even afterwards - it will be the black mark that drags you down. If there is any justice."
Comments 3
Congratulations! I had been hoping, but one does not ask about secret projects. I look forward very much to this book.
"The rest of you, this is on you, and until your dying day - and even afterwards - it will be the black mark that drags you down. If there is any justice."
Hard words, but I agree with you.
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