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Comments 12

visionsbeyond April 26 2009, 08:08:09 UTC
Nice to see your first post grendel! :D Love RA and B&W! #4 and 25 are the best! :D


grendel_mother April 26 2009, 12:17:03 UTC
Thanks Val- it's taken me a while to get round to doing this!


kf_creations April 27 2009, 09:18:07 UTC
Yippeee - icons are up and running!!!!!

Looks wonderful missy.

ok, 8,9,21,25 and 29 are my favorites, but honestly, I love all your B&W ones. You have a wonderful sense of tone :-)


grendel_mother April 27 2009, 11:41:26 UTC
Many thanks for your help- and your lovely comments.


kf_creations April 27 2009, 13:48:02 UTC
blahh - what help! - you did it all!!!!!

And it is nice to be able to come on over and see your work here, and comment on it.

*runs of squeeeeeeing*


grendel_mother April 28 2009, 05:16:24 UTC
Well I call it help - especially the encouragement - managed to post on Armitage Daily but didn't manage a link to this journal- next time!


cherryt1965 April 28 2009, 20:49:14 UTC
I love them all, but have a special fondness for the JT ones *swoon* yes all of them


grendel_mother April 28 2009, 21:44:08 UTC
Thanks CherryT- JT has a lot to answer for, none of this would have happened for starters!


cherryt1965 April 28 2009, 21:47:16 UTC
I think you are quite right, John has a lot to answer for................

time wasting on the internet *check*

making new friends *check*

learning new skills *check*

having fun *double check check* **wink** lol


grendel_mother April 29 2009, 03:37:34 UTC
lol! Yes all of the above - but I'm not complaining * wink *


kolibrichen August 10 2009, 22:45:45 UTC
they really look amazing, like my new icon ;) thank you very much (I had to use it right now) *g*


grendel_mother August 11 2009, 04:40:47 UTC
Thank you! I see you've managed to snaffle it successfully.


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