Oh, it isn't too interesting - just a black wire twisted around in bits with some beads added that I found in my backpack. It looks kind of like something out of a comic book. I'll try to get a picture of it, sometime soon ^_^!
Well, I'd like to do something and maybe even go somewhere, but without that kind of stuff. It doesn't have to be ocean city. I hate it when its full of the highschool and college kids, anyway. The best time to got here is, like, September when the water's really warm and all the kids and tourists are away :\.
Comments 5
Yeah, I really don't want to do Senior Week. It'll be everyone partying & getting shitfaced & having sex, & I really don't want to go.
And yeah. Even though the only time we can really go is when at least the preppy college kids are out in full force... It's depressing.
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