At least I'm persistent !

Feb 25, 2010 11:47

Maybe the gremlins won't be around today! Well they're still here! Actually I think it's worked- woo hoo - These are some quilts I've been working on lately.

Quilts )

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Comments 4

visionsbeyond February 25 2010, 13:29:05 UTC
Awww these are pretty grendel! I especially love the first one :D


grendel_mother February 25 2010, 20:59:06 UTC
Thanks Val - It's an 'I Spy ' quilt for a sick child our quilting group is taking part in a 'quilts for Sick Kids' project - they all go to the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.


fionissima February 25 2010, 19:11:52 UTC
Beautiful stuff, grendel! ♥ I really like the pattern on the second one. :D


grendel_mother February 25 2010, 21:03:34 UTC
Thank you Fiona- it was a Mystery Quilt workshop - I was really pleased with how it worked out.


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