Fandom: BTVS and ATS
Title: Untitled 3/?
Rating: PG, later on it may become NC-17 but not yet.
Summary: Post Chosen the characters split themselves between the other Hellmouth and LA. In this chapter the Scoobies and company arrive at W&H
Prompt: Chimera (tamingthemuse)
Paring: None in this chapter, various later on including, S/X, B/OC and others
He’s the center of attention, for once in his life he’s the center of everything in the room and he hates it. To think that the one thing he’s really worked for his entire life/unlife is something he hates. It was never about impressing his sire it was always about wanting to be the one she focused on not her “Daddy” All the eyes fixed on him are making him uncomfortable. Everyone is in awe of him and they seem to think that he’s this big hero who could do no wrong. They can’t even look at him the same way they did before, all the eyes on him are worshiping well all they eyes except three. Dawn can’t even look at him without crying, she sees her hero but she also sees him, she’s the only one who ever did and nothing in her eyes has changed but the eye that surprises him the most is Xander’s, that lonely eye is fixed on him showing nothing but understanding. There is no worship and Spike feels that if he were to walk over to Harris and call him “Whelp” the boy would insult him back.
It was a nice thing to think that someone else understood what he was feeling, someone knew that just because he did something good all the evil he had done still existed and he still was the same person he had been. You would think that Willow would be the one to understand what he was feeling, seeing as she had seen the evil side of life, but no there was no answering understanding in her eyes. The only person who showed any sign of understanding other than Xander was Faith. The one girl that they had all written off as evil was the only one who understood working for forgiveness.
He can’t believe that Spike’s alive. He spent so much energy hating him and there he is like a mythical Chimera, something that you don’t think is real, that you don’t think could exist that you see when you turn the corner. Apparently the vampires in the Masters line have a penchant for coming back to life they just didn’t seem to want to die and stay dead. Xander wondered what he was going to do now that he’s back well not completely dead. They had decided that he and Dawn were still going to stay here in LA even though Angel is in charge of EVIL central. Wesley seems to have grown up in the last four years he’s no longer the geeky child he was when he lived in Sunny D but when Xander made his comment under his breath about chimeras, not believing they existed and the Aurelian’s penchant for surviving everything. He tried to pipe up and comment on the actual existence of Chimera’s but when Giles interrupted him both Xander and Wesley flashed back to the library of Sunnydale high. The shame and the feeling of the punished child hidden under the stairs penetrating their conscious mind. That never really happened to Xander like it had to Wesley but the shame of unknown pain and the sorrow of youth felt like a universal pain that everyone felt to varying degrees.
Xander got up from his seat and went to stand beside Spike who was sitting in a chair in the middle of a circle. He placed his hand on the back of Spike’s chair. “Welcome back Spike.” with a grin on his face.