challenge 34 results, challenge 35 details

Jul 15, 2007 09:40

Sorry this is so late!


by kcohen


by mariusgirl

THIRD (tie)

by kcohen

by mariusgirl


by thiscanbegin

Challenge 35: Pairing challenge

You can either use the pictures or find your own picture of your Greg OTP, but the main thing is a Greg pairing! I found random pictures of Nick/Greg for you slash fans, and Cath/Greg, Sara/Greg and even Mia/Greg for those of you who ship them :)

Click on the thumbnails to view the larger image!

But if you happen to ship Grissom/Greg or Sofia/Greg or any other ship, please feel free to find your own pictures and submit icons!

EDITED TO ADD: OT3s are also allowed.

Now, rules:
- Must be at most 100x100 and under 40kb.
- These icons are due Friday, July 20th
- Four icons a person.
- Have fun, please!

submissions, challenge 34, challenge 35, results

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