Title: Text Author: gremlin4 Genre: Humor Chapter: 37/??? Pairing: Kyo/Ruki Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Language. Disclaimer: Still don't own them. Summary: A bunch of text messages between Kyo and Ruki.
Wow, I remember reading some of these a long time ago and finding them really humorous. I'm glad you've decided to write more and share them with jrockyaoi! My partner and I have this kind of argument every time one of our cats gets sick, blaming each other for even owning them. Between Ruki and Kyo, it's really cute!
Yeah. I have a thing for not letting any of my series die off gracefully. -lol- But, thank you for reading. I'm glad to hear there are still a few that enjoy these.
Yay! This is the good stuff. You have no idea how happy I am right now. I really appreciate you as a writer and your body of work as well as YOU the awesome human being.
OMG, you live!!! you are alive!! this site is alive!! I was just recently watching old videos of both Dir en Grey and GazettE and I thought of visiting this page to see if it still exists.. thank you for writing something precious again.. this certainly made my day.. ^^
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